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Thread: What's you're opinions on INCELs!?

  1. #1
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    Default What's you're opinions on INCELs!?

    Yo, yo, yo. In case ya'll haven't figured from my posts over the years, I've been a lifelong incel. I've only realised there were others like me when I found out about the incel community in the last 2-3 years.

    But this phenomenon (sorry, "phenom" for you yanks!) is fast growing, now even affecting the BLACK community.

    As a suburban honky, ya'll are the only black guys I know to ask you're opinions of.

    Incels used to only used to occur among nerdy white guys, but now you have black guys, who used to be super macho are saying the same things that typically only white nerds used to say.

    Is this the power of feminism? Even effecting the most masculine type of men on the planet!? Things have got exponentially worse, even from 12 years ago, when feminism was still quite strong.

    The embed doesn't work my end so here's the link


  2. #2


    tsa is probably the least masculine man in the whole state of texas.

  3. #3
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    Dudes that need to shower, primp up a bit, go out once a while and realize that in America, women outnumber us 1-15, so with that knowledge, there's someone out there who is open to getting creamed up provided you aren't a weirdo with your approach

  4. #4
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    Another thing, if you allow yourself to believe societal None truths about what a nerd is, you have lost from the get go, there's no such thing as a nerd, its a construct used to break down the spirit or mindset of aready docile broken people. its what actually insecure people use as a weapon to brand others and feel better about themselves.

    you are on a wutang board, method man is an avid comic reader/collector. naturally he would be considered a "nerd" but he is deemed cool because he doesn't adhere to the title and hasn't been made insecure by it, which brings me to my point, what society considers nerds are really broken people with no social skills and use hobbies as a get away and in turn make those hobbies their reality. there are tons of people who you consider cool and hip who are avid perusers of what you consider "nerd" activities.

    this issue has nothing to do with being a nerd, it has a lot to do with upbringing,lack of social interaction, buying into the belief that women are more than what they really are ,which is nothing mre than someone with a hole who eats,sleeps and shits like you do and cowards who fear feminism instead of realizing that, the very people who adopt the ideology are the weakest, most frail, idiotic women you will ever meet.

    but what do i know?

  5. #5
    420 the Hedgehog JASPER's Avatar
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    The thing is, women have a lot of choice when it comes to dating. A 6/10 woman can get a 9/10 man. A 6/10 man has to do with 3/10 left over roasties, crack addict single moms and 42 year old borderliners.

    The dating market isn't fair for the average looking dude. Sure you can dress a bit nicer and work out. But still, your competition does the same and girls still always have options to do better than you. Even if you're tall, handsome and fit, girls have better options. Top tier men fuck 80% of the girls, middle tier guys fuck 20% of the girls and low tier guys are perma virgins.

    Inceldom is predominantly an asian thing. I feel bad for my asian brothers, even girls their race rather date white men.

    "I hate them and I wish death among them!" - Mahatma Gandhi

  6. #6
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    Lol damn, nobody likes the sistas.

  7. #7
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    y'all just need to like go to the bar or something.

    get drunk around people and try socializing. smoke weed, hell could even try meth, some weird shit happens when you do meth. wouldnt be surprised if you hook up with a chick that way.
    <img src=https://www.wutang-corp.com/forum/signaturepics/sigpic197760_8.gif border=0 alt= />

  8. #8
    The ABBOTT noel411's Avatar
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    ^ive never seen or heard it outside of this forum

  9. #9
    Prince of the Non Ignorant weirdos
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooch View Post
    Lol damn, nobody likes the sistas.
    Our Queens are loved, prospective suitors just do not love to deal with their strong personalities. Black women are very proud. I remember being in Rite Aid back in April and a young, black woman about in her mid twenties with a nice shape was in the line ahead of us and an older white man, about in his late forties, early fifties was next to me and pointed to her and said to me "I would love to find one of those without the loud mouth" I told him just keep searching. I did not tell him it was going to be extraordinarily difficult though, ha ha.

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    Quote Originally Posted by RADIOACTIVE MAN View Post
    Another thing, if you allow yourself to believe societal None truths about what a nerd is, you have lost from the get go, there's no such thing as a nerd, its a construct used to break down the spirit or mindset of aready docile broken people. its what actually insecure people use as a weapon to brand others and feel better about themselves.

    you are on a wutang board, method man is an avid comic reader/collector. naturally he would be considered a "nerd" but he is deemed cool because he doesn't adhere to the title and hasn't been made insecure by it, which brings me to my point, what society considers nerds are really broken people with no social skills and use hobbies as a get away and in turn make those hobbies their reality. there are tons of people who you consider cool and hip who are avid perusers of what you consider "nerd" activities.

    this issue has nothing to do with being a nerd, it has a lot to do with upbringing,lack of social interaction, buying into the belief that women are more than what they really are ,which is nothing mre than someone with a hole who eats,sleeps and shits like you do and cowards who fear feminism instead of realizing that, the very people who adopt the ideology are the weakest, most frail, idiotic women you will ever meet.

    but what do i know?
    I think this is the closest to an explanation I've heard, thanks. I just wish I knew this when I was 15.

  11. #11
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    There’s a lot of things that I wouldn’t know existed without the internet.

    This is one.

  12. #12
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RADIOACTIVE MAN View Post
    women outnumber us 1-15
    Huh, what? Its usually about 52/48

    Quote Originally Posted by Dooch View Post
    Lol damn, nobody likes the sistas.
    I think thats got to be the American sub-cultural divide though, rather than white guys generally not finding black girls attractive. Its probably more like a lot of American guys just don't even consider that an option. I don't think its true in the UK, its definitely not a big deal here. I generally prefer black girls.

  13. #13
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Max Chinroom View Post
    For starters it's playing Russian roulette with your health: https://www.cdc.gov/std/stats17/minorities.htm
    Also black women in the US have the highest obesity rates: https://minorityhealth.hhs.gov/omh/b...lvl=4&lvlid=25
    Also the majority of white men are not actively seeking an opportunity to dead-end their genetic lineage by having a mixed kid, no matter how many commercials or movies you see on tv with a WM/BF couple pairing.
    SMH I'm not advocating going raw, casual sex or making poor choices with the women you date.

    Skin tone and other genetic traits really aren't shit either, there isn't a dead end to anything. Its a drop in a very big bucket. Its not even a given that the human race will survive, and if it does it will evolve or genetically engineer itself into the next iteration. So what are you really protecting?

    Just make the best decision for you personally, its dumb to rule out anything in your personal life based on broad generalizations.

  14. #14
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    Let’s not get too scientific as to why nobody wants to date LaMoniqeeya.

    And it ain’t about hair or skin tone.

  15. #15
    No Father to my stench
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    Default ffffffff

    Quote Originally Posted by RADIOACTIVE MAN View Post
    Another thing, if you allow yourself to believe societal None truths about what a nerd is, you have lost from the get go, there's no such thing as a nerd, its a construct used to break down the spirit or mindset of aready docile broken people. its what actually insecure people use as a weapon to brand others and feel better about themselves.

    you are on a wutang board, method man is an avid comic reader/collector. naturally he would be considered a "nerd" but he is deemed cool because he doesn't adhere to the title and hasn't been made insecure by it, which brings me to my point, what society considers nerds are really broken people with no social skills and use hobbies as a get away and in turn make those hobbies their reality. there are tons of people who you consider cool and hip who are avid perusers of what you consider "nerd" activities.

    this issue has nothing to do with being a nerd, it has a lot to do with upbringing,lack of social interaction, buying into the belief that women are more than what they really are ,which is nothing mre than someone with a hole who eats,sleeps and shits like you do and cowards who fear feminism instead of realizing that, the very people who adopt the ideology are the weakest, most frail, idiotic women you will ever meet.

    but what do i know?

    you getting to the heart of the matter like Don Henley, oh Radioactive one

    the modern day bum bitch has created a certain fake reality and tries to present this reality as truth and most dudes believe the hologram is real and next thing you know they emasculated, wearing skinny jeans with their ass exposed all day looking like a faggot trying to impress a bum bitch

    the truth is, attractive as she may or may not be, no sane man with the least amount of self respect wants this "bum bitch" for a wife, which is the reason they create this false reality in the first place...nothing more than a cloaking device to hide their bumbitchdedness

    thankfully eye been dealing with groupie bitches since elementary school and was disgusted by their groupie-izm and came to the realization early on that bitches are stupid like domesticated house cats

    the truth is human females have a biological need to chase a man even though they don't know it...the first mistake a man makes is taking into consideration what a bitch want


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