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Thread: Bizarre info thread

  1. #166
    Terry Cloth Rudolph Joint Sky Blue Bally Kid's Avatar
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    - Dulse is a nutrient dense seaweed that tastes like bacon.

    - There is only one stop sign in the entire city of Paris.

    - Koala fingerprints are almost identical to human. Even experts with a microscope have difficulty telling them apart.

    - There are 3,000 oil derricks located throughout Los Angeles.

    - Paper Mario (2004) featured a transgender character whose entire story was censored in America.

    - Odori-don is a sushi dish with a dead octopus that dances when soy sauce is poured on it. The recently dead octopuses tissues are still alive and react to the high sodium content of the sauce.

    When I'm writing in my room

    It's like a child that's fighting in the womb

    - KP -

  2. #167
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    --- Fire ants create living life rafts to survive South Carolina flooding

    Fire ants can put together a raft in about 100 seconds, using claws, jaws and adhesive pads on their legs to stick together, and releasing an oily fluid that allows them to stick to a smooth surface. The ant’s hard covering is water repelling, the station added.

    They put their queen on top of what is basically a floating raft of ants with all the young and the larvae and everything else. Then they basically raft down stream and when they hit dry land they form a new mound.


  3. #168
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    5 most disturbing found footage videos ever released

    1-anatoly svilko tapes
    2.robert pickton prison cell tapes
    3.columbine home movies
    4.ricardo bjork stalker tapes
    5.columbine cctv tapes

  4. #169
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    When mating with a female, the male angler fish latches onto the side of his partner with his teeth and releases an enzyme which causes his body to fuse with hers. Her body ends up completely absorbing his until nothing but the gonads remain dangling on her side.

  5. #170
    Terry Cloth Rudolph Joint Sky Blue Bally Kid's Avatar
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    50 members of the cast and crew of the Titanic movie got sick after someone spiked the lobster chowder with PCP.

    We are not allowed to collect water from Mars. The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 forbids it in case water sources are contaminated with life from earth.

    The world's first online transaction was a drug deal. Students at Stanford and MIT bought and sold weed over the internet in the 70's.

    When I'm writing in my room

    It's like a child that's fighting in the womb

    - KP -

  6. #171
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    In the 1830s, the British astronomer John Herschel used a #solar collector box to cook #food during an expedition to Africa.

    Alfred Southwick invented the first electric chair & Professionally he was a Dentist

    Some scientists call Greenland an island, others say it's a continent, but it's only about one-third the size of Australia.

    Traffic lights were used before the invention of a car

    When you sneeze air rushes out your nose at a rate of 100 miles per hour

  7. #172
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    The USA uses 29% of the world's oil and 33% of the world's electricity.

    The cosmos contains approximately 50,000,000,000 galaxies

    After spending hours working at a computer display, look at a blank piece of white paper. It will probably appear pink.

    Elephant teeth can weigh as much as 9 pounds.

    The world's population has been increased 3.1 billion in last 40 years.

    By age sixty, most people have lost half of their taste buds.

    If you go blind in one eye, you'll only lose about one-fifth of your vision (but all your depth perception.)

    a lot of fish can change sex during the course of their lives. Others, especially rare deep-sea fish, have both male and female sex organs

    Cat's urine glows under a black light

    Due to gravitational effects, you weigh slightly less when the moon is directly overhead

  8. #173
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    havard university has 4 books bound in human skin

    the blast of air u often feel when walking into a store is to prevent insects from coming in

    the only cells that survive from the time you are born until death are in your eyes

    your body contains enough iron to create a 3 inch nail

    brown eyes are actually blue underneath and you can actually get surgery to turn em blue

    high school students today have the same anxiety levels as patients in an insane asylum in the 1950s

  9. #174
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    In Japan square-shaped watermelons are grown in boxes, which force the fruit to adopt an unconventional shape

    the ‘vampire breast lift’. is a new trend where women are now getting blood injected into their breasts.

    thailand is the only country in south east asia that hasn't been colonized by europeans

    it is currently the year 2557 in Thailand

    at some point, one out of every eight Americans have been employed by McDonalds

    Apple has more money than the U.S. Treasury

    in Montana, cows outnumber people 3 to 1

    1 American consumes the same amount of resources as 32 Kenyans

    medical errors are the 6th leading cause of death in the US

    Virginia has birthed more presidents than any other state

    if you have $10 in your pocket and no debt, you are wealthier than 25% of most people in america

  10. #175
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    Scientists believe schizophrenics suffer from irregular REM sleep, and that the hallucinations and delusions they experience may actually be “waking dreams.”

    who experience nightmares during pregnancy have easier births than women who don’t.

    The Raramuri people of northern Mexico believe that dreams are the result of one’s soul “waking” or “sobering,” and seeing the world more clearly than usual. (Raramuri families often wake up and discuss their dreams during the night

    Reptiles also experience brain activity during sleep that suggests they too may dream

  11. #176
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    Cleopatra lived closer to the time of pizza hut than the time of pyramids: The restaurant chain is about 500 years closer to cleopatra’s lifetime than the construction of the giza pyramids

    a park in austria is submerged in water every year: Each spring, green lake park in styria is submerged under 30 feet of water. The water is a result from melting snow and ice in nearby mountains

    there’s a lost nuclear bomb off the coast of georgia: In 1958, an air force jet crashed into a b-47 bomber carrying a 7,000lb bomb. It was dropped into the water… and never recovered.

    Alaska is the most eastern, western, and northern state in the united states thanks to the aleutian islands

    the entire city of chicago was raised by over a foot: In the 1850-60s, to fix a flooding problem, the entire city was raised a foot to allow drainage sewers to be built.

    A soldier received awards from the axis and allies in wwii: Joan pujol garcia, a spy and double agent, managed to earn both the iron cross from the germans and the most excellent order by the british empire

    two people died because of 1.5 million balloons: In cleveland, ohio, the united way launched 1.5 million balloons into the air. It caused such a disturbance, two people drowned because the coast guard couldn’t find them among all of the fallen balloons

    heroin was used to treat coughs: Bayer used to produce commercialized heroin in the 1890s as a cough, cold and pain remedy. It was marketed towards kids until 1912

    a con man sold the eiffel tower: “count” victor lustig, a famous con man, convinced six scrap metal dealers to bid on the eiffel tower. The winning dealer paid $70,000 for the monument and gave it to lustig

    mammoths were alive when the giza pyramids were being built: The great pyramid of giza had existed for about 1,000 years when the last wooly mammoth died in approximately 1650 b.c.

    Bangladesh has more people than russia: Although russia is a giant country and spans 9 time zones

  12. #177
    Non Ignorants check two's Avatar
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    --- An epidemic involving starfish committing suicide on the west coast


  13. #178
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    A new treatment for depressed South Koreans involves locking patients in wooden coffins, simulating their funerals.

    Hua Chi is a monk from China that has prayed in the exact same spot for 20 years, leaving his footprints ingrained.

    There exists a luxury brand of icecubes that retail for $300 per 50 cubes called Gläce Luxury Ice.

    A Brazilian man who goes by the name 'Xiahn' for privacy, has had over 10 facial surgeries in order to look Korean.

    Ludvik Dolezal is considered to be the dirtiest man in Europe. He's been sleeping in a pile of ash for over a year.

    In Japanese folklore, if a Boroboroton (sleeping mat) is neglected, it will attempt to strangle its owner at night.

    The Surinam toad gives birth out of the holes on its back.

    60-year old Tian Xueming kept his son's remains in an icebox for 6-years in order to view and talk to the body.

    There are approximately 200 dead bodies on Mount Everest. Most bodies are used as landmarks for climbers

    In 50 years, Don Ritchie saved 160 people from committing suicide at 'the Gap' by striking up conversations

    Jewel Shuping has dreampt of going blind. She purposely poured drain cleaner into her eyes when she was 30.

    Serial killer, Joe Metheny, owned a burger stand and claimed to have sold burgers with his victims' human flesh

  14. #179
    Non Ignorants check two's Avatar
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    Hybristophilia refers to a disorder where one is sexually aroused by those who have committed violent crimes. Prisoners receive thousands of love letters and photographs from hybristophiliacs every year.

  15. #180


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