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Thread: Question for all of u

  1. #31
    The Thrill of It All spammy sosa's Avatar
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    Last edited by spammy sosa; 08-25-2019 at 05:34 PM.

  2. #32
    The Thrill of It All spammy sosa's Avatar
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    i used to be a depressed atheist when i was a teenager in my first two years in high school. now i'm a panentheist, a roman catholic, and a zen buddhist. i follow the ten commandments, the noble eightfold path, and try to accumulate enough good karma so i can enter heaven after i die. life without spirituality or religion is empty. being a moral person is important. studying philosophy and meditating make me feel happy.

    Last edited by spammy sosa; 08-25-2019 at 05:34 PM.

  3. #33
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    I agree. I think spirituality and morality are important.

    Noel probably has low self esteem. If you feel like your existence is a big nothing how can you feel good about yourself?

    He’s gone down that rabbit hole where he wants answers for our existence and hasn’t gotten any.

    We will never know why we are here, so submit to that and humble yourself. Enjoy it for what it is.

    Part of that is building positive relationships with people. Isolation is not good. It’s why it’s a form of punishment.

  4. #34
    The ABBOTT noel411's Avatar
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    Thanks hal.

    Tsa, I would never off myself.

    Dooch, I'm definitely not bipolar. I don't believe in that shit anyway. And I most certainly don't post shit like this on social media. I'm not that guy n sure as fuck never would b. Bob got me right. I'm always half taking the piss when I post shit like this.

    And I don't want anything from u cunts. I just posted the thread for lolz. Of course I don't want u cunts to tell me I'm fine n worthwhile. Anyone who thinks I'm fine mentally is a fucking lunatic. That's like saying cj isn't retarded.

    Spammy, being a moral person is just about the most important thing in life. Couldn't agree more. Thankfully u don't need to have anything to do with religion or spirituality to recognise the importance of morality and strive to b a decent person.

    Dooch, u got me completely wrong with wanting answers for our existence n y we are here. I'm not about that shit at all. We're here cos we are. That's about it. I'm just saying almost nobody achieves anything worth achieving in life, and I don't like the fact that I'm one of those people.

    That last thing u said is true tho. The way I isolate myself is very unhealthy. I'm simply just not interested in socializing tho. I don't get anything out of it. Whenever I have company I'm pretty much thinking about all the things I could b doing if I was alone. Would b nice to find a gal tho, but I'm not really cut out for that shit.

    This post was horrible. I just wanted to respond to a few things n this is how I went about it.

  5. #35



    This thread is like a Dr Phil episode.

    Noel the answer to your situation is to work hard and don't worry.

    peace to Sha for his wise words.

    P.s Don't go see a therapist, all they will do is listen to your garbage, nod their head and then suggest you go on some medication (By force if necessary).


  6. #36
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    speaking of spirituality I've been getting more into Odinani, which is an african spiritual system. I, like most teenagers with banging opinions, dismissed everything 'spiritual'. I started looking into religion with a matured eye and have learned/grown 20x more for it. I didn't know this prior but they say you can't start your spiritual journey until your married in my culture so ironically it happened in a timely manner.

    Noel, go a talk to an african dibia.

    It really goes into the 'anatomy' of the human spirit and teaches you how to acknowledge that both real and unreal things are a part of your life. No matter what you think, you're religious and you're worshiping/serving something. Religious people are people that chose what they're worshiping and actively learn about it.

    From an african perspective, Noel, make sure you're not worshiping your own ego. Cycles of rise and collapse in feeling come from the practice of living for your own ego and not knowing what it looks like and how it effects you. You may not know that's what you're serving because you haven't taken time to learn what your ego looks like and what aspects of your 'personality' is actually your ego or you servicing your ego. You could have an extreme fear of inferiority so you cling to your ego to keep from facing reality.

    The nature of ego is that it has to be fed constantly or it will go away. When it goes away all of the things about yourself you were filling with ego will be empty and you'll feel like complete fucking shit. It's not just 'arrogance' either. Ego can 'motivate' you to do a lot of things, learn things, be a 'better person', but since your doing it superficially for something that doesn't exist when those things don't immediately feed your ego you'll collapse as a person.

    All of the attention and love you have for your own ego is supposed to belong to other people. But since you're plugging it into something that doesn't exist, you'll have a hard to impossible time having real relationships with other people, understanding your purpose in life, valuing yourself and others and being an empathetic person. You'll be empty as a person while spending your finite time and energy building up a pretend version of yourself you made when you were 12. You'll be stuck getting your advice and guidance from your 12 year old self, who is a fool and a cunt/bitch.

    I'm actually learning how to be a dibia which is like an authority on these things. I'm not there yet and it's a life long project but I've gain a lot of insight from it. I also think religion and morality is important.
    Last edited by TSA; 08-25-2019 at 08:12 PM.

  7. #37
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    It differs from eastern thought because their concept is to get rid of or get past the ego. The objective is to know the shape and nature of your own ego and keep learning about it. So that when you act, you know what part of you is influencing your thoughts and perspective. you'll never get rid of it but you'll know why you keep crashing and how to stop it. Your ego makes you do a lot of great shit too, but solely exists to keep you distracted from your self and actual purpose.

  8. #38
    The ABBOTT noel411's Avatar
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    Zooruka, I would fucking never go on mood altering medication. I am so fucking opposed to that shit. I only take any kind of medication in pretty extreme circumstances. Mood altering medication I would never go near.

    TSA, interesting post. I used to read shitloads of books on religion/spirituality/mysticism and all that shit. Western religion is absolutely horrible, but I found texts related to things like taoism, Hinduism, and Buddhism to b quite interesting. I would never look to any of that stuff for 'answers' tho.

    Would b interesting to talk to cunts like these African dibias tho.

    You could have an extreme fear of inferiority so you cling to your ego to keep from facing reality.
    That was really pertinent. I think I have a serious inferiority complex while at the same thyme I think I'm better than everyone else, lolololol. It's the most confusing headfuck imaginable. It's much more complex than that. But in a nutshell that's pretty much what it comes down to.

  9. #39
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Yeah everyone's like that. You want to be a great person but you're too much of a cunt to do it so you concoct a fake you who's awesome. Sometimes you're able to match that fake you which makes it worst because it allows you to think it's real. Sometimes you're not. But if people address the real you instead of the fake you, the fake you disappears and you crash. A lot of people get mad at the person for addressing the real you, or the world as a whole but the love you have for that fake you belongs to other people. When you see real people that are closer to the fake you, it'll stress you out. You think it's you and it's awesome but it just gives the world the power to break you down by reminding you it's fake.

    It's like when you tell a religion person their religion is bullshit. Some of them might fight you to get pissed, only they at least have a massive community that also affirms their beliefs while nobody can see the ego creature you concocted nor believe in it. Not even you.

    A lot of the time in my culture (back in the day) people will get a mask made of different parts of themselves. here's one for the concept I'm talking about

    It has a stretched out mouth cause it always needs to be fed. It's had dickholey eyes cause it can't see past it's own lids, and it's in reality and uglier version of an actual person even if you think it's awesome cause you can't out create god. At best it's some type of performance monkey. If it helps, you get one made so that you can look at it and know it's fake, ridiculous and not the real you.
    Last edited by TSA; 08-25-2019 at 08:41 PM.

  10. #40
    The ABBOTT noel411's Avatar
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    Interesting stuff, bro. Can u recommend any books on this belief system or whatever u wanna call it?

  11. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by spammy sosa View Post
    i used to be a depressed atheist when i was a teenager in my first two years in high school. now i'm a panentheist, a roman catholic, and a zen buddhist. i follow the ten commandments, the noble eightfold path, and try to accumulate enough good karma so i can enter heaven after i die. life without spirituality or religion is empty. being a moral person is important. studying philosophy and meditating make me feel happy.

    on a side note it's good to see you on the forum spammy

    positive vibes, my brother


  12. #42


    Quote Originally Posted by noel411 View Post
    That was really pertinent. I think I have a serious inferiority complex while at the same thyme I think I'm better than everyone else, lolololol. It's the most confusing headfuck imaginable.
    though that might seem paradoxical I actually think it makes a lot of sense. the 'feeling superior to other people' is a natural psychological defense mechanism when you're feeling down or irrelevant in the larger scheme of things imo

  13. #43
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noel411 View Post
    Interesting stuff, bro. Can u recommend any books on this belief system or whatever u wanna call it?
    Is system is called Odinani or Odinala. I would say it's a religion, but your question is hard to answer because there's no 'book' or 'church'. You just have to speak to elders that know. People have written books though, I haven't read 'After God is Dibia' but I've been told it's the best. I have read Leopards of the Magical Dawn but I wouldn't recommend it to someone without the cultural context. It's also full of outlandish claims. It's free online.

    otherwise, study 120. God.

  14. #44
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    Don't discount Psychology. Human behaviour has been studied for long enough to gain insights. Like TSA alluded to, masking is an age old behaviour. You can break all human behaviour down to its motivations and maladies.

    When I've had therapy its been fairly helpful, but actually just reading books on psychology gives you a much better understanding of yourself and other people. I think once you start recognizing your own behavioural patterns and bad habits it becomes much easier to deal with them or change them.

  15. #45
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    Religion is horseshit. All the wisdom contained in it is just regular human wisdom, you can pick it out without subscribing to a bunch of mystical nonsense and cultism.


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