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Thread: Bussy Boppin' Bunker Party (Riots,Protests,Anarchy,Psy-Ops,Martial Law)

  1. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hal Incandenza View Post
    Dooch what are your thoughts on the White House lawn and rose garden?
    Terrific stuff. Really great. Best rose garden in the world.

  2. #17
    420 the Hedgehog JASPER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sense-A View Post
    It turns out that George Floyd is just another piece of garbage shit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sense-A View Post

    In 2007 he raided a home with five other men, and held a gun to a pregnant woman's belly.

    If George Floyd had done that to the pregnant mother of my child, I would have kneeled on his neck for longer than 8 minutes.

    Did George Floyd deserve to be killed for passing $20 counterfeit bills? Of course not.

    Did George Floyd deserve to be killed for holding a gun to a pregnant woman's belly? YES.

    Once again, DemoKKKRats PLAYED themselves defending a human piece of excrement who was high on drugs.

    Both autopsy reports, one by coroner and one privately by Floyd's family, show he did not die from Asphyxiation nor strangulation. Floyd's heart gave out likely due to the drugs in his system, which I've heard was Fentanyl which kills lots of people without a knee on the neck necessary.

    The people suggesting President Trump is a coward are wheeling a senile dementia patient named Joe Biden out in a wheel chair and suggesting a senile hair sniffing pedophile who farts during his livestream interviews should be president instead.

    President Trump is courageous enough to take on the corporate conglomerate fake news media cartel, CIA, and military industrial complex, which is why you had bitches like General Mattis whining about Trump yesterday because he's still mad he didn't get his war in Syria. The CIA and military industrial complex got to bomb 7 countries and have their way with weak cowards like Obama. They want a senile fart like Biden in there so they can get back to wars for profit.

    The demoKKKRat rioters have murdered five black people who were all better people than George Floyd. Will Joe Biden be attending their memorials too?

    Based! Turns out he was in some pornos too.

    "I hate them and I wish death among them!" - Mahatma Gandhi

  3. #18
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    Some sick-fuck bicyclist attacked some little kids posting signs in support of George Floyd and even sicker fucks have already doxed 2 different people for this crime, one of which has been cleared by the police and they’re still calling his employer trying to get him fired.


  4. #19


    NEVER touch kids.


    this shitstorm is getting worse than The Purge, on both sides

  5. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by JASPER View Post
    Based! Turns out he was in some pornos too.

    category game is on point.

  6. #21
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    Down goes Boomer! Down goes Boomer! Down goes Boomer!

    After the city of buffalo suspended 2 cops for this incident, the other 57 resigned from the special task force. (not from the police department though)

  7. #22


    stop spreading what?

    I didn't get it

    enunciation is important


  8. #23


    'cohona virus'?

    I see now what the Mexican wall was supposed to stop

  9. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by The Seer View Post
    new RPG class!

    The Lumber Jack:

  10. #25


    6 people online on wucorp in 2020? must be riots outside

  11. #26
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    Silence is not betrayal.

    Silence is sanity.

  12. #27


    Why was George Floyd living in Minneapolis if he has a 6 year old daughter in Houston, Texas?

    Not only was he a violent drug addict that holds guns to pregnant women's bellies,

    He's also a lowlife piece of garbage shit father absent from his daughter's life.

    Someone told his daughter that George Floyd died. She said "WHO?"

    But that's normal, right. 77% of black children grow up in single parent households with no father around.

    Let me repeat. If a man held a gun to my pregnant child's mother, I would have kneeled on his neck myself and I would have enjoyed hearing him beg me for breath.

  13. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by The Seer View Post
    RZA fell victim to this trolling campaign intended to black-out discussion of protest/riot footage for hours LOL.

    Rza's been an Unkle Tom for a long time. He's still eating the cobwebs out of Hillary's cooch. Because she carries hot sauce in her purse! And former KKK Leader Robert Byrd is her mentor!!! Support your master or "you ain't black."
    Last edited by Sense-A; 06-06-2020 at 03:45 AM.

  14. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Artsdradamus View Post
    Down goes Boomer! Down goes Boomer! Down goes Boomer!

    After the city of buffalo suspended 2 cops for this incident, the other 57 resigned from the special task force. (not from the police department though)
    That old communist agitator tried to grab the officer's gun.

    If someone tried to grab my firearm, I would legally be within my rights to shoot them.

    He should be thankful the officer merely shoved him away.

  15. #30


    Candace Owens explains why George Floyd is not a martyr, his life of crime and drug use, his holding a gun to a pregnant black woman

    Confession: #GeorgeFloyd is neither a martyr nor a hero.

    If I hated black people, I would promote the demoKKKrat party to promote black poverty, black dependency on an authoritarian government via food stamps and welfare, disarmament of blacks, black section 8 plantation housing, abortion of black babies, smear real black leaders, promote black drug dealers and criminals as black leaders and martyrs, promote black music that encourages drug use and objectification of black women, encourage blacks to burn down their own communities, break up the black family, pay black women to leave the fathers of their children, weaponize the family court system against blacks, and everything else promoted by the DemoKKKrat party, the party of KKK, the party of Jim Crow, I'd even spread lies about the DemoKKKrat Party's history, confuse people by saying the parties "switched" or that the old DemoKKKrat Racists are now Republicans despite no actual evidence. I would use corporate conglomerate fake news media propagandists to keep black people misinformed. I would enrich black men who helped spread my demoKKKrat lies (Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Obama, etc.). I would hijack the legacy of former black civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. I would tell blacks they are not black unless they support this demoKKKrat scheme.


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