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Thread: lord of the flies movie with all chicks

  1. #1

    Default lord of the flies movie with all chicks

    sounds scrumptious

  2. #2

  3. #3


    the book is still quasi compulsory reading in a lot of English classes around Europe. is it still on the reading list in the US?

    books that have that status over here still are Brave New World, Animal Farm and 1984 mostly

    as to the new movie...

    Last edited by Rev Jones; 09-01-2017 at 03:17 PM.

  4. #4
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    i think i saw Bailey Jay post something about this on her twitter not too long ago if im not mistaken.

    could be interesting.

    ill have to watch that film, The Blue Lagoon, looks like something i should have already watched by now... haha

    but as for the reading list in the US i dont know exactly what it is, but as an avid reader growing up i read it on my own as a youngster, i was never instructed to read it for a class though. in fact i recall mentioning that as a book middle school students should read to my senior year english teacher when she asked what should we have them read. because i guess no one knows anything about curriculum in that school district.

    reading was a weak subject in our school. maybe its a millennial thing. but they had us study these condensed version of books in one large compiled text book. it was lame.
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  5. #5
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    Lol this is just all kinds of dumb. It's funny how all they can do to make the wimmenz inclusive is just re-create things that were already done instead of being creative and actually coming up with a fresh idea that might actually get people interested in it.
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  6. #6
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    I read that a lot of feminists were upset about this because girls supposedly wouldn't be violent in this situation like boys did in the story. Aside from that being complete nonsense, I hate this attitude that special interests groups have that they should be able to dictate to filmmakers what their movies should be and who should be cast. I think its completely antithetical to what art is supposed to be. Its not a collaborative project to appease as many minority groups as possible.

  7. #7


    the feminists and also the trans he she it you they or whatever the oddities refer to themselves as are furious that a male director is doing the movie

  8. #8


    [rant] This is more evidence of the absolute void of any creativity or talent in the liberal democrat progressive neo-marxist pedophile sewer pipe dumb drug addict culture in Hollywood. After remaking practically every (once) good movie, and remaking comic movies 5x, now they have to remake all movies with all female characters (Apparently ghostbusters wasn't taken as a lesson). After they've remade every move with all female characters, then in about 10 years they can remake all the movies again with all gay sodomite characters.

    How's that feminism working out for you? Now that both men and women are working they're still barely making more than single income households decades ago if you adjust for inflation. Only now there's no one to actually raise the kids or take care of the household (someone still has to do it. So the net delta in household income is actually negative). The typical white woman has become a drug addicted slut who adopts puppies/kittens instead of having babies and can't make a marriage last longer than 5 years after they've wasted their 20s being immature trash. Black women can't make it to 25 without having at least 3 kids all by different "men" but can't get any of the "men" to even marry them in the first place. And killing their own babies is as routine as getting their nails done. Wouldn't want to ruin your figure or do something mature like, you know, raise children! Be a good feminist and stand alongside Madonna and Ashley Judd and hiss with your pink hat on. How noble!

    And as the op suggested, of course there will be lesbian homosexuality in this new garbage idea of a movie. Hollywood can't produce one fucking movie without a third of the characters being sodomites.[/rant]

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    this is true though.

    understanding that those are the trends in the film realm nowadays whats wrong with naked women running around the screen and becoming savages etc etc.

    now my view points on filmography nowadays is that it needs (obviously) new ideas and some new, and (possibly) younger, minds to create them. BUT with everything being based upon money you/we will never see big industry heads take a risk like that.

    now it is harder to hear about and it aint going to make headlines but there are/probably always will be dope/decent/better independent movies out there.

    fucking there will be a lil stand alone original unique movie that comes out and my local movie theater wont even screen it and if they do screen it, it is for less than a month and only on one screen.

    whose fault is this? and what can we do about it?

    greed hungry businessmen. nothing. the bulk of consumers are brainless and that is what they buy. why would the companies ever stop?

    everyone i know that watches movies regularly, LOVE all these remakes coming out and they eat em the fuck up. i just sit there and smh. these people im talking about tend to be 40+ though.

    and oh on top of all this shit they only make PG13 movies now too. its unthinkable that a company would risk a hit/R rated feature meaning they would miss out on so many ticket sales.

    just a lil bit of hardcore porn, lots of swearwords, bloody as fuck, death, sick shit that people be like damn never seen something did like that before like slow mo Neo in the Matrix.


    its upsetting, yes, as i have a few rather good and original ideas for movies and live action adaptions of the cartoons/animes i grew up watching but who the fuck is going to pick it up and whos going to buy it?

    im sure itll get some hardcore heads up there but not enough $ generated for the big wigs.

    and yo OP you should watch the movie Paris is Burning, id think youd like it.

    edit: i forgot to add this tid bit. before/if it takes off...

    i see that they have attempted an actual anime on screen adaption (other than DBZ, lol) in Ghost in the Shell. and according to the box office it made like 50 mill and i think they consider that bad, so the numbers arent in favor of the anime movie trends continuing. also though they kinda took some routes i would not have taken for that film but i didnt mind it overall. a condensed simplified story using the Ghost in the Shell characters and universe.

    i also see Netflix is on a god damn hard grind when it comes to releasing original shows/movies and all that shit. they just adapted Death Note, i have yet to watch it but i heard they switched a lot of KEY elements regarding the characters and whatnot. and in an anime characters back stories and their developments are extremely important.

    who knows what the future holds. doubt i can do anything about it though.

    i will say though Ex- Machina is one of the best films ive watched in recent memory. but the screen play was written by a pretty good author so what would you expect? and theres a sexy korean bitch in it too. pretty sure thats rated R.
    Last edited by Mister Yo; 09-02-2017 at 05:49 PM.
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  10. #10
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    Yeah Hollywood really stinks, I just check for certain directors work or if a movie is getting a lot of critical acclaim. Like mother! should be dope and Blade Runner 2049 because the directors and others involved are talented.

    I swear there hasn't been a good comedy flick in years either. I tried to watch that Seth Rogen shit with the sausages and I had to switch it off after like 5 minutes because that shit was so magically awful and unfunny.

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    that is bond.

    i havent watched a good comedy either. although im not a big comedy fan. i think the last truly funny movie i watched in recent memory was We Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, and that came out like 10 or so years ago. Adam Sandler isnt funny anymore hahahah. but i watched those type of movies with my ex cause thats what you do i guess watch movies when there aint nothing else to do and fuck.

    i cant/dont really care to watch comedies alone because really they suck and there hasnt been a serious/genuine script for any newer ones either that i can think of at least.

    honestly i think i might be lacking in the comedy film section might have to look into some.
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  12. #12
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    Chuck & Larry? Lol Adam Sandler movies are easy to watch though, the last one I enjoyed was Zohan. But as far as a high level comedy the last one might have been Tropic Thunder? 9 years ago. I'd throw Black Dynamite & 4 Lions in there but they aren't Hollywood. Problem is every comedy has to be aimed at teenagers now.

  13. #13


    Are ya'll really arguing that you want to see all males run around an island rather than females? Ya'll gay

  14. #14
    anglophone rainbow's Avatar
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    i picture you as a real "piggy" type, brock.


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