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Thread: Black panther movie confirmed.

  1. #91
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    there is no fucking genocide in south africa...i just talked to a white south african friend the other day, the west is amplifying a few incidences and blowing them outta proportion. and yes, the black south africans are taking back their fucking land, i don't call that genocide, i call it justice

  2. #92


    You won't read my comment because you have attention disorder and you're lazy.

    yeah and liberals claim the west is "amplifying a few incidences" of muslim migrant violence too. Keep telling yourself that. Using the coercive powers of a totalitarian government to confiscate land without due process (and doing it based on RACE) is anything but justice in the 21st century. That's just how low IQ thugs behave.

    Stop whining and bitching and begging white people for free stuff in America then. Come try to take my land with force here. We'll see what kind of "justice" happens.

    For nearly a decade the liberal Democrat Progressive neo-marxists in power in America denied the holocaust was happening. FDR and Democrat majorities in Congress did nothing about it until Pearl Harbor was bombed. The American media refused to report Nazi crimes. We have proof the liberal progressives at NY Times covered it up. Same tactics used by the liberal democrat progressive neo-marxists in 2018. You're more concerned with make believe Russian collusion. All Mueller has so far is a few Russian bots he'll never arrest who supposedly tricked Michael Moore into going to an anti-Trump rally on Fakebook, lol.
    Last edited by Sense-A; 06-03-2018 at 01:38 PM.

  3. #93


    Even the Department of State (dating back to when sHillary was heading it) warns Americans not to travel to South Africa: https://travel.state.gov/content/tra...uthAfrica.html

    "Exercise increased caution in South Africa due to crime and drought. Violent crime, such as armed robbery, rape, carjacking, mugging, and "smash-and-grab" attacks on vehicles, is common. There is a higher risk of violent crime in the central business districts of major cities after dark. Avoid walking alone, especially after dark. Avoid visiting informal settlement areas unless you are with someone familiar with the area. Do not display cash or valuables. Drive with doors locked and windows closed."

    Sound like paradise, heh?

    What does the Bureau of Diplomatic Security have to say?

    "Violent crime remains an ever-present threat in South Africa. Common crimes include: murder, rape, armed robbery, carjacking, home invasion, property theft, smash-and-grabs, and ATM robberies. Victims who resist or fail to comply with demands may be killed or seriously injured. " https://www.osac.gov/Pages/ContentRe...aspx?cid=21788

    Blacks in South Africa are so racist, they even attack albinos:

    "Persons with albinism faced discrimination and were sometimes attacked in connection with ritual practices. " https://www.state.gov/j/drl/rls/hrrp...ex.htm#wrapper

    And mob violence similar to Black Lives Matter and Antifa: "Incidents of vigilante violence and mob killings occurred, particularly in Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Eastern Cape, and KwaZulu-Natal provinces. "

    South Africa also suffers from POLICE BRUTALITY even though most of the police officers are black. Go figure!

    "Police use of lethal and excessive force, including torture, resulted in numerous deaths and injuries, according to the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID), Amnesty International, and other nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). The country had a high crime rate and criminals were often well armed. The government recorded more than 20,000 killings (or homicides) in the 12-month period ending March 31, 2016. The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) did not publish statistics on the number of murderers prosecuted, but watchdog groups estimated the conviction rate for all crimes reported was as low as 10 percent. "

    Over 20,000 homicides in ONE YEAR!!!! America didn't lose that many lives in the fucking Iraqi and Afghan WARS!!! South Africa is a haven for murderers and rapists. And less than 10% of the crimes are even prosecuted, so the low IQ savages don't even have a working justice system. Yet black Americans bitch about America's flawed, but more effective justice system.

    "According to the 2016-2017 IPID annual report, 394 persons died in police custody or due to police action during the 12-month period ending March 31. IPID recommended prosecution in 115 of the 394 cases. "

    Compare that to less than 20 black unarmed Americans dying in police confrontations in America in 2017. The Washington Post found that “white police officers killing unarmed black men represent less than 4 percent of fatal police shootings.” Yet blacks make up 13% of the population and commit 50% of murders. Data and facts suck when you're an emotional liberal democrat progressive neo-marxist sheep who believes in false narratives promoted by race baiter Don Lemon who built his career at CNN on inciting violence and race riots with proven lies such as "hands up don't shoot."

    Canada also informs its citizens to beware traveling to South Africa. It's a cesspool or what a great man like Donald Trump may refer to as a "shithole."

    "SOUTH AFRICA - Exercise a high degree of caution in South Africa due to the significant level of serious crime." https://travel.gc.ca/destinations/south-africa

    Genocide Watch, an organization that analyzes conditions around the world that could result in mass murder, puts Afrikaners’ risk of slaughter at level six or “preparation” stages, one level away from killings. But maybe Genocide Watch is lying? We should listen to TSA's make believe internet friend from Nigeria who overpaid him for his Geo Metro and asked TSA to wire the extra $5,000 back to him. LOL

    It's haunting how similar to communists in South Africa are to Soviet Russia. Killing farmers in Soviet Russia led to over 20,000,000 Russian people starving to death. Is there any surprise that there is drought and famine in South Africa when the third largest political party is openly Marxist and the national song is “Kill the farmer” ??!?!?!??

    After the black racist communist tyrants steal the farm land, they are too stupid to produce anything with it. Thousands of farmers are murdered and raped and thousands of commercial farms have been given to “previously disadvantaged people” and 98% of those farms no longer produce anything.

    Even the father you wish you had, Alex Jones, has reported on South Africa becoming the next Zimbabwe: South Africa’s Future: A Communist Induced Famine = White farmers who produce the country’s food are being persecuted https://www.infowars.com/south-afric...nduced-famine/

    "We are not calling for the slaughtering of white people...at least for now" - opposition party leader Julius Malema in South Africa https://www.thesouthafrican.com/we-a...or-now-malema/

    Julius Malema doesn't beat around the bush. He's a self proclaimed MARXIST. Why don't most of you liberal Democrat Progressive Neo-Marxists admit that you are MARXIST COMMUNISTS who support genocide and wealth confiscation? Stop dog whistling to each other and openly admit what you are.

    "The official king of South Africa’s Zulu tribe has announced that that country was economically, militarily, and socially better under white Afrikaner rule—and that history will judge blacks as only having destroyed everything that they had inherited from the white government. King Goodwill Zwelithini, who has been Zulu king since December 1971, made the remarks during a speech at an official royal household event in Nongoma, located in the northeastern part of the eastern seaboard province of KwaZulu-Natal, over the past weekend." - December of 2015

    He's not the only one to admit that South Africa was better off under apartheid.

    "Under the National Party, South Africans had some of the highest standards of living in the world. Corruption wasn’t as common. Our schools and universities were considered to be some of the best, and we had a highly effective police system that kept crime lower than in Europe. Our cities were clean and safe, parastatals were well-run, and the country was raking in millions of rands from gold and arms revenue" -Pascal Johnstone, lived in Johannesburg, South Africa (1985-2003)

    "The Goverment during Apartheid provided a good service delivery, South Africa owned all its minerals, There was no informal settlements, No illegal immigration , a low crime rate, the white govt did make themselves rich but not at the expense of the country (basically they stole but didn't bleed the country dry) , They preserved and mantained SA’s natural enviroment, They made South Africa so beautiful and provided so many opportunities that it was known as the land of milk and honey."
    -Nazneen Ebrahim, lives in South Africa

    Barack Obama's own brother, George Obama, is quoted as saying that Africa was better off under apartheid. https://youtu.be/2w9S041L1bM?t=134

    "Look at South Africa. They were under the whites until the 1990s. Look at where they are now. They are practically a developed nation. Who is better off? Us? Who kicked out the British? Or the SOuth Africans? Maybe if we let the whites stay a bit longer, we'd be where South African is today." - George Obama "Would you actually believe it would be better if the whites stayed a little bit longer?" - Dinesh D'Souza " Yes. It is true. They would have developed us instead we are fighting, fighting, fighting over nothing." - George Obama from 2016 Obama's America

    Funny, Obama starts a racist Foundation called "My Brother's Keeper" but his blood brother George Obama is living in poverty in Kenya in a hut while Obama is partying with rich white Democrat billionaire Richard Branson at his private island. So much for being a "keeper" for your "brother." Hussein Obama always was a FRAUD.
    Last edited by Sense-A; 06-03-2018 at 03:26 PM.

  4. #94
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    Like literally no one begs America for shit, America uses “giving” to interfere with other nations geo political situations and trust me, if you were sitting on stolen land and the people wanted it back, ain’t shit you can do about it, always easy to be a tough guy Rambo behind a computer screen isn’t it?


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