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Thread: Biden is the obvious choice for assisted living

  1. #76
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    ^ Not true. This is why we need universal standards and universal values, not a bunch of cowboys making shit up as they go along like suffering is actually different depending on what bit of land you're standing on.

  2. #77


    all this seems to have somewhat woken up the cool man ladies love


  3. #78
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShaDynasty View Post
    ^ Not true. This is why we need universal standards and universal values, not a bunch of cowboys making shit up as they go along like suffering is actually different depending on what bit of land you're standing on.
    why don't the 2 of you just say you don't like black people lol. All of the mental gymnastics needed to say anything else will make you deep-30s men sound goofy

    'I mean, I get that black Americans are tired of being killed by the police but have they seen the STATS AND FIGURES about China? I mean, let's talk about the REAL problem'.

    'We want justice for George floyd' '..let's not have that, there are a lot of violations in China. lets not have that at all'

    how does that even play out, hypothetically? without someone saying the words STATS and FIGURES.

  4. #79
    Hanovallah HANZO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    why don't the 2 of you just say you don't like black people lol. All of the mental gymnastics needed to say anything else will make you deep-30s men sound goofy

    'I mean, I get that black Americans are tired of being killed by the police but have they seen the STATS AND FIGURES about China? I mean, let's talk about the REAL problem'.

    'We want justice for George floyd' '..let's not have that, there are a lot of violations in China. lets not have that at all'

    how does that even play out, hypothetically? without someone saying the words STATS and FIGURES.
    The point I made was regarding Europeans, don't take it out of context. There's police brutality in the UK against Black people yet apart from one time back in 2012 no one has said much about it since, no protests or mass movements, yet more noise is made when something happens in the US. This is just further proof of how US centric this country has become.

  5. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    why don't the 2 of you just say you don't like black people lol. All of the mental gymnastics needed to say anything else will make you deep-30s men sound goofy

    'I mean, I get that black Americans are tired of being killed by the police but have they seen the STATS AND FIGURES about China? I mean, let's talk about the REAL problem'.

    'We want justice for George floyd' '..let's not have that, there are a lot of violations in China. lets not have that at all'

    how does that even play out, hypothetically? without someone saying the words STATS and FIGURES.
    China? Them? This is a country who targeted blacks during the COVID-19 crisis saying that they're infecting people. Lol. Really? People were evicted, fired, and shamed because they're black. Racism at it's finest but wants the world not to point the finger at them for the global pandemic.
    Loyalty is Royalty. Strength and Loyalty

  6. #81


    Joe Biden farted during a livestream. This old senile fool can't even control his flatulence.

    There Was A Pretty Loud Fart Noise During A Joe Biden Livestream

    Beijing Biden needs his diaper changed.

    Joe Biden with KKK Leader Robert Byrd

  7. #82


    Today I was thinking...

    Telling black Americans that they must vote DemoKKKrat or else "you ain't black"

    is the same as

    Telling white Americans that they must vote DemoKKKrat or else "You racist"

    They try to corner you with these kind of bully tactics. I say fuck 'em.

  8. #83
    Shaolin Master
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    They cancelled the show Cops

  9. #84
    Shaolin Master
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    What's next, any show that has police characters will be removed? Andy griffith? Family Matters?

  10. #85
    Shaolin Master
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    How does anyone post on this site regularily by the way? Do you have to sell your soul to the devil to stay logged in?

  11. #86


    Trump needs to be assassinated or the US needs to have a civil war?

  12. #87


    Quote Originally Posted by zooruka View Post
    Trump needs to be assassinated or the US needs to have a civil war?
    Black DemoKKKrat unkle toms getting riled up and race rioting preceded President Trump. This has Hussein Obama's writing all over it. Obama claimed he was a "community organizer." I dare you to provide me evidence of him organizing anything in communities other than race riots. This is Obama's specialty. Al Sharpton's specialty. Black men bought off and paid as agents for DemoKKKrat party crime syndicate.

    Minneapolis is a DemoKKKrat city with a black DemoKKKrat chief of police and a demoKKKrat police union with a demoKKKrat city council and a demoKKKrat city mayor and a demoKKKrat state governor in a state that voted for Obama twice and for hillary. Tell me more about how this is Trump's fault.

    DemoKKKrat Governors and mayors are the ones who imposed fascist lockdowns and put millions of people out of work and closed businesses. This is further evidenced by the latest Bureau of Labor Statistics report that shows a growing gap in unemployment between states managed by Republican governors and states with demoKKKrat governors. The disparity is over 1.5% now. DemoKKKrats are sabotaging their own state economies and destroying business, encouraging riots and anarchy.

    I've been trying to get unkle tom wucorpers to wake up for a long time.

    Look at this. Here you have the white elitists who run the demokKKrat party kneeling, impersonating the officer kneeling on a black man's neck.

    What are they wearing? Are they appropriating black culture?

    They are wearing Kenti cloths. These were worn by rich Ashanti noblemen in the 17th century. Original garments were made of silk. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and your white elitist demoKKKRat virtue signaling rulers are wearing the same garments that rich powerful royal African SLAVE TRADERS wore!

    So you have rich white demoKKKrats here wearing the garments of slave traders and impersonating the white officer kneeling on a black man's neck. That's because they know they still OWN blacks in America.


    Over 90% of the slaves traded in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade were captured and sold by royal black kings and noblemen. They captured and sold black Africans, their own king, to merchants in exchange for luxury goods, silk, gold, firearms, spices, etc.

    These are not the garments worn by African slaves, or peasants, or even the common man in Africa.

    The white elitists who run your dear DemoKKKrat Party, the party of KKK and Jim Crow, are so old that half the old white DemoKKKRats in that photo above wearing the garments of your slave captors needed help getting back up off the floor after 8 minutes and 46 seconds.

    Notice that you have been TRICKED into idolizing a black man who held a gun to a pregnant black woman. They would NOT idolize George Floyd if he had been a good, honorable Christian black man who respected black women and provided for his own black children. They take the lowest among you and hold them up as your idols, all the while tearing down and attempting to destroy any credible honorable black man in America. Any credible honorable black man in America would not associate himself with the political party of his former slavemaster.

    Most black urban communities are under white demoKKKrat control, even in the South.

    Elitist racist white DemoKKKrats accomplished many goals with this operation.
    1. They convinced emotional black unkle tom demoKKKrats to burn down their own communities and destroy local businesses.
    2. They now have put into place a motion to defund police. This will harm black communities the most, where most of the crime occurs. Black residents call the 911 dispatchers. Dispatchers dispatch the police. Not anymore. Black communities will become no go zones where criminals take over. DemoKKKrats wanted this because President Trump had helped black unemployment reach its lowest point in history since unemployment recordkeeping began. Also, under President Trump, black median household income had reached a several decade high. Black people were escaping poverty. This is how DemoKKKrats drag black Americans back into the welfare system and recreate chaos in the black communities. It's working.
    3. The communist revolutionaries hijacked the black civil rights movement. What you may confuse as civil rights actions are actually just communist infiltrators controlling the messaging and agenda.

    Remember, I live just outside Charleston, SC. 3 hours from Savannah Georgia. 3 hours from Jacksonville. 3 hours from Augusta. 6 hours from Atlanta. 3 hours from Charlotte.

    Here I saw many black owned businesses get destroyed, loots, and ravaged. BLACK owned businesses!

    Also, the riots have left 7 black people dead so far. All 7 of the black men and women killed by rioters were far better people than George Floyd, but you haven't heard their names on any corporate conglomerate fake news network or any distributed and controlled social media messaging. They must be erased. You have to go to one of those scary right wing websites to even find out the names of innocent GOOD black men and women who were killed by the white communist ANTIFA demoKKKrat rioters that so many foolish black demoKKKRats have now allied with. That's because the ANTIFA communist beret and boot foot soldiers for the demoKKKrat party are well funded and well organized.

    To suggest this is President Trump's fault, or somehow the fault of rural and suburban Christian Conservatives who live quiet, independent, individualist lives is silly and unfounded in any evidence. People such as myself have children and are merely trying to raise our families and increase our income, pay off mortgages, fix the leaking faucet on the weekends and listen to a new Wu album in my home office with my craigslist and flea market stereo system when I finally catch a break.

    It boggles my mind, still, how many black Americans still choose to be servants on the white man's demoKKKrat plantation, there in your section 8 slave quarter housing, pretending that Trump is some kind of evil racist because he was renting apartments to nearly 700 black tenants when he was falsely accused of denying a luxury suite to some angry black guy who ran to the ACLU 50 years ago. I've encountered some backwoods I got lost 60 miles off the highway there's alligators crossing dirt roads places. Real racist white people don't rent apartments to 700 black tenants. So calling Trump racist is silly on its face, yet gets propagated on corporate conglomerate fake news network programming nonstop. Oh, and Trump being a secret Russian spy, another tinfoil hat demoKKKrat pothead conspiracy theory. Or Trump somehow extorting Ukraine simply by asking for an investigation into REAL extortion that Joe Biden already bragged about committing in recorded video to the Council of Foreign Relations. That's better than leaked e-mails on wikileaks. You have Joe Biden in video confessing to a Federal crime but you tried to impeach Trump for merely wanting to investigate it.

    This isn't going to stop. This will last until into mid 2021. DemoKKKrats want chaos and disorder ahead of the election. They will crash the stock market again. DemoKKKrat financiers are multi-billionaires and have the capital and resources to make stock market indices move by themselves. Black communities will become "food deserts" with a lack of businesses, goods, services. This will accelerate poverty and, as I explained above, the defunding of the police will turn black communities into areas of rampant crime and depression. Home and property values in these communities will crash. Black senior citizens will struggle and be unable to move or procure the food and care they require.

    Why would demoKKKRats do this? Because poor people are much easier to control. Disarmed people are much easier to control. Scared and panicked people are much easier to control.

    What demoKKKrats hate is a calm, cool, critical thinking, heavily armed, intelligent, individualist, Christian white conservative who oppose government power and authoritarianism, perversion, communism, taxation. That is why you see the demoKKKrat propaganda machine that targets white people too. You see, this is not just a war against blacks. White people like myself are under attack.

    Opposition to the Pseudo-Liberal demoKKKrat Regressive Neo-Marxist organized crime syndicate is constantly under attack. That's why you see weak white men on tv shows, the homosexual propaganda, white guilt marketing and propaganda, promotion of pornography and cuckolding to turn white men into incels who never have children, white children being injected with psychotropic drugs, vaccinated with ingredients for autism, a dumbing down of public school curriculum, affirmative action to block white people from jobs, every race getting special "victim minority" status except the white man, family court systems urging white women to divorce white men, the feminazi movement to try to convince white women not to have white men's children and choose unfulfilling careers instead. CNN and similar propaganda machines, all part of the same conglomerate, will call any contrarian white person's political or philosophical views a racist, nationalist, supremacist, fascist, russian agent, terrorists, radical, right wing, nazi, and a long list of other names. Are there REALLY a bunch of evil racist nazi fascist white people who wake up every morning with the irrational urge to hunt and kill any colored person they can find? No. But CNN and MSNBC and ABC and NY Times and Washington Post and Hollywood definitely want you to believe that. It goes back to the scared people being easier to control point I made above.

    Whether you vote for Biden or Trump, one thing remains the same. The huge Federal, state, and local government bureaucracies are managed by demoKKKrats top to bottom in most areas. Even the places where you may have a Republican mayor, or Republican governor, or even President Trump, you still have all the government employees in the offices working all the departments who are demoKKKrats. And you don't elect them. They are there for 30+ years undermining everything, carrying out their DemoKKKrat Neo-Marxist Political Party agenda regardless if Trump is around for 4 years or 8 years. In Washington D.C., roughly 90% of the entire Federal bureaucracy is made up of DemoKKKrats there for 30+ years. Republican politicians just come and go every 2, 4, or 6 years.

    That's why you saw the establishment turn against Trump. He was already a billionaire and couldn't be bought off or easily blackmailed. Then we got Federal employees beginning their sabotage: leaks to fake news, bureaucrats whistleblowing with bs, people quitting or protesting or trying to undermine his agenda, fake news articles quoting anonymous sources from within the White House, fabrications, conspiracy theories about Russians, Generals mad at Trump because he wouldn't give them a war in Syria to build their natural gas pipelines...Just the last week you had a bunch of war monger Generals slamming Trump in the press for even suggesting that the huge, heavily funded National Defense department actually be used for National Defense instead of for foreign wars.

    Joe Biden is the old senile pedophile you put in the corner in a wheelchair and a little girl to fondle while your Generals bomb countries, start wars and demoKKKRat politicians raid the treasury, steer huge government contracts to family and friends, extort foreign leaders, control the news cycle and headlines with your corporate conglomerate demoKKKRat Public Relations machine, and coalesce power from the people. That means gun confiscation and gun control. That means oppressive taxation, wealth confiscation, forced indoctrination of your children in government schools, forced vaccinations, your own cell phone spying on you.

    That's why Joe Biden's so dangerous. He's not the one in control of the demoKKKrat party.

    Black DemoKKKrats vote demoKKKrat so that white guys like this can be governor of your state: DemoKKKrat Ralph Northam

    Should we be surprised? Hillary Clinton called a former KKK Leader her mentor, and 90% of blacks STILL voted for her anyways!!!! That's like me voting for a black woman who was mentored by a black man who led a cult promoting genocide of all white men. I wouldn't fall for something like that.

    Black people cucking themselves to their white DemoKKKrat masters. Black guys who put on the act like they are tough or cool because they smoke blunts or play rap music. Nah. They're cucked black DemoKKKrats allying with organized white Antifa commies who tricked them into burning down the black businesses in their own community. And they aren't tough about it. Go announce publicly you are a black Republican and we'll see how tough you are when you're being called a coon or an unkle tom for escaping the demoKKKrat plantation. When suddenly "you ain't black." You ain't tough. You are conformed.
    Last edited by Sense-A; 06-11-2020 at 06:27 AM.

  13. #88
    420 the Hedgehog JASPER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Collector View Post
    What's next, any show that has police characters will be removed? Andy griffith? Family Matters?
    "I hate them and I wish death among them!" - Mahatma Gandhi

  14. #89


    This is what Joe Biden's 90's crime bill and 3 strikes rule was doing to blacks in America. And what he intends to do to my 2nd amendment right to bear arms. And what he intends to do to the taxes taken out of my paycheck. Fuck this old dumb geezer.

  15. #90
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    Obama specialty was organizing race riots? Sense-A, what's going on?
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