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Thread: Matthew 15:24 (question for the christians)

  1. #16
    The Smell of The Future LORD NOSE's Avatar
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    how does "The Lost Sheep of Israel" = "The Jews" Rooka

    "The Jews" were right there with him - giving him trouble

    The LOST Sheep wasn't there, because they were lost - things that are lost are to be found - did he ever find them ?

    the parables of the lost coin and the lost son connect

    who is lost from their home and origin ?

    if he was searching for the lost sheep, and he was amongst "The Jews", wouldn't this "Lost Sheep" be "Jews" who are somewhere amongst the people, but don't know who they are, their culture or original language ?

    how would Jesus point them out and restore to them their original way - what tactics would he use - why didn't Jesus stand the people up against the king of that time ?

    would the jesus in end times do this ?

    is this Jesus who is to appear in the end times the "Son of Man" that the Jesus of 2000 years ago prophesied about ?

  2. #17
    כהן גדול TheBoarzHeadBoy's Avatar
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    I think the moral here is that people get caught up on the meaning behind useless shit and then waste their lives trying to interpret it. Truth of the matter is Jesus was just some dude with a huge ego who thought he could direct history like millions of people before and after him. Unfortunately it worked and people worship his trifold dick...

    Fuck that shit. Where is my cock worship?

  3. #18
    The ABBOTT Dokuro's Avatar
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    why the fuck are you in the mud socity

    its kinda like Tengu's who preach the word of god

    went to the woods, spent time alone, meditated under a waterfall climb to the highest peak of the mountain; now I'm back, enlightened, fully trained, to be the greatest Jackass the Corp has ever seen. all hail Me, you fucking Skruds.

  4. #19
    John Prewett's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STYLE View Post
    if he came to the ones that were prepared for him,
    then did that preparation include killing him too?
    They were prepared in that the word/prophecy was given and available.

    However, among Jews, as among all humans,...

    some choose to heed. Others choose to ignore.

    Also some, like the Sanhedrin are subject to the added pressure of being
    leaders forced to watch a young "up and comer" grow more influential.

    Like Saul was forced to watch the growing popularity of David.

    OT scripture shows that God knew in advance His Son would be crucified.

    As today Revelation shows that after he "amazes the world" and becomes
    world dictator, the "beast" will cause Jesus's people to be mass murdered.

    As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long;
    we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Romans 8:36

    ETERNAL LIFE,... is what it is all about.

  5. #20


    Remember that in Matthew 15:24 Yahshua stated in the clearest possible terms that he was sent for no one except the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Notice He did not state that He came for Gentiles or Jews. He did not come only for Jews because Jews are Judahites physically descended from the two southern tribes that made up the Kingdom of Judah. He also has no interest in Gentiles. Why? Because those who respond to Yahshua's love, and come back to the restored Tabernacle of David, may look like Gentiles, act like Gentiles, behave like Gentiles, eat pork and break the Shabbat like Gentiles, but are in fact nothing more than the lost physical sheep of the house of Israel who became the Gentiles and have been living like Gentiles for 2700 years. Obviously when they come back they are not going to look like Israelites who practice and are faithful to Torah. Either you are going to believe Yahshua and scores of other prophets or you are going to make up your own theology. He said I have come only for all the lost sheep of the House of Israel. This includes the Jews but also includes the other house of Israel, who are my brothers in the flesh. Of course Paul, Peter and others were sharing the gospel with Gentiles because where else are you going to find the seed of Ephraim, except among the Gentiles filling the globe. Amos 9 tells us that though scattered among the Gentiles, not one grain or person will fall to be destroyed. In other words they will not disappear from the earth, but will mix and literally become the peoples of the earth, only to be brought back to Yahuwah in the end times, on an individual basis. The Great Commission (Matt: 28 18-20) therefore is nothing more than a world wide search for the seed of Ephraim the sand of the sea, dust of the earth, the teeming multitudes of humanity. Part of that search of course will be to look for the dispersed of Judah as well. Yaakov (James) testifies to this truth by reminding the Jerusalem Council that Yahuwah was just visiting the Gentiles nations through the preaching of the gospel, not to live there, but to rescue and pull out His people called by His Name ( Acts 15:14-17). Through this rescue James reminds us that Yahuwah is rebuilding The Tabernacle Of David made up of all the twelve tribes of Israel. Since He is Israel's Elohim, He is pulling out and rescuing Israelites from the "outcast status" that had been their inheritance due to their disobedience to Torah. These people are Israelites regardless of whether they themselves realize it or not! Is not that what it means to be lost? Lost spiritually as well as physically!

  6. #21
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    Default God so loved the WORLD

    Quote Originally Posted by Fatal Guillotine View Post
    Remember that in Matthew 15:24 Yahshua stated in the clearest possible terms that he was sent for no one except the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Notice He did not state that He came for Gentiles or Jews. He did not come only for Jews because Jews are Judahites physically descended from the two southern tribes that made up the Kingdom of Judah. He also has no interest in Gentiles. Why? Because those who respond to Yahshua's love, and come back to the restored Tabernacle of David, may look like Gentiles, act like Gentiles, behave like Gentiles, eat pork and break the Shabbat like Gentiles, but are in fact nothing more than the lost physical sheep of the house of Israel who became the Gentiles and have been living like Gentiles for 2700 years. Obviously when they come back they are not going to look like Israelites who practice and are faithful to Torah. Either you are going to believe Yahshua and scores of other prophets or you are going to make up your own theology. He said I have come only for all the lost sheep of the House of Israel. This includes the Jews but also includes the other house of Israel, who are my brothers in the flesh. Of course Paul, Peter and others were sharing the gospel with Gentiles because where else are you going to find the seed of Ephraim, except among the Gentiles filling the globe. Amos 9 tells us that though scattered among the Gentiles, not one grain or person will fall to be destroyed. In other words they will not disappear from the earth, but will mix and literally become the peoples of the earth, only to be brought back to Yahuwah in the end times, on an individual basis. The Great Commission (Matt: 28 18-20) therefore is nothing more than a world wide search for the seed of Ephraim the sand of the sea, dust of the earth, the teeming multitudes of humanity. Part of that search of course will be to look for the dispersed of Judah as well. Yaakov (James) testifies to this truth by reminding the Jerusalem Council that Yahuwah was just visiting the Gentiles nations through the preaching of the gospel, not to live there, but to rescue and pull out His people called by His Name ( Acts 15:14-17). Through this rescue James reminds us that Yahuwah is rebuilding The Tabernacle Of David made up of all the twelve tribes of Israel. Since He is Israel's Elohim, He is pulling out and rescuing Israelites from the "outcast status" that had been their inheritance due to their disobedience to Torah. These people are Israelites regardless of whether they themselves realize it or not! Is not that what it means to be lost? Lost spiritually as well as physically!

    14"As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
    even so must the Son of Man be lifted up;

    15so that whoever believes will in Him have eternal life.

    16"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son,
    that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

    17"For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world,
    but that the world might be saved through Him.

    18"He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
    John 3

    9that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; Romans 10

  7. #22
    The Smell of The Future LORD NOSE's Avatar
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  8. #23


    See Jeremiah 50:6, God refers to Israel as His people and “lost sheep.” Messiah, spoken of in the Old Testament, was the one who would gather these “lost sheep”. His words to the Caananite woman were a test of faith.

    " Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment."

    Jesus is fulfillment of Messianic prophecy.


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