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Thread: Has Disney ruined the Star Wars movies?

  1. #1

    Default Has Disney ruined the Star Wars movies?

    I just saw the trailer for the new Star Wars movie and thought to myself, how far the franchise has fallen? Then I started to think about all the Star Wars nerds who are militant about the movies and how they must be flipping out or are they? So I wanted to know is the new bunch of Star Wars films considered successful or has Disney ruined the films in the eyes of the fans?

  2. #2
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    I mean, George Lucas got there first.

    It depends how good you think the original films were in the first place, I don't think any of them are amazing by any stretch of the imagination. They're just kind of fun and silly.

    JJ Abrams' Force Awakens was good as a fan servicey ode to the original trilogy, but the sequel was all over the place, some of it I like, some of it I don't. JJ Abrams is returning for this new one and he has a good track record so I think it'll turn out okay.

  3. #3


    Disney has a history of racism and xenophobia in their movies.

  4. #4


    I'm not aware of Disney's "racism and xenophobia," and considering how often misused those labels are today among Pseudo-Liberal DemoKKKrat Regressive Neo-Marxists, I assume it to be a false allegation. It's actually the phony emphasis on feminism and diversity which has played a large part in why the new series of Star Wars movies suck.

    The original Star Wars trilogy were episodes 4, 5, and 6 released in the 1970's and they were awesome.

    Then they came out with the prequel trilogy of 1,2,and 3 movies. These received criticism but I actually liked them, though not as much as the original trilogy. Jar Jar Binks was a bad character but I loved the actors and roles of the young Obi-Won-Kenobi and I liked his mentor Qui-Gon Jinn played by Liam Neeson. Natalie Portman was great. Senator Palpatine was played well. Samuel L. Jackson played a great role. It still felt like a part of the Star Wars universe despite being made decades later.

    Then came Disney and episodes 7 and 8. A new generation of characters. Unconvincing actors and bad writing. The Force Awakens. Adam Driver does a good job as Kylo Ren. But here comes the diversity squad of pseudo-liberals. Through two movies I don't give a shit about the protagonists. Finn? How could any sith not have taken this clown out by now? Poe? He's no Han Solo replacement. Rey? Such a flat, hollow character. I have no reason to care about what happens to her. And she's supposed to be the main protagonist star of the movie! I just assume Kylo Ren, the bad guy, take them all out. I have no reason to care about what happens to these empty, hollow, corny characters the way I cared about what happened to Han Solo, Chewbacca, Princess Leia, Obi Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker in the original trilogy. It's not even believable any of them have the strength or skill to take on the Empire. No training. No arch. It's like they just inherit the force and skills like a trust fund baby inherits his daddy's Hollywood fortune. They go from being nobodies to battling Siths. Contrast that to Luke Skywalker gradually building his skills and abilities with The Force over a long three movie trilogy.

    At the end of episode 8, practically the entire rebel alliance gets wiped the fuck out under the feminazi leadership of Vice Admiral Holdo - some purple haired feminist looking bitch you'd find at a planned parenthood protest wearing a pink pussy hat screaming about how middle class Republicans should pay for her free abortions. And despite practically all their family and friends and fellow rebels being slaughtered, the remaining survivors are all happy and smiling and hugging each other at the end of episode 8 when they have nothing to really be happy about. It's fucking stupid.

    Then there's the writing errors. Like Luke Skywalker is supposedly projecting himself to trick Kylo Ren, but his projection hands his sister a physical object. How the fuck does that happen? Sloppy writing.

    And how is Yoda shooting lightning bolts and blowing things up and setting things on fire? If he can do that from beyond the grave, then why not just shoot lightning bolts at Kylo Ren and Snoke since you are a powerful destructive invincible ghost? Fucking stupid.

    It's Disney clownery. And we're never really told the purpose of Snoke. Oh, and we need a token Asian character because Diversity! So we get Rose Tico which is an even worse character than Jar Jar Binks. A terribly annoying character and story in episode 8, beginning the episode with her preaching about duty and then bailing on duty at the end to instead appeal to emotions.

    The only white guys allowed in the new Disney Star Wars trilogy are either old, grumpy, evil, backstabbing, or get killed. Because WHITE MAN BAD! It's so obvious these movies were written by penis tucking pseudo-liberal demoKKKrat Regressive Marxist twerps who use transgender bathrooms. I really don't give a fuck if the main characters are non-white or female, as long as they are good, but this shit is so forced and phony it makes you want to puke. I loved female protagonist characters such as Ellen Ripley in Alien. She kicks ass! And it wasn't some feminazi granola bar gluten free faggot shit.

    I watched Rogue One which was actually decent and probably better than episodes 7 and 8!

    I haven't watched Solo and have no interest to.

    Expectations are almost impossibly high for the Star Wars franchise. I'm not a Star Wars purist. My criticism above is light compared to most of the reviews you can read online.

  5. #5
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    nobody is going to read all of that you god damn loser.

    I agree with Shadynasty that the movies have always been stupid and it's nobody's fault if the new ones are stupid too. I think this next one will be slightly better than normal since they're trying to break away from their previous (shitty) formula.

  6. #6


    It's not my problem you have attention deficit disorder. Take your ritalin.

    No one is going to read your 40,200 fucking posts you damn loser.

    Speaking of shitty movies, Django Unchained sucked.

  7. #7
    God's Replica Mumm Ra's Avatar
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    Django is a goat movie.

    Boomers who grew up on the original movies think the new ones are utterly terrible, but I was talking to a 26yr old about these movies recently and Episode 1/2/3 are by far her favorites. It's like 90's Wu-Tang vs post-2000 Wu-Tang, some fans actually think ABT was a good album. Its just a generational thing and what you grew up with

    like TSA said the original movies were pretty damn weird anyway, even the actors thought it would flop

  8. #8
    Shaolin Master
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    Rose is ugly.

  9. #9


    I thought the last few star wars movies were entertaining. the solo one that had a slight indy jones flavor to it and the one with ol' man skywalker stuck on a rock he's too vertigoed out of his mind to get off of. I might have misinterpreted the plot on that last one though

    the first disney remake was pretty pointless imo. just a rehash of 'a new hope' in feel. the only original idea (well, kind of) was the renegade storm trooper

    the late nineties emo rock star looking bad guy was milquetoast at first but he's grown on me

    I can't be bothered with any new characters' names anymore though.

    gonna go see the new one in two weeks. bee rock, if you're reading this, consider this an official invite. make sure you wear the right shoes

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Give peace a chance View Post
    Disney has a history of racism and xenophobia in their movies.
    yeah about that. I'm about to have this terminally unfunny secondary's secondary account banned
    Last edited by Rev Jones; 12-05-2019 at 08:27 AM.

  11. #11


    All the original Django movies are better.

    I watched the first couple episodes of Mandalorian and thought it was good.

  12. #12
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    From Forbes:

    Review: ‘Rise Of Skywalker’ Is The Worst ‘Star Wars’ Movie Ever

    'Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker' banner
    Walt DisneySpoiler warning: I do mention specific details about the first few scenes, but otherwise there are no spoilers save for “read between the lines” notes about the film’s overall construction. Reader discretion is advised.
    Given the loud and SEO-friendly backlash to Star Wars: The Last Jedi, I half-expected The Rise of Skywalker to be something of a walk-back in terms of tone, plot and exposition. After all, The Empire Strikes Back was itself a dramatic departure from Star Wars, and it was followed by a threequel (Return of the Jedi) that was closer in spirit to the first movie. What I was expecting, at worst, was a well-made and character-driven action fantasy that perhaps contained plot threads or story beats for which I didn’t care. You can enjoy both Batman Returns and Batman Forever.

    Alas, J.J. Abrams and Chris Terrio’s Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is a genuinely bad movie, one that repeats the fatal mistakes of the likes of Spectre, Spider-Man 3 and The Crimes of Grindelwald to end the Skywalker Saga on an all-time low.

    The problem with Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker isn’t just that it absolutely walks back a number of potent reveals and plot threads from the last movie, but rather that the 142-minute movie spends almost its entire running time retconning its predecessor and adding painfully conventional “plot twists” and patronizing reversals in the name of mollifying the fans who merely want to be reminded of the first three movies. It inflicts additional damage to the legacy of the first six Star Wars movies. It undermines the previous two “episodes” in the name of giving (some but not all) original-trilogy Star Wars fans a reassuring pat on the head. It even shies away from The Force Awakens’ darker real-world implications. It is so concerned with character reveals and “chase the MacGuffin” plotting that it finds no time for any real character work.

    Things start promisingly enough, with a grim and visually dazzling sequence (for the record, the whole movie looks great) in which Kylo Ren (Adam Driver, doing what he can to sell some awful dialogue and plotting) kills his way to the location of a still-living Sheev Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid). The former Emperor promises command of countless newly created warships as long as Ren ends the Jedi order by killing Rey (Daisy Ridley). Okay, fine, the Emperor’s back, but at least that reveal is done right off the bat.
    The next sequence, involving multiple jumps to light speed, plays out like the Star Tours ride. But once we find ourselves back in the new home of the fractured Resistance, well, you have huge chunks of plot that are written and edited around deleted scenes of the late Carrie Fisher. That’s when things start to implode.
    With all due respect, Carrie Fisher’s performance in The Force Awakens was not her best work, and now we’re dealing with deleted scenes from that previous Star Wars movie being awkwardly inserted, not unlike Raymond Burr’s Godzilla footage, into this new movie. Everyone else is required to act around her, with the story dictated by what footage they had on hand, resulting in some genuinely goofy filmmaking (see: Leia and Rey pass a lightsaber back and forth because it’s probably two takes of the same deleted sequence!). The Resistance immediately gets word that Palpatine is alive and has raised a world-killing army of super-ships, news that everyone takes pretty well. I guess it’s only slightly disconcerting that (metaphorically speaking) Hitler is still alive 35 years after World War II and is planning on teaming up with the USSR to try to enslave the world again.
    We then jump into a “go to the place and find the thing” adventure, and the filmmakers seem to think that the mere idea of Rey, Finn, Poe and Chewbacca on a journey together is in itself incredibly compelling. Alas, absent memorable dialogue and much in the way of honest interaction, plus two extraneous new characters seemingly meant to “no homo” Finn and Poe, the journey becomes about the destination. That destination is merely more arbitrary plot reveals. Did you love how the last Fantastic Beasts movie spent most of the movie hinting at and eventually revealing irrelevant connections between characters? Did you love how Spectre tried to retroactively make Blofeld “the author of all your pain” in the three previous Daniel Craig 007 movies? Or how about how Spider-Man 3 revealed that the Sandman actually kinda-sorta killed Uncle Ben? You’re in for a treat.
    It’s not just that Rise of Skywalker undoes Last Jedi’s “it’s not your franchise anymore” metaphors—aimed at a generation that grew up loving Star Wars and then allowed two Palpatine-ish leaders (George W. Bush and Trump) to come into power—for generic “don’t worry, Star Wars is still the best!” fan bait. It’s that this is the only real reason this movie exists. It is focused on plot over character and is written with the “we got to stop that laser!” intelligence of a bad Saturday morning cartoon. When there already exists some very good kid-targeted Star Wars toons (Rebels, Clone War, etc.), one cannot escape the fact that Rise of Skywalker has turned this entire new Star Wars trilogy from a kids’ franchise into one aimed at nostalgic adults yearning for a time when they believed they were the most important generation.
    Adam Driver does his best trying to sell this nonsense, and there’s a momentary glance when he unexpectedly finds himself with a weapon that has more charm and character than any number of “applause now” introductions or fan-friendly callbacks. The film continually teases status-quo altering events and then immediately walks them back, offers generic action where even the seemingly emotional showdowns are interrupted by digressions and past-tense exposition, and gives Daisy Ridley essentially no real arc of her own. The screenplay never forces her to make any hard choices or live with the consequences of her mistakes. The plot is shockingly similar to Frozen II, but even that film, as random as its narrative seemed, prioritized character and emotional honesty over plot, which is why it resonated despite the story issues. Finn, Poe and Rey are mostly action figures moved into place as the plot demands.
    The Rise of Skywalker is possibly worse than any prior Star Wars “episode.” It ends a legendary franchise with a thud while denying this new trilogy its artistic reason for existence. It represents the cultural theft of Star Wars from today’s kids by today’s arrested-development-stricken adults. Star Wars was a franchise first and foremost for children, and the kids who grew up with Harry Potter, The Hunger Games andthe MCUhave embraced harsh truths and challenging narratives. Lucasfilm and Disney’s The Rise of Skywalker feels explicitly crafted for the “Rian Johnson ruined Star Wars!” and “George Lucas ruined my childhood!” demographics, right down to its near erasure of Kelly Marie Tran’s Rose Tico. It’s bad enough that adults no longer see grown-up movies in theaters, but now yesterday’s geeks who have taken over pop culture feel entitled to have the kid-friendly franchises aimed at them as well.

  13. #13
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    Was going to see this at the weekend, going to skip it and see the Jumanji sequel (first one was surprisingly enjoyable).

  14. #14
    Hanovallah HANZO's Avatar
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    Movies getting shitted on which is actually surprising because the critics loved the shit show that was the Last Jedi and gave the Force Awakens a pass even though it was the same fucking movie as 'a new hope'.

    To be honest with Star Wars unless they do an R-rated one where limbs are flying off blood is being spilled. Where the plot is an actual war between 2 sides which isn't your typical Nazi evil guys vs plucky rebels. Then maybe I would be interested again. Hell give this shit to Scorsese and let him make a Star Wars mob movie.

  15. #15
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    lol, seems like my thinking this new movie would be good was a complete misfire. I haven't seen it but I've been hearing 'worst movie ever' level reviews. I agree with Hanzo. When it first came out it made sense for it's time, now it's bottom-barrel generic, stake-less sci-fi. It gets all the credit in the world for originating the genre, blockbusters etc. Probably the most important movie in western history, but fuck is it outdated.

    It's probably unredeemable because scorsese is about to die, and entire creative-sphere of the united states is occupied by very androgynous vegans that are the literal failsons and daughters of the people that made hollywood matter. If the work is not about people's dicks actually being vaginas they can't advance on a single concept within it, but will always go for remakes because they're essentially shitty remakes of their parents.


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