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Thread: why you should listen to Alex Jones

  1. #1

    Cool why you should listen to Alex Jones

    I am going to show you some reasons why you should take alex jones seriously. this guy has a legitimate massive following. Lets begin! His website is www.infowars.com

    it also took me 2 days to assemble this!

    New York magazine described Jones as “America’s leading conspiracy theorist”,[14] and the Southern Poverty Law Center describes him as "the most prolific conspiracy theorist in contemporary America."[15] When asked about these labels, Jones said that he finds himself "proud to be listed as a thought criminal against Big Brother".[14

    1. For a guy who’s pretty out there, he’s got some scale. His daily four-hour show airs on more than 60 AM and FM radio stations, according to Infowars.com, one of his two websites. It’s syndicated by Genesis Communications, a radio network founded in 1998 by Midas Resources, a vendor of gold and silver coins. The show draws 2 million listeners per week, according to a 2010 Texas Monthly profile.
    Infowars.com and Prisonplanet.tv, his other site, attract a monthly unique audience of 4 million. Jones also has a YouTube channel with 350,000 subscribers, which has received more than 260 million views. He’s produced around 25 documentaries, depending how you count them, including “Loose Change,” the most famous of the films alleging that the Sept. 11 attacks were an inside job by the U.S. Government.

    Speaking of his famous friends, he’s pals with Charlie Sheen and helped to get him fired from “Two and a Half Men.” It was on Jones’s show that Sheen laced into the CBS sitcom’s creator, Chuck Lorre, in a way that was widely perceived as anti-Semitic. For the record, Jones himself has long taken pains to distance himself from overt anti-Semitism or racism of any kind.

    heres an article about him that appeared in rolling stone magazine entitled: Meet Alex Jones

    According to Alexander Zaitchik of Rolling Stone Magazine, in 2011 he had a larger on-line audience than Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh combined.[34]

    Jones also appears as a guest on "Conspiracy Theory" with former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura, as well as on Fox News, Russia Today and mainstream television networks and cable stations in the United States and Britain, according to his Genesis Communications biography.

    While this style plays well with his acolytes, it has notably failed in several high-profile media appearances. During a January 2013 gun control discussion with CNN's Piers Morgan following the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Jones practically foamed at the mouth while shouting Morgan down.

    Jones is surely most infamous for his many predictions. The vast majority come to nothing, but he never stops reminding listeners of the one that came somewhat close. In July 2001, he predicted a major U.S. terrorist attack would occur soon and mentioned the World Trade Center and Osama Bin Laden by name. But, not surprisingly, his overall accuracy rate is infinitesimally low.

    Was it a debate? A berating? A surreal televised "stunt"? No matter what you call radio host Alex Jones' appearance on "Piers Morgan Tonight," one thing is certain: It's generating a great deal of social media buzz.
    On Tuesday morning, Jones was a top-trending topic on Twitter as people read about the interview, watched clips online or shared their thoughts after watching Monday night's fiery exchange live.
    Alex Jones, a 9/11 truther and promoter of other conspiracy theories, appeared on ABC's The View Monday to defend his friend Charlie Sheen, but diverted the interview into slamming George W. Bush for turning American into "a police state." Veteran journalist Barbara Walters did not denounce the radio host when he referenced the theory that the government was behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

    Alex Jones has publicly announced his role as an executive producer forLoose Change: Final Cut as Dylan Avery, Corey Rowe and Jason Bermas gear up for their much anticipated appearance on The View with Rosie O'Donnell next week.

    The Loose Change crews will feature on ABC's The View on Thursday May 24th, it was announced yesterday.

    Loose Change is a series of films released between 2005 and 2009 which argue in favor of certain conspiracy theories surrounding the September 11th attacks. The films were written and directed by Dylan Avery and produced by Korey Rowe, Jason Bermas and Matthew Brown.

    The original Loose Change and Loose Change 2nd Edition have been viewed at least 50 million times over the Internet, making it one of the most watched movies in history, but the Final Cut goes above and beyond, making it not simply the third in a trilogy but a completely new film with oodles of unseen footage, commentary, interviews and eyewitness testimony.

    In North America it “loose change” aired on Fox TV affiliates, but received further screenings internationally.[5] On September 10, 2006 BNN (Bart News Network) Nederland 3[40] and Portuguese public TV Station RTP aired Loose Change in prime time hours. RTP aired it again on 2: for September 17, 2006.[41] FreeLooseChange is an initiative in Berlin, Germany. One-hundred shops, galleries, theatres and a daily newspaper office so far distributed 50,000 free DVDs featuring the documentaries Loose Change and Terrorstorm by Alex Jones in German language versions.[42]
    An August 2006 Vanity Fair article suggested that Loose Change "just might be the first Internet blockbuster." Millions more have viewed the film via unaffiliated websites. More than one million copies of the DVD have been sold, and many more have been given away.[6]
    The film has been broadcast on state media outlets in Belgium, Ireland and Portugal.[5] According to Broadcast magazine, the video was to have a special screening at the UK Houses of Parliament on June 14, 2006.[43][44] Michael Meacher, the British MP who had considered sponsoring the screening, decided against it. On September 11, 2006, Dylan Avery and Jason Bermas appeared on Democracy Now! the War and Peace Report, to debate with James Meigs and David Dunbar,[45] two of the editors of Popular Mechanics and the book Debunking 9/11 Myths.[46]
    In August 2014, Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup (2009) was removed from Netflix for online streaming.

    In his book American Conspiracies, specifically in Chapter 12 (What really happened on September 11?), former Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura wrote that he urged "everyone to see" the documentary Loose Change.[72] The version Ventura saw was the 2007 (Final Cut) and he wrote that from the film, he was "amazed at the many firefighters and other eyewitnesses who talked about a whole series of explosions before and during the collapse of the buildings."[72]

    A couple of years ago, Michele Bachmann was the most pro-government pro-president American Patriot in American History, because her beloved George W. Bush was the president, and she loved to stick her tongue right down his throat, and he bombed Arabs like every day, which was awesome.

    And then, somehow, a Muslim-Hawaiian Arab became president, of the United States! And Michele doesn’t care for that, either, not at all. So she is going to appear on famous FEMA-concentration camper and 9/11 truther and Austin Entertainment Legend Alex Jones’ broadcast, “next week,” according to Alex. This will be, without doubt, the greatest broadcast in the history of radio, teevee and the Internet combined.
    Read more at http://wonkette.com/409537/alex-jone...Br58ukV7Z5s.99

    Michele Marie Bachmann (/ˈbɑːkmən/;[2] née Amble; born April 6, 1956)[3] is an American Republican member of the United States House of Representatives, representing Minnesota's 6th congressional district, a post she has held since 2007. The district includes several of the northern suburbs of the Twin Cities, as well as St. Cloud. The district has recently expanded.
    She was a candidate for the Republican nomination in the 2012 U.S. presidential election,[4] winning the Ames Straw Poll in August 2011 but dropping out in January 2012 after finishing in sixth place in the Iowa caucuses. Bachmann previously served in the Minnesota State Senate and is the first Republican woman to represent the state in Congress.[5] She is a supporter of the Tea Party movement[6] and a founder of the House Tea Party Caucus.[7] Bachmann has been dubbed as the "Queen of the Tea Party".[8][9]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michele_Bachmann#Early_life.2C_education.2C_and_ea rly_career

    In case you missed it, Infowars.com’s Alex Jones appeared on CNN to debate gun control with Piers Morgan Monday night. To put it mildly, Jones lost his composure and has been subjected to good bit of ridicule ever since.
    The wild interview caught the attention of late night TV host Conan O’Brien, who, with the help of his comedy team, put together his own take on Jones’ rant. The comedy sketch shows Jones wielding a handgun, firing shots passionately as he screams at Morgan, warning him against attempting to take Americans’ guns.

    Ronald Ernest "Ron" Paul (born August 20, 1935) is an American physician, author, and former Republican congressman, two-time Republican presidential candidate, and the presidential nominee of the Libertarian Party in the 1988 U.S. Presidential Election.
    Paul served as the U.S. Representative for Texas' 14th and 22nd congressional districts. He represented the 22nd congressional district from 1976 to 1977 and from 1979 to 1985, and then represented the 14th congressional district, which included Galveston, from 1997 to 2013. On three occasions, he sought the presidency of the United States: as the Libertarian Party nominee in 1988 and as a candidate in the Republican primaries of 2008 and 2012. Paul is a critic of thefederal government's fiscal policies, especially the existence of the Federal Reserve, the tax policy, the military–industrial complex, and the War on Drugs. Paul was the first chairman of the conservative PAC Citizens for a Sound Economy[2] and has been characterized as the "intellectual godfather" of the Tea Party movement.[3][4]

    Despite Jones' radical conspiracy theories, Paul has appeared on Jones' program since 1996. In 2007, Jonesdonated $1,000 to Paul's 2007 presidential campaign. New York magazine reported that Jones is a "longtime friend" of Paul and he "takes some credit for Paul's rise to prominence, calling his radio show 'part of the concrete slab that the Ron Paul rocket is fueling on.'"

    Ron Paul has been a regular guest on The Alex Jones Show. Paul has appeared on the show at least thirteen times since the start of 2010, according to a Media Matters search.* (Appearances: December 13, 2011;August 31, 2011; June 28, 2011; April 5, 2011; January 21, 2011; November 23, 2010; October 8, 2010;August 18, 2010; July 1, 2010; May 26, 2010; April 5, 2010; March 4, 2010; January 7, 2010.)

    During a June 28, 2011, interview, Jones asked Paul about the media pulling "dirty tricks" against him. Paul responded, in part, that he relies on people like Jones to "help get the truth out."

    The History Channel's H2 is now regularly airing a show entiled America's Book of Secrets: The Gold Conspiracy on cable television in the USA.
    Other guests include:

    - Jim Rickards
    - Peter Schiff
    - Alex Jones
    ect ect

    In recent years, former Rep. Ron Paul and current Sen. Rand Paul; Fox News figures Lou Dobbs and Andrew Napolitano; gun activists Ted Nugent and Larry Pratt; and climate misinformer Marc Morano have all repeatedly appeared on Jones' show. His immensely popular website Infowars is also frequently promoted by conservative websites like The Drudge Report.

    Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul has appeared on Jones' radio program repeatedly over the years. Paul used Jones' program as a publicity and fundraising platform during his U.S. Senate campaign, and Jones was an enthusiastic and active supporter of his candidacy.

    Fox News senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano repeatedlyappeared on Jones' show and has called him a "dear friend" who "we go to" because of "your zeal and your courage and your fearlessness in exposing" the government. Napolitano also hosted Jones on his FoxNews.com show Freedom Watch.

    Jones' YouTube channel has posted two interviews with Fox Business host Lou Dobbs, from April 2011 and October 2010. In his April interview, Jones praised Dobbs as a "precursor on mainline TV of some of the things [Glenn] Beck did." Jones' channel headlined one of Dobbs' interviews as "Lou Dobbs: Elites Are Setting up a One World Order." As Media Matters has documented, Dobbs has frequently pushed conspiracy theories on CNN and now on Fox News.

    National Rifle Association board member and conservative columnist Ted Nugent has repeatedly appeared on Jones' program to push conspiracies about the Obama administration and guns. During a February 26 appearance, Nugent and Jones traded conspiracy theories about Benghazi, called for President Obama's impeachment, and praised the NRA's new "hardcore" direction. Nugent claimed that Jones is doing "God's work" and that the information on his radio show is "indisputable" and "irrefutable."

    ClimateDepot.com founder Marc Morano is regularly quoted by conservative media outlets like Fox News for climate change misinformation. Morano has often appeared on Jones' program to promote anti-environmental conspiracy theories. In one appearance, after Jones said that Obama might "start a war" to win re-election, Morano responded, "they could try to do that, yes, that's always possible."

    Larry Pratt is the executive director of Gun Owners of America and a regular media guest on the issue of gun laws. Pratt has frequently appeared on Jones' program over the years to discuss topics related to guns. During an appearance on Jones' program last year, Pratt suggested that the mass shootings in Aurora, Colorado, could have been staged.

    Through his influential and heavily-trafficked Drudge Report website, Matt Drudge has been perhaps Alex Jones' biggest booster in the media.
    Drudge's website routinely features links to Jones' commentary and various articles at Infowars. According to a 2012 study by Think Progress, between June 2011 and July 2012, Drudge linked to Infowars and conspiracy website WND a combined 184 times.
    Drudge also features two permanent links to Jones' Infowars outlet among his list of news websites and commentators.
    Fox News' Fox Nation website has also promoted numerous articles from Infowars

    On January 28, 2011, the History Channel aired a show by Brad Meltzer and the "Decoded" team about the Bohemian Grove in California, cloaked by the Redwood forest and very serious security for this extension of the Skull and Bones life-long fraternity of Yale – the modern equivalent of pirates with suits and ties, who are among the world's elite.

    In the History Channel episode, a few of the investigative crew try to sneak into the gathering, with the assistance of Alex Jones who is one of the only journalists who in the past has been able to sneak in and take footage of the opening ceremony and get out, but two of them are arrested and locked up for 9 hours before being bailed out.

    somehow I worked on this all day because this information has never been presented together before.i absolutely know 100% for a fact that I could dig up tons more o shit about this guy but I say screw it! im sick of this shit! I already proved my point! . you have no idea how much time I spent on this single post it was amazing., I spent literally an entire day researching this dudes credentials in effort to prove to you all that this guy should be taken seriousley. I have been studying conspiracy theories since I was a little kid. One of the reasons why I believe this shit is happening is because I have known about their plan for about15 years now.. I have watched so much o ftheir plan come true right before my very own eyes! you better appreciate what I have done here because I am trying to help yo see the truth!

    i had to dig very deep to gather virtually every piece of this information. In all my years of research, in all the years that I have followed this guy, I have never found anything as complete as this when it comes to giving facts that makes this guy so great..i have never seen all these facts put together in one place before. I have come to the conclusion that nobody has put all these facts together before. If it did exist, I would have surley discovered a link to it when I did all this mad research and had to work hard to find every link. Actually, I am certion that I would have found more than one link. I hope you appreciate this whoever is reading this because I did this for you. To help open peoples eyes! There you have it, a ton of facts that demonstrate how great this guy really is.


  2. #2
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    Okay I haven't got time to read that on my morning train ride lol so I'll come back to it, but Alex Jones makes some good points in some issues but at the same time he's driving his ow agenda just like the people he's "fighting against" so you shouldn't believe everything he comes up with. Listen, but don't believe. Form your own opinions.
    Posts by The Hound are signed TH.

    Quoting ≠ Agreement.

  3. #3
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    I agree with The Hound. Also Jones comes off like a crazy person most of the time, which doesn't help his cause. But then I guess hes trying to entertain so more will listen.

    Jones may also be a paranoid schizophrenic, which is why OP relates so much.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by ShaDynasty View Post

    Jones may also be a paranoid schizophrenic, which is why OP relates so much.
    my doctor says its the best mental illness to have and people with it are statisticley more successfull than people with any other mental condition plus i get paid good money for being this way worth it! ;P

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by SATAN View Post
    alex jones is like fuck you this is my show i shall become number one your too much competition for my show i dont need you do your own thing im guessing from the first minute but i couldnt finish the rest plus it claims alexs official reason was the guys language and the first minute was full of it cooper was acting like a child which is why i turned it off i dont wanna hear that shit
    Last edited by project tillogic; 10-07-2015 at 06:12 AM.

  6. #6
    No Father to my stench
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    Default fffffff

    Quote Originally Posted by project clozaril View Post
    my doctor says its the best mental illness to have and people with it are statisticley more successfull than people with any other mental condition plus i get paid good money for being this way worth it! ;P
    PEACE!!!! is that you D-Projectile?

    hell mothafuckin yeah theres retarded money to be made off paranoid skitzo shit...you prolly get more money off the demonic voices than the divine voices

    what your doctors calls mental illness is just mah homegirl synesthesia and she's a perfect 10....not no 1-9 type bitch or a whore....she just appears to be demonic to those who are obstructed, constipated, toxic and weak blooded...she's a blesssing...but she used to be curse at times in overextended positions but once eye reached a certain plateau of blood building and obstruction elimination she became extremely helpfull...unfortuneatly if one wants to continue destroying their blood and halt elimination of encumbrances taking those psycho drugs will do just that eye guarantee


    as far as Alex Jones goes....he says that 9/11 was carried about by Muslim extremists trained by the 10 percent...that doesn't quite cut the mustard...if he replaced "muslim" with "zionist" eye coulda rode with him...William Cooper on the other hand had a high ass fuckin security clearence as a member of naval intel...have you read "behold a pale horse" yet?


  7. #7
    No Father to my stench
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    Default fffffff

    the irrelivant links work on mah computer.....u using a tandy 1000 or sum shit?

  8. #8
    Non Ignorants check two's Avatar
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    ruffles potato chips?

  9. #9
    No Father to my stench
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    Default ffffff

    understood satan

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by knewmucus View Post
    PEACE!!!! is that you D-Projectile?

    hell mothafuckin yeah theres retarded money to be made off paranoid skitzo shit...you prolly get more money off the demonic voices than the divine voices

    what your doctors calls mental illness is just mah homegirl synesthesia and she's a perfect 10....not no 1-9 type bitch or a whore....she just appears to be demonic to those who are obstructed, constipated, toxic and weak blooded...she's a blesssing...but she used to be curse at times in overextended positions but once eye reached a certain plateau of blood building and obstruction elimination she became extremely helpfull...unfortuneatly if one wants to continue destroying their blood and halt elimination of encumbrances taking those psycho drugs will do just that eye guarantee


    as far as Alex Jones goes....he says that 9/11 was carried about by Muslim extremists trained by the 10 percent...that doesn't quite cut the mustard...if he replaced "muslim" with "zionist" eye coulda rode with him...William Cooper on the other hand had a high ass fuckin security clearence as a member of naval intel...have you read "behold a pale horse" yet?

    Peace know. Nah project trillogy isn't me bro. Peace

  11. #11
    FRESH FISH Heavy-Mental's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by project trillogic View Post
    I am going to show you some reasons why you should take alex jones seriously. this guy has a legitimate massive following. Lets begin! His website is www.infowars.com

    it also took me 2 days to assemble this!

    New York magazine described Jones as “America’s leading conspiracy theorist”,[14] and the Southern Poverty Law Center describes him as "the most prolific conspiracy theorist in contemporary America."[15] When asked about these labels, Jones said that he finds himself "proud to be listed as a thought criminal against Big Brother".[14

    1. For a guy who’s pretty out there, he’s got some scale. His daily four-hour show airs on more than 60 AM and FM radio stations, according to Infowars.com, one of his two websites. It’s syndicated by Genesis Communications, a radio network founded in 1998 by Midas Resources, a vendor of gold and silver coins. The show draws 2 million listeners per week, according to a 2010 Texas Monthly profile.
    Infowars.com and Prisonplanet.tv, his other site, attract a monthly unique audience of 4 million. Jones also has a YouTube channel with 350,000 subscribers, which has received more than 260 million views. He’s produced around 25 documentaries, depending how you count them, including “Loose Change,” the most famous of the films alleging that the Sept. 11 attacks were an inside job by the U.S. Government.

    Speaking of his famous friends, he’s pals with Charlie Sheen and helped to get him fired from “Two and a Half Men.” It was on Jones’s show that Sheen laced into the CBS sitcom’s creator, Chuck Lorre, in a way that was widely perceived as anti-Semitic. For the record, Jones himself has long taken pains to distance himself from overt anti-Semitism or racism of any kind.

    heres an article about him that appeared in rolling stone magazine entitled: Meet Alex Jones

    According to Alexander Zaitchik of Rolling Stone Magazine, in 2011 he had a larger on-line audience than Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh combined.[34]

    Jones also appears as a guest on "Conspiracy Theory" with former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura, as well as on Fox News, Russia Today and mainstream television networks and cable stations in the United States and Britain, according to his Genesis Communications biography.

    While this style plays well with his acolytes, it has notably failed in several high-profile media appearances. During a January 2013 gun control discussion with CNN's Piers Morgan following the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Jones practically foamed at the mouth while shouting Morgan down.

    Jones is surely most infamous for his many predictions. The vast majority come to nothing, but he never stops reminding listeners of the one that came somewhat close. In July 2001, he predicted a major U.S. terrorist attack would occur soon and mentioned the World Trade Center and Osama Bin Laden by name. But, not surprisingly, his overall accuracy rate is infinitesimally low.

    Was it a debate? A berating? A surreal televised "stunt"? No matter what you call radio host Alex Jones' appearance on "Piers Morgan Tonight," one thing is certain: It's generating a great deal of social media buzz.
    On Tuesday morning, Jones was a top-trending topic on Twitter as people read about the interview, watched clips online or shared their thoughts after watching Monday night's fiery exchange live.
    Alex Jones, a 9/11 truther and promoter of other conspiracy theories, appeared on ABC's The View Monday to defend his friend Charlie Sheen, but diverted the interview into slamming George W. Bush for turning American into "a police state." Veteran journalist Barbara Walters did not denounce the radio host when he referenced the theory that the government was behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

    Alex Jones has publicly announced his role as an executive producer forLoose Change: Final Cut as Dylan Avery, Corey Rowe and Jason Bermas gear up for their much anticipated appearance on The View with Rosie O'Donnell next week.

    The Loose Change crews will feature on ABC's The View on Thursday May 24th, it was announced yesterday.

    Loose Change is a series of films released between 2005 and 2009 which argue in favor of certain conspiracy theories surrounding the September 11th attacks. The films were written and directed by Dylan Avery and produced by Korey Rowe, Jason Bermas and Matthew Brown.

    The original Loose Change and Loose Change 2nd Edition have been viewed at least 50 million times over the Internet, making it one of the most watched movies in history, but the Final Cut goes above and beyond, making it not simply the third in a trilogy but a completely new film with oodles of unseen footage, commentary, interviews and eyewitness testimony.

    In North America it “loose change” aired on Fox TV affiliates, but received further screenings internationally.[5] On September 10, 2006 BNN (Bart News Network) Nederland 3[40] and Portuguese public TV Station RTP aired Loose Change in prime time hours. RTP aired it again on 2: for September 17, 2006.[41] FreeLooseChange is an initiative in Berlin, Germany. One-hundred shops, galleries, theatres and a daily newspaper office so far distributed 50,000 free DVDs featuring the documentaries Loose Change and Terrorstorm by Alex Jones in German language versions.[42]
    An August 2006 Vanity Fair article suggested that Loose Change "just might be the first Internet blockbuster." Millions more have viewed the film via unaffiliated websites. More than one million copies of the DVD have been sold, and many more have been given away.[6]
    The film has been broadcast on state media outlets in Belgium, Ireland and Portugal.[5] According to Broadcast magazine, the video was to have a special screening at the UK Houses of Parliament on June 14, 2006.[43][44] Michael Meacher, the British MP who had considered sponsoring the screening, decided against it. On September 11, 2006, Dylan Avery and Jason Bermas appeared on Democracy Now! the War and Peace Report, to debate with James Meigs and David Dunbar,[45] two of the editors of Popular Mechanics and the book Debunking 9/11 Myths.[46]
    In August 2014, Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup (2009) was removed from Netflix for online streaming.

    In his book American Conspiracies, specifically in Chapter 12 (What really happened on September 11?), former Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura wrote that he urged "everyone to see" the documentary Loose Change.[72] The version Ventura saw was the 2007 (Final Cut) and he wrote that from the film, he was "amazed at the many firefighters and other eyewitnesses who talked about a whole series of explosions before and during the collapse of the buildings."[72]

    A couple of years ago, Michele Bachmann was the most pro-government pro-president American Patriot in American History, because her beloved George W. Bush was the president, and she loved to stick her tongue right down his throat, and he bombed Arabs like every day, which was awesome.

    And then, somehow, a Muslim-Hawaiian Arab became president, of the United States! And Michele doesn’t care for that, either, not at all. So she is going to appear on famous FEMA-concentration camper and 9/11 truther and Austin Entertainment Legend Alex Jones’ broadcast, “next week,” according to Alex. This will be, without doubt, the greatest broadcast in the history of radio, teevee and the Internet combined.
    Read more at http://wonkette.com/409537/alex-jone...Br58ukV7Z5s.99

    Michele Marie Bachmann (/ˈbɑːkmən/;[2] née Amble; born April 6, 1956)[3] is an American Republican member of the United States House of Representatives, representing Minnesota's 6th congressional district, a post she has held since 2007. The district includes several of the northern suburbs of the Twin Cities, as well as St. Cloud. The district has recently expanded.
    She was a candidate for the Republican nomination in the 2012 U.S. presidential election,[4] winning the Ames Straw Poll in August 2011 but dropping out in January 2012 after finishing in sixth place in the Iowa caucuses. Bachmann previously served in the Minnesota State Senate and is the first Republican woman to represent the state in Congress.[5] She is a supporter of the Tea Party movement[6] and a founder of the House Tea Party Caucus.[7] Bachmann has been dubbed as the "Queen of the Tea Party".[8][9]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michele_Bachmann#Early_life.2C_education.2C_and_ea rly_career

    In case you missed it, Infowars.com’s Alex Jones appeared on CNN to debate gun control with Piers Morgan Monday night. To put it mildly, Jones lost his composure and has been subjected to good bit of ridicule ever since.
    The wild interview caught the attention of late night TV host Conan O’Brien, who, with the help of his comedy team, put together his own take on Jones’ rant. The comedy sketch shows Jones wielding a handgun, firing shots passionately as he screams at Morgan, warning him against attempting to take Americans’ guns.

    Ronald Ernest "Ron" Paul (born August 20, 1935) is an American physician, author, and former Republican congressman, two-time Republican presidential candidate, and the presidential nominee of the Libertarian Party in the 1988 U.S. Presidential Election.
    Paul served as the U.S. Representative for Texas' 14th and 22nd congressional districts. He represented the 22nd congressional district from 1976 to 1977 and from 1979 to 1985, and then represented the 14th congressional district, which included Galveston, from 1997 to 2013. On three occasions, he sought the presidency of the United States: as the Libertarian Party nominee in 1988 and as a candidate in the Republican primaries of 2008 and 2012. Paul is a critic of thefederal government's fiscal policies, especially the existence of the Federal Reserve, the tax policy, the military–industrial complex, and the War on Drugs. Paul was the first chairman of the conservative PAC Citizens for a Sound Economy[2] and has been characterized as the "intellectual godfather" of the Tea Party movement.[3][4]

    Despite Jones' radical conspiracy theories, Paul has appeared on Jones' program since 1996. In 2007, Jonesdonated $1,000 to Paul's 2007 presidential campaign. New York magazine reported that Jones is a "longtime friend" of Paul and he "takes some credit for Paul's rise to prominence, calling his radio show 'part of the concrete slab that the Ron Paul rocket is fueling on.'"

    Ron Paul has been a regular guest on The Alex Jones Show. Paul has appeared on the show at least thirteen times since the start of 2010, according to a Media Matters search.* (Appearances: December 13, 2011;August 31, 2011; June 28, 2011; April 5, 2011; January 21, 2011; November 23, 2010; October 8, 2010;August 18, 2010; July 1, 2010; May 26, 2010; April 5, 2010; March 4, 2010; January 7, 2010.)

    During a June 28, 2011, interview, Jones asked Paul about the media pulling "dirty tricks" against him. Paul responded, in part, that he relies on people like Jones to "help get the truth out."

    The History Channel's H2 is now regularly airing a show entiled America's Book of Secrets: The Gold Conspiracy on cable television in the USA.
    Other guests include:

    - Jim Rickards
    - Peter Schiff
    - Alex Jones
    ect ect

    In recent years, former Rep. Ron Paul and current Sen. Rand Paul; Fox News figures Lou Dobbs and Andrew Napolitano; gun activists Ted Nugent and Larry Pratt; and climate misinformer Marc Morano have all repeatedly appeared on Jones' show. His immensely popular website Infowars is also frequently promoted by conservative websites like The Drudge Report.

    Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul has appeared on Jones' radio program repeatedly over the years. Paul used Jones' program as a publicity and fundraising platform during his U.S. Senate campaign, and Jones was an enthusiastic and active supporter of his candidacy.

    Fox News senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano repeatedlyappeared on Jones' show and has called him a "dear friend" who "we go to" because of "your zeal and your courage and your fearlessness in exposing" the government. Napolitano also hosted Jones on his FoxNews.com show Freedom Watch.

    Jones' YouTube channel has posted two interviews with Fox Business host Lou Dobbs, from April 2011 and October 2010. In his April interview, Jones praised Dobbs as a "precursor on mainline TV of some of the things [Glenn] Beck did." Jones' channel headlined one of Dobbs' interviews as "Lou Dobbs: Elites Are Setting up a One World Order." As Media Matters has documented, Dobbs has frequently pushed conspiracy theories on CNN and now on Fox News.

    National Rifle Association board member and conservative columnist Ted Nugent has repeatedly appeared on Jones' program to push conspiracies about the Obama administration and guns. During a February 26 appearance, Nugent and Jones traded conspiracy theories about Benghazi, called for President Obama's impeachment, and praised the NRA's new "hardcore" direction. Nugent claimed that Jones is doing "God's work" and that the information on his radio show is "indisputable" and "irrefutable."

    ClimateDepot.com founder Marc Morano is regularly quoted by conservative media outlets like Fox News for climate change misinformation. Morano has often appeared on Jones' program to promote anti-environmental conspiracy theories. In one appearance, after Jones said that Obama might "start a war" to win re-election, Morano responded, "they could try to do that, yes, that's always possible."

    Larry Pratt is the executive director of Gun Owners of America and a regular media guest on the issue of gun laws. Pratt has frequently appeared on Jones' program over the years to discuss topics related to guns. During an appearance on Jones' program last year, Pratt suggested that the mass shootings in Aurora, Colorado, could have been staged.

    Through his influential and heavily-trafficked Drudge Report website, Matt Drudge has been perhaps Alex Jones' biggest booster in the media.
    Drudge's website routinely features links to Jones' commentary and various articles at Infowars. According to a 2012 study by Think Progress, between June 2011 and July 2012, Drudge linked to Infowars and conspiracy website WND a combined 184 times.
    Drudge also features two permanent links to Jones' Infowars outlet among his list of news websites and commentators.
    Fox News' Fox Nation website has also promoted numerous articles from Infowars

    On January 28, 2011, the History Channel aired a show by Brad Meltzer and the "Decoded" team about the Bohemian Grove in California, cloaked by the Redwood forest and very serious security for this extension of the Skull and Bones life-long fraternity of Yale – the modern equivalent of pirates with suits and ties, who are among the world's elite.

    In the History Channel episode, a few of the investigative crew try to sneak into the gathering, with the assistance of Alex Jones who is one of the only journalists who in the past has been able to sneak in and take footage of the opening ceremony and get out, but two of them are arrested and locked up for 9 hours before being bailed out.

    somehow I worked on this all day because this information has never been presented together before.i absolutely know 100% for a fact that I could dig up tons more o shit about this guy but I say screw it! im sick of this shit! I already proved my point! . you have no idea how much time I spent on this single post it was amazing., I spent literally an entire day researching this dudes credentials in effort to prove to you all that this guy should be taken seriousley. I have been studying conspiracy theories since I was a little kid. One of the reasons why I believe this shit is happening is because I have known about their plan for about15 years now.. I have watched so much o ftheir plan come true right before my very own eyes! you better appreciate what I have done here because I am trying to help yo see the truth!

    i had to dig very deep to gather virtually every piece of this information. In all my years of research, in all the years that I have followed this guy, I have never found anything as complete as this when it comes to giving facts that makes this guy so great..i have never seen all these facts put together in one place before. I have come to the conclusion that nobody has put all these facts together before. If it did exist, I would have surley discovered a link to it when I did all this mad research and had to work hard to find every link. Actually, I am certion that I would have found more than one link. I hope you appreciate this whoever is reading this because I did this for you. To help open peoples eyes! There you have it, a ton of facts that demonstrate how great this guy really is.

    LOL jones?? Are you serious. This Agent is so obvious how on earth could you not see his tactics? He speaks on nothing, just rambles in circles keeping you lost in the sauce. Hes a decoy that pushes dis info.

    info-tainment for the sheeple.

    My eyes the vision, memory is the film.."


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