but its not nearly as stupid as having blind faith.
A family member of mine once had terminal cancer suddenly disappear overnight which left all the doctors and surgeons baffled. Everyone chalked this up to divine intervention and it remains this person's great miracle that opened the door for them to have this "blind faith" that enables them to be a grateful, trustworthy, generally awesome person to be around.

You can find these types of stories everywhere and I am sure you have ran across a few in your travels as well.

Like you, I could never get passed this "blind faith" thing and looking back, it stunted my mental growth severely. I was a spearhead for the Agnostic movement for the first 33 years of my life. Like the stories you read, I too, had a personal miracle (that I won't share on this troll of a website) that made me believe. As it stands today in my life, this blind faith is the strongest and most effective tool I have ever posessed.

My only motive here is to plant a seed bruh. It's going to happen when you are ready.

Deep down in every man, woman and child is the fundamental idea of God.