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Thread: Biden is the obvious choice for assisted living

  1. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by b-dolo View Post
    I was referring to all the southern state's who lead the country in poverty, drug abuse, obesity, alcohol abuse, being uneducated etc. They are no better than people in crime ridden cities voting democrat year after year. Both red and blue cult members don't even vote for their best interest.
    It’s not even about that anymore. The Republican Party almost by default has seen classic liberals and moderates fall under their Ideological umbrella.

    All because the democrats have become infected with radicalism that started during the Bush administration, flourished under Obama And completely lost it’s mind when Trump defeated it in an election.

  2. #167
    The ABBOTT
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    Yep. You can totally discredit democrats. Im fine with that, they deserve it. But to think voting red is much better is laughable. Unless your making some serious money, they aint making your life any better either.

  3. #168


    Are white demoKKKrat women the most naive women on the planet? This reminds me of all the white European young women who went and joined ISIS and then begged to come back after they were enslaved and gang raped.

    If Joe Biden wins, it will be because dumb white broads like these.

  4. #169


    Quote Originally Posted by b-dolo View Post
    I was referring to all the southern state's who lead the country in poverty, drug abuse, obesity, alcohol abuse, being uneducated etc. They are no better than people in crime ridden cities voting democrat year after year. Both red and blue cult members don't even vote for their best interest.
    Sorry b-dolo, but it is time to debunk your talking points. You knew it was coming.

    As of July 2020, the top 8 states with the highest unemployment are all blue DemoKKKrat states

    1 Massachusetts 16.1 Dem
    2 New York 15.9 Dem
    3 Nevada 14 Dem
    4 New Jersey 13.8 Dem
    5 California 13.3 Dem
    6 Pennsylvania 13.7 Dem
    7 Hawaii 13.1 Dem
    8 New Mexico 12.7 Dem
    9 Alaska 11.6 Rep
    10 Florida 11.3 Rep
    SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics

    The top 10 cities in America for Murders per Capita are all managed by DemoKKKrat Mayors, DemoKKKrat city councils, and DemoKKKrat chiefs of Police. Most of the mayors are black demoKKKrats.

    1. East St. Louis, IL
    Murder Rate per 1,000 population: 1.13
    DemoKKKrat Black Mayor Robert Eastern III

    DemoKKKrat Black Chief of Police Kendall Perry

    2. Chester, PA
    Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .85
    DemoKKKrat black Mayor Thaddeus Kirkland

    3. St. Louis, MO
    Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .66
    DemoKKKrat Mayor Lyda Krewson

    4. Gary, IN
    Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .63
    Black DemoKKKrat Mayor Jerome Prince
    DemoKKKrat since 1943

    5. Baltimore, MD
    Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .56
    DemoKKKrat Mayor Bernard C. "Jack" Young

    6. Pine Bluff, AR
    Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .51
    DemoKKKrat Mayor Shirley Washington

    7. Wilmington, DE
    Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .49
    DemoKKKrat Mayor Purzycki

    8. New Orleans, LA
    Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .40
    DemoKKKrat Mayor LaToya Cantrell
    DemoKKKrat since 1872

    9. Detroit, MI
    Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .40
    DemoKKKrat Mayor Mike Duggan
    DemoKKKrat since 1962

    10. Baton Rouge, LA
    Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .39
    DemoKKKrat Sharon Weston Broome

    Although demoKKKrats are more likely to have college degrees, Republicans on average make more money and have more valuable skills. Income earning ability and IQ are positively correlated. That means that your Republican Heavy Machinery Mechanic or Supply Chain Manager actually has a higher IQ than your DemoKKKrat Starbucks Barista with the college degree in gender studies.

    We don't have IQ test score data for most of the voters. However, we do have reliable exit polling that provides reliable data on the income levels of voters. And we also have many studies proving the high, positive correlation between income level and IQ.
    Studies proving the positive correlation between income and IQ can be found here https://emilkirkegaard.dk/en/wp-cont...l-research.pdf and https://thesocietypages.org/socimage...me-and-wealth/ and many more.
    We have recent exit polls showing the income level of voters in 2016: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/...tType=REGIWALL

    Low IQ and low income are positively correlated.
    The 2016 exit polls prove that Hillary Clinton dominated the low income, low IQ vote by a large margin.
    The more money someone made, the higher IQ they have, and the more likely they were to vote for Trump.
    Trump won every household income bracket making at least $50,000 or more per year.
    The only income bracket Hillary won was the welfare class. The welfare class of voters are not the most intelligent voters in America. They are generally the dumbest and least skilled, regardless whether they have a college degree or not.

    The more education a black man or black woman has, the more likely they were to vote Trump!
    16% of black men with college degrees voted for Trump.
    Only 11% of black men without college degrees voted for Trump

    6% of black women with college degrees voted for Trump
    Almost 0% of black women without college degrees voted for Trump
    The more educated a black person is, the more likely they are to vote Republican.

    Republican candidates gain a significantly higher percentage of votes from individuals with incomes over $50,000 per year, and the advantage increases along with the income level, to a height of 63 percent of individuals earning $200,000 or more a year supporting Republicans. This level is the direct inverse of individuals earning less than $15,000 a year, who support Democrats at 63 percent and Republicans at only 36 percent. https://www.debt.org/faqs/americans-...s-republicans/
    Pandemic Response
    As of September 8, 2020 DemoKKKrat states make up 63% of all COVID-19 deaths despite just being 50.4% of the population.

    Republican States 64,353 36.77%
    DemoKKKrat States 110,650 63.23%
    Total 175,003

    Only 6% of the above listed deaths "involving" COVID-19 list COVID-19 as the only cause of death. 94% of all deaths had an average of 3 other predominant reasons why the person died. Commorbidities. That means the virus itself is not what is killing 94% of the people recorded as deaths. It only complicated pre-existing medical problems such as cancer, diabetes, etc.
    SOURCE: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm

    Debt Per Capita

    The Five States with the Highest Debt per Capita are all DemoKKKrat states
    1. Washington DC: $88,450
    2. Hawaii: $74,230
    3. Colorado: $73,890
    4. California: $73,400
    5. Maryland: $72,310

    The Five States with the Least Debt per Capita are all Republican states
    1. West Virginia: $30,580
    2. Mississippi: $33,140
    3. Arkansas: $33,950
    4. Kentucky: $34,910
    5. Oklahoma: $35,110

    Drug Abuse

    Again, it isn't even close. DemoKKKrats are drug addicts.

    “Academic studies have found that those on the political left are five times more likely to use marijuana and cocaine . . . Another survey found that Democrats were five times more likely to use marijuana than Republicans . . .

    “A study published in the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse found that among heavy drug users, the ratio of Democrats to Republicans was more than 8-to-1.

    Yet another survey found a “direct and linear relationship” between liberalism and the use of any illicit drug.

    Schweizer, whose other books include “Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy,” observes: “The liberal search for autonomy and the credo ‘if it feels good do it’ have a strong influence on who uses drugs and why. Many liberals denounce drug use as a danger while at the same time engaging in a wink-wink attitude towards its actual use.”
    Source: Peter Schweizer and the studies he references


    According to the NIH, Republicans are healthier than demoKKKrats. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2912481/

    We analysed the 1972–2006 cumulative General Social Surveys (GSS) data,7 which allows an examination of health status/behaviours and political ideology at a micro level. Health status was ascertained from a question, ‘Would you say your own health, in general, is excellent, good, fair, or poor?’ For analysis, we created a binary variable with poor health = 1, 0 otherwise. Smoking status was measured based on an affirmative response to the following question, ‘Do you smoke?’. Of those reported, 5% were considered as in poor health and 35% were smokers in the weighted, pooled samples. Political ideology was based on a question, ‘Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a republican, democrat, Independent, or what?’, with respondents’ choosing one of the following categories: strong democrat (15%), not very strong democrat (22%), independent near democrat (12%), independent (15%), independent near republican (9%), not very strong republican (16%), strong republican (10%) and other party (1%). For ease of presentation and interpretation, we also grouped these into democrats (49%) comprising strong democrat/not very strong democrat/independent near democrat, republicans (35%) comprising strong republican/not very strong republican/independent near republican, and independent/others (16%). We included age, sex, race, marital status, religious service attendance, highest educational degree, total family income in the last year prior to the survey and survey year as covariates. After excluding missing values on the responses and predictors, the final analytic sample consisted of 32 716 individuals for the poor-health model and 14 803 individuals for the smoking model. In the GSS, the self-rated health question was asked over 23 survey years whereas smoking was asked for 13 survey years, which accounts for the large differences in the sample sizes. We used weighted, binary logistic regression model procedures as implemented in SAS v9.1.

    In fully adjusted models, using democrats as a reference, the odds ratio (OR) for reporting poor health for republicans was 0.74 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.65, 0.85] (Figure 1a). Similarly, republicans were less likely to be smokers (OR 0.85, 95% CI 0.78, 0.92) compared with democrats (Figure 1b). The ORs for reporting poor health or smoking for independent/others were not different from democrats.

    You've been debunked.

    Still not convinced? Well, where do Americans like to move to?

    Red states are surging past blue states in growth and business. It isn't hard to see why https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/2...rd-to-see-why/

    People prefer to live in red Republican states. The 2010 census showed a large shift of the population leaving blue demoKKKrat states and moving to Red Republican states. This even netted the red states +3 electoral college votes. People vote with their feet and where they choose to live. Americans are fleeing blue DemoKKKrat states and heading toward red Republican states. Why would they do this if blue demoKKKrat states were truly better?

    Census: Fastest Growth in Red States https://www.outsidethebeltway.com/ce...in_red_states/

    It turns out that blue demoKKKrat states are actually the shitholes. And cities managed by demoKKKrats have the worst crime and worst public education.

  5. #170
    The ABBOTT
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    Good job. I see you are deeply brainwashed by the red cult. I am not defending democrats, they run some of worst cities in the U.S. But the worst states to live in are all red. There no amount of data you can find to say Louisiana, West Virgina, Kentucky, Mississippi etc. Are not the worst run shithole states in the U.S. I don't need any biased reports to tell me what to believe. Just travel through the south. It is easy to see the living conditions compared to rest of the country.
    Last edited by b-dolo; 09-08-2020 at 05:28 PM.

  6. #171
    Shaolin Master
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    b dolo, are you a cornhusker?

  7. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by b-dolo View Post
    Good job. I see you are deeply brainwashed by the red cult. I am not defending democrats, they run some of worst cities in the U.S. But the worst states to live in are all red. There no amount of data you can find to say Louisiana, West Virgina, Kentucky, Mississippi etc. Are not the worst run shithole states in the U.S. I don't need any biased reports to tell me what to believe. Just travel through the south. It is easy to see the living conditions compared to rest of the country.
    MS is one of America's worse states. You do have a point. Rural areas (depending on the people/families) are low-income and low education rates. I lived in rural NC so I can say this. I will also state that in the rural towns, there are people well off and some people are flat out poor. No one can escape poverty regardless if one is a Democrat or Republican.
    Last edited by IrOnMaN; 09-08-2020 at 10:55 PM.
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  8. #173
    The ABBOTT
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    Quote Originally Posted by IrOnMaN View Post
    MS is one of America's worse states. You do have a point. Rural areas (depending on the people/families) are low-income and low education rates. I lived in rural NC so I can say this. I will also state that in the rural towns, there are people well off and some people are flat out poor. No one can escape poverty regardless if one is a Democrat or Republican.

  9. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by b-dolo View Post

    Non black regions live longer and aren’t as impoverished generally speaking.

    The South is by far the blackest area of the country.

    Their cultural problems have become endemic. The system has changed, but their culture hasn’t.

    In the near future they will have to swallow a very rough jagged pill and admit that they have some serious issues that they alone perpetrate .
    Black conservatives have been very vocal about this.

    What’s going to start happening, and it’s already begun, is that the black upper and middle class will begin to shun the “nigga” and everything that goes along with being a “nigga”. It’s going to take a few generations.

    This blaming of America and attacking white Americans by BLM is a manifestation of “nigga” culture.

    It actually needed to happen so the world can be exposed to their hypocrisy.

  10. #175


    B-dolo is basically just telling us he hates black people, including places where lots of black people live.

    Native Americans: 75.06 years
    African Americans: 75.54 years
    White Americans: 79.12 years
    Hispanic Americans: 82.89 years
    Asian Americans: 86.67 years

    Black high school graduation rates lowest in country https://www.philasun.com/stateside/b...st-in-country/

    It's usually the white demoKKKrats who choose to live far away from black people who scream and tell the white people who choose to live among black people that they are racist.

    Then these white demoKKKRats, who vote for Obama or Biden, think that voting for a racist demoKKKrat party candidate washes them of their sins and racial hatred against black people. Give a black man a food stamp as a token of your false gesture.

    President Trump wants to give black children SCHOOL CHOICE. White demoKKKrats don't want this because they've tried to segregate black children out of their mostly white schools. Hell, Joe Biden himself was trying to prevent black children from getting bused to mostly white schools. I'm sick of the racism that comes out of the demoKKKrat party all the while they pretend to champion black Americans. Thank God that people like Larry Elder, Thomas Sowell, and Candace Owens are waking black Americans up.

    I have been a mentor in a downtown black elementary school for the last 5 years. The problem with these young black children's education is that most of them are in one parent households and their parents are not involved in their education at all. Elementary school kids don't hold back. They tell me everything going on in their lives. Many of them have disciplinary problems because their parents never taught them politeness, manners, obedience, respect for elders, patience, treating others how you want to be treated, the importance of education, etc. Instead they want to talk to me about football and rap music and I tell them that's now what you should be focused on right now. You're too smart to be a football player or rapper.

    The South wasn't desegregated until AFTER Republicans were voted into power. I already showed you the statistics and data and exit polls. The higher a black man's income, and the more education a black man has, the more likely he is to vote Republican. So what do you think white DemoKKKrats want to do? Keep black people uneducated and poor so they continue to vote demoKKKrat.

    DemoKKKrats want to make every election about race, and their track record on race, if you actually study it, is horrible. No. The political parties never switched. Racist white dixiecrats remained demoKKKrats. Take Hillary Clinton's and Joe Biden's racist KKK mentor as an example of many.

  11. #176


    You do realize that a black man who lives in the rural South on 3 acres of land and a small house is far far far more wealthy than an inner city black person who lives in section 8 housing who owns nothing, right? You want to talk about poverty?

    Black people in NYC or Baltimore or D.C. don't actually own anything. They are on a demoKKKrat welfare plantation. They don't own their section 8 housing slum. They don't own that cockroach apartment. That section 8 voucher is just a temporary pass.

    Black people in the rural South who own that rural track of land and a small house and a truck actually own something. They have land. They own their house and their truck. And they're generally more happy and more religious.

  12. #177
    The ABBOTT
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    If your a democrat or republican and blame all the countries problems on the other party. Guess what, that's exactly what your cult leaders want. That way when things never get better you have someone else to blame besides them.

  13. #178
    The ABBOTT
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    You are falling for one of their traps on race. See, these political parties want you to focus on single issues like race, religion, guns, abortions etc. That in reality dont affect your life as much as you think they do.
    That way you are not worrying about your property tax, vehicle tax, tax on gas you put in vehicle to get you to work so they can tax the money you earn there also. And where all that tax money is going.
    Last edited by b-dolo; 09-09-2020 at 12:15 PM.

  14. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooch View Post
    Non black regions live longer and aren’t as impoverished generally speaking.

    The South is by far the blackest area of the country.

    Their cultural problems have become endemic. The system has changed, but their culture hasn’t.

    In the near future they will have to swallow a very rough jagged pill and admit that they have some serious issues that they alone perpetrate .
    Black conservatives have been very vocal about this.

    What’s going to start happening, and it’s already begun, is that the black upper and middle class will begin to shun the “nigga” and everything that goes along with being a “nigga”. It’s going to take a few generations.

    This blaming of America and attacking white Americans by BLM is a manifestation of “nigga” culture.

    It actually needed to happen so the world can be exposed to their hypocrisy.

    This means nothing when people are still scared and shake at skin color.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sense-A View Post
    You do realize that a black man who lives in the rural South on 3 acres of land and a small house is far far far more wealthy than an inner city black person who lives in section 8 housing who owns nothing, right? You want to talk about poverty?

    Black people in NYC or Baltimore or D.C. don't actually own anything. They are on a demoKKKrat welfare plantation. They don't own their section 8 housing slum. They don't own that cockroach apartment. That section 8 voucher is just a temporary pass.

    Black people in the rural South who own that rural track of land and a small house and a truck actually own something. They have land. They own their house and their truck. And they're generally more happy and more religious.
    You're so wrong and ignorant. It's embarrassing. You have idea of what you're talking about.

    Quote Originally Posted by b-dolo View Post
    You are falling for one of their traps on race. See, these political parties want you to focus on single issues like race, religion, guns, abortions etc. That in reality dont affect your life as much as you think they do.
    That way you are not worrying about your property tax, vehicle tax, tax on gas you put in vehicle to get you to work so they can tax the money you earn there also. And where all that tax money is going.
    Right. It's social media/social engineering. We're in an election year. Look at Sense-A and his rants about blacks this and that. Black people are his primary focus....for nothing.
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  15. #180


    Quote Originally Posted by b-dolo View Post
    You are falling for one of their traps on race. See, these political parties want you to focus on single issues like race, religion, guns, abortions etc. That in reality dont affect your life as much as you think they do.
    That way you are not worrying about your property tax, vehicle tax, tax on gas you put in vehicle to get you to work so they can tax the money you earn there also. And where all that tax money is going.
    B-Dolo. Thank you. I agree with you on this. Why can't we talk about more important issues?

    The demoKKKrats get to control the narrative. They have a monopoly on all the American TV stations and newspapers. DemoKKKrats knew they could dominate politics if they controlled the news media.

    This isn't a new concept that modern demoKKKrats thought up. I was watching a documentary on John Adams, the 2nd president, and the media was so bias against him he actually shut down freedom of the press for a short while!

    Thomas Jefferson hated being president so much he requested that it be left off his tombstone. And he was hated because he tried to keep the USA out of the British French war. He was hated for the embargo act.

    Monroe was a hated president because of choosing a side during the 1812 war.

    All these early presidents were hated. The best are. George Washington was hated by whiskey distributors who even tried an insurrection.

    Check out this documentary on the first 4 presidents: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thin1LeCrxY

    DemoKKKrats always want the topic to be race because look how well it has worked out for them. They practically locked up the vote for every non-white voter. It works. Are their allegations true? No. But look how many people fall for the racial narrative. And demoKKKrats must oppress the people who are colored in order to convince them they are indeed being oppressed. And like I said, demoKKKrats don't want wealthy well educated black Americans. Why? Because a large percentage of wealthy well educated black Americans stop voting demoKKKrat!!! It's a viscous cycle.

    Anyways, thanks for debating even if we disagree on many things.


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