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Thread: Biden is the obvious choice for assisted living

  1. #136


    Mark Dice - Finally, It's Over!

  2. #137
    Shaolin Master
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    In a basketball game, racist Montrezl Harrell called Luka Doncic a bitch ass white boy. Rather ironic, considering the social justice messages all over the court and on the back of payer jerseys.

  3. #138
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    Racist black NBA players?!

    NO WAY!!!

    Lol. It’s like a requirement.

  4. #139
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    the weirdest part of this thread is you're all way too sentimental to actually see what's going on. Not that I'm some wise seerer or whatever but absolutely nobody here has the slightest clue about shit lol.

    Idk which one of you is going balls to the wall against biden but literally nobody supports him lol. Its like trying to spite the person that cut you off in traffic by making sure santa doesnt visit them. Idk why you think he's a thing you need to 'expose' but ok

    as far as the white kid that got shot in the face, white ppl just started being minorities a week ago and you've already broken the world record for complaining. Super sentimental complaining. Not cause you care about the kid or anyone but cause you want to prove a reactionary point as a life goal. Pretty lame minorities

    no good music
    can't hoop
    no good non poisonous food
    no good tv shows
    no drip
    no subversive art forms
    shitty speeches
    can't even rally respectably

    Do better. Just do better.

    also i remember robby digital saying that gen z was going to save him but now he's made the punch cops and burn down manhattan chase with judas 68 digits in a briefcase. That's what I mean by how inaccurate all your gauges on things are. Total imbecile

  5. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    the weirdest part of this thread is you're all way too sentimental to actually see what's going on. Not that I'm some wise seerer or whatever but absolutely nobody here has the slightest clue about shit lol.

    Idk which one of you is going balls to the wall against biden but literally nobody supports him lol. Its like trying to spite the person that cut you off in traffic by making sure santa doesnt visit them. Idk why you think he's a thing you need to 'expose' but ok

    as far as the white kid that got shot in the face, white ppl just started being minorities a week ago and you've already broken the world record for complaining. Super sentimental complaining. Not cause you care about the kid or anyone but cause you want to prove a reactionary point as a life goal. Pretty lame minorities

    no good music
    can't hoop
    no good non poisonous food
    no good tv shows
    no drip
    no subversive art forms
    shitty speeches
    can't even rally respectably

    Do better. Just do better.

    also i remember robby digital saying that gen z was going to save him but now he's made the punch cops and burn down manhattan chase with judas 68 digits in a briefcase. That's what I mean by how inaccurate all your gauges on things are. Total imbecile
    Quit blacksplaining.

  6. #141


    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    the weirdest part of this thread is you're all way too sentimental to actually see what's going on. Not that I'm some wise seerer or whatever but absolutely nobody here has the slightest clue about shit lol.

    Idk which one of you is going balls to the wall against biden but literally nobody supports him lol. Its like trying to spite the person that cut you off in traffic by making sure santa doesnt visit them. Idk why you think he's a thing you need to 'expose' but ok

    as far as the white kid that got shot in the face, white ppl just started being minorities a week ago and you've already broken the world record for complaining. Super sentimental complaining. Not cause you care about the kid or anyone but cause you want to prove a reactionary point as a life goal. Pretty lame minorities

    no good music
    can't hoop
    no good non poisonous food
    no good tv shows
    no drip
    no subversive art forms
    shitty speeches
    can't even rally respectably

    Do better. Just do better.

    also i remember robby digital saying that gen z was going to save him but now he's made the punch cops and burn down manhattan chase with judas 68 digits in a briefcase. That's what I mean by how inaccurate all your gauges on things are. Total imbecile

    Thank you for taking a break from worshiping your George Floyd altar to come talk to us.

    You threaten to kill a white Italian pregnant woman? You get thrown off a rooftop by strong white Italian men.

    A black man threatens to kill a black pregnant woman? He gets a gold casket and 15 funerals. Why do weak pathetic black demoKKKrat men not protect their women and daughters? A strong righteous black man should have off'd Floyd 13 years ago. Fucking weaklings would rather battle over a nickel bag of weed.
    Last edited by Sense-A; 08-24-2020 at 08:04 PM.

  7. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    the weirdest part of this thread is you're all way too sentimental to actually see what's going on. Not that I'm some wise seerer or whatever but absolutely nobody here has the slightest clue about shit lol.

    Idk which one of you is going balls to the wall against biden but literally nobody supports him lol. Its like trying to spite the person that cut you off in traffic by making sure santa doesnt visit them. Idk why you think he's a thing you need to 'expose' but ok

    as far as the white kid that got shot in the face, white ppl just started being minorities a week ago and you've already broken the world record for complaining. Super sentimental complaining. Not cause you care about the kid or anyone but cause you want to prove a reactionary point as a life goal. Pretty lame minorities

    no good music
    can't hoop
    no good non poisonous food
    no good tv shows
    no drip
    no subversive art forms
    shitty speeches
    can't even rally respectably

    Do better. Just do better.

    also i remember robby digital saying that gen z was going to save him but now he's made the punch cops and burn down manhattan chase with judas 68 digits in a briefcase. That's what I mean by how inaccurate all your gauges on things are. Total imbecile

    I started this thread to state that Biden is our only hope for survival. The man lives for politics so he has a deep understanding of Washington and how things work. I was rooting for him until he selected Harris to be his running mate. TSA, I can't do it. If something happens to Biden, she'll be president. I mean, God forbid.
    Loyalty is Royalty. Strength and Loyalty

  8. #143


    Biden tries way too hard to look presidential. It’s sad in a country of 300+ million these two old fogies are the best ya’ll can come up with?

  9. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Seer View Post

    Never forget TSA and the gang only exist in this dimension because white people pay taxes and suffer from pathological altruism aka 'the cuck gene'.

    The best thing about the 'Summer of Love is a freshly minted eeeee-community was spawned on the fly. Live streams, live chat, and a brand new forum. I'd probably only invite Dooch if we get round 2 of national orc riots. It's been BIG FUN the last few months. This place has the energy level of Jeb Bush.
    Nah cmon! They’re just kids taking a little anger out!

    Learn how to “gauge” The difference between wholesome fun and savagely beating an animal because SYSTEMIC RACISM!!!

  10. #145


    The self loathing white people are an absolute embarrassment to white people.

    But I remind myself there's lots of really great Black American men and women who are constantly being embarrassed by the behavior of other black Americans.

    It traces back to why I try to see people as unique individuals. I really hate the identity politics but we're practically forced to talk about identity groups to debate demoKKKRats because they refuse to see anyone as an individual and everything is about marginalizing large groups of people who they can identify as voting blocks they can manipulate for the coalescence of power.

    We're all Wu-Tang fans but that's about where the similarities stop. From there we each branch out and begin to become very individual even when it comes to other kinds of music.

    The irrational hatred of President Trump has turned America crazy. The moonbats were so triggered that they couldn't accept the 2016 election and they've been trying to burn everything down and destroy the entire country in retaliation ever since.

    The same self contradicting frauds claim Trump hasn't accomplished anything. If that were true, then why are you so upset? You claim Trump hasn't done anything, then why don't you chill out? Or maybe he has accomplished a lot which you don't actually want to admit?

    Life would be much more fun not having to worry about politics. But the enemy is always bringing tyranny to my doorstep.

    What's that great quote by Thomas Jefferson?

    "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson

    I think that we're approaching that time.

    I've spent a lot of time bashing demoKKKrats and I make no qualms about it. Republicans are the better choice. But there's plenty to be unhappy with from the other side.

    As I mentioned in another thread, I like political gridlock the most. I'd rather neither political party get absolute power.

    I wish America had three major political parties but it seems that a majority rule system naturally results in a duality of powers and eventually the disastrous one party system which means you have totalitarianism.

    If two parties were to merge or conspire to unify forces then you basically have a shadow totalitarian regime.

    Perhaps we should be more worried about Republicans and demoKKKrats getting along than being in opposition. When those two parties are working together, it usually means the citizens are getting FUCKED.

  11. #146


    I hear you about individuals instead of groups. I also hear you on the 'not my president' movement right after the 2016 election.

    I also see your point about the disadvantages of what essentially remains a two party system in the US. Three or four major parties would likely result in a playing field that leads to more advantages in power balances and perhaps voter representability.

    Coming from a country where a government often consists of up to four, sometimes five parties I can tell you there are also advantages to a two party system.

    Multiple party governments often lead to an overall government policy that voters do not feel represented by due to the extreme form of compromising that is needed to come up with what is known around here as the 'government contract', which is the text that officially states the intended government policy for the full term.

    Such governments can be volatile due to so many parties having their own backbenchers and left or right wing fractions within that need to be appeased. Often such governments do not make it to the end of term, leading to demissionary governments that have no actual democratic representation (think about how bad this is in terms of democracy) and early elections.

    Some European countries have so many parties where a lot of them reach about the same amount of voters. This is known locally as a 'shredded political landscape' and can lead to extremely long government start up negotiations.

    Belgium currently still has no government based on last years March 26 elections. The country is being run by a part remainder of the previous government coalition, which represents less than a third of overall voters of the previous elections and which does not at all reflect how people voted in the last elections. Such demissionary governments are by law not allowed to spend large chunks of money, which leads to inertia in policy (e.g. no stimulus package).

    Can you imagine the US not having a government for over a year, and that several times over per decade?

    As you can see a system where a lot of parties take part in the election can have many disadvantages too. Currently there are quite a lot of governments in Western Europe that are 'minority governments', which as the term suggests simply means the total sum of government parties' seats represents less than 50% of the voters. Such constructs lead to endless negotiations with opposition parties in parliament to get various government proposals voted into actual policy and/or law

    Examples of minority governments include some Scandinavian countries, Spain etc
    Last edited by Rev Jones; 08-26-2020 at 09:23 PM.

  12. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hal Incandenza View Post
    I hear you about individuals instead of groups. I also hear you on the 'not my president' movement right after the 2016 election.

    I also see your point about the disadvantages of what essentially remains a two party system in the US. Three or four major parties would likely result in a playing field that leads to more advantages in power balances and perhaps voter representability.

    Coming from a country where a government often consists of up to four, sometimes five parties I can tell you there are also advantages to a two party system.

    Multiple party governments often lead to an overall government policy that voters do not feel represented by due to the extreme form of compromising that is needed to come up with what is known around here as the 'government contract', which is the text that officially states the intended government policy for the full term.

    Such governments can be volatile due to so many parties having their own backbenchers and left or right wing fractions within that need to be appeased. Often such governments do not make it to the end of term, leading to demissionary governments that have no actual democratic representation (think about how bad this is in terms of democracy) and early elections.

    Some European countries have so many parties where a lot of them reach about the same amount of voters. This is known locally as a 'shredded political landscape' and can lead to extremely long government start up negotiations.

    Belgium currently still has no government based on last years March 26 elections. The country is being run by a part remainder of the previous government coalition, which represents less than a third of overall voters of the previous elections and which does not at all reflect how people voted in the last elections. Such demissionary governments are by law not allowed to spend large chunks of money, which leads to inertia in policy (e.g. no stimulus package).

    Can you imagine the US not having a government for over a year, and that several times over per decade?

    As you can see a system where a lot of parties take part in the election can have many disadvantages too. Currently there are quite a lot of governments in Western Europe that are 'minority governments', which as the term suggests simply means the total sum of government parties' seats represents less than 50% of the voters. Such constructs lead to endless negotiations with opposition parties in parliament to get various government proposals voted into actual policy and/or law

    Examples of minority governments include some Scandinavian countries, Spain etc
    Very insightful post, Hal.

  13. #148


    Maximo Alvarez’s full speech at the Republican National Convention | 2020 RNC Night 1

  14. #149


    Hey black demoKKKRats,

    How do you like being DemoKKKrat Fauci's and DemoKKKrat Bill Gates' test dummies for their vaccine?

    First Vaccinations Begin in Africa for COVID-19 Trial

    Your pseudo-liberal demoKKKrat Regressive Neo-Marxist welfare plantation white masters must have skipped the lab rats and guinea pigs and went straight to testing a dangerous vaccine on the black people they care about so much. Don't worry. Many aborted dead black baby body parts were used in the formulation of these vaccines.

    The WHO tried to debunk these claims by suggesting that screening had increased, hence the large increase in paralysis from oral polio vaccines. A bogus excuse since the ratios of people with polio was based on a per 100,000 people screened. So more screenings shouldn't change the ratio. WHO is a corrupt organization.

    While dumb black DemoKKKrats in America are protesting why they aren't allowed to beat up police officers without punishment, Black Africans are actually protesting something important.

    Protest versus Africa's 1st COVID-19 vaccine test
    Protesters against Africa’s first COVID-19 vaccine trial burned their face masks Wednesday as experts note a worrying level of resistance and misinformation around testing on the continent.
    Last edited by Sense-A; 08-30-2020 at 10:28 PM.

  15. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sense-A View Post
    Hey black demoKKKRats,

    How do you like being DemoKKKrat Fauci's and DemoKKKrat Bill Gates' test dummies for their vaccine?

    First Vaccinations Begin in Africa for COVID-19 Trial

    Your pseudo-liberal demoKKKrat Regressive Neo-Marxist welfare plantation white masters must have skipped the lab rats and guinea pigs and went straight to testing a dangerous vaccine on the black people they care about so much. Don't worry. Many aborted dead black baby body parts were used in the formulation of these vaccines.

    The WHO tried to debunk these claims by suggesting that screening had increased, hence the large increase in paralysis from oral polio vaccines. A bogus excuse since the ratios of people with polio was based on a per 100,000 people screened. So more screenings shouldn't change the ratio. WHO is a corrupt organization.

    While dumb black DemoKKKrats in America are protesting why they aren't allowed to beat up police officers without punishment, Black Africans are actually protesting something important.

    Protest versus Africa's 1st COVID-19 vaccine test

    Why are you so upset all the time? Russian announced that they've developed the first COVID-19 vaccine without human testing.
    Loyalty is Royalty. Strength and Loyalty


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