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Thread: Biden is the obvious choice for assisted living

  1. #181


    You do realize that a black man who lives in the rural South on 3 acres of land and a small house is far far far more wealthy than an inner city black person who lives in section 8 housing who owns nothing, right? You want to talk about poverty?

    Black people in NYC or Baltimore or D.C. don't actually own anything. They are on a demoKKKrat welfare plantation. They don't own their section 8 housing slum. They don't own that cockroach apartment. That section 8 voucher is just a temporary pass.

    Black people in the rural South who own that rural track of land and a small house and a truck actually own something. They have land. They own their house and their truck. And they're generally more happy and more religious.

  2. #182
    The ABBOTT
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    If your a democrat or republican and blame all the countries problems on the other party. Guess what, that's exactly what your cult leaders want. That way when things never get better you have someone else to blame besides them.

  3. #183
    The ABBOTT
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    You are falling for one of their traps on race. See, these political parties want you to focus on single issues like race, religion, guns, abortions etc. That in reality dont affect your life as much as you think they do.
    That way you are not worrying about your property tax, vehicle tax, tax on gas you put in vehicle to get you to work so they can tax the money you earn there also. And where all that tax money is going.
    Last edited by b-dolo; 09-09-2020 at 12:15 PM.

  4. #184
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooch View Post
    Non black regions live longer and aren’t as impoverished generally speaking.

    The South is by far the blackest area of the country.

    Their cultural problems have become endemic. The system has changed, but their culture hasn’t.

    In the near future they will have to swallow a very rough jagged pill and admit that they have some serious issues that they alone perpetrate .
    Black conservatives have been very vocal about this.

    What’s going to start happening, and it’s already begun, is that the black upper and middle class will begin to shun the “nigga” and everything that goes along with being a “nigga”. It’s going to take a few generations.

    This blaming of America and attacking white Americans by BLM is a manifestation of “nigga” culture.

    It actually needed to happen so the world can be exposed to their hypocrisy.

    This means nothing when people are still scared and shake at skin color.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sense-A View Post
    You do realize that a black man who lives in the rural South on 3 acres of land and a small house is far far far more wealthy than an inner city black person who lives in section 8 housing who owns nothing, right? You want to talk about poverty?

    Black people in NYC or Baltimore or D.C. don't actually own anything. They are on a demoKKKrat welfare plantation. They don't own their section 8 housing slum. They don't own that cockroach apartment. That section 8 voucher is just a temporary pass.

    Black people in the rural South who own that rural track of land and a small house and a truck actually own something. They have land. They own their house and their truck. And they're generally more happy and more religious.
    You're so wrong and ignorant. It's embarrassing. You have idea of what you're talking about.

    Quote Originally Posted by b-dolo View Post
    You are falling for one of their traps on race. See, these political parties want you to focus on single issues like race, religion, guns, abortions etc. That in reality dont affect your life as much as you think they do.
    That way you are not worrying about your property tax, vehicle tax, tax on gas you put in vehicle to get you to work so they can tax the money you earn there also. And where all that tax money is going.
    Right. It's social media/social engineering. We're in an election year. Look at Sense-A and his rants about blacks this and that. Black people are his primary focus....for nothing.
    Loyalty is Royalty. Strength and Loyalty

  5. #185


    Quote Originally Posted by b-dolo View Post
    You are falling for one of their traps on race. See, these political parties want you to focus on single issues like race, religion, guns, abortions etc. That in reality dont affect your life as much as you think they do.
    That way you are not worrying about your property tax, vehicle tax, tax on gas you put in vehicle to get you to work so they can tax the money you earn there also. And where all that tax money is going.
    B-Dolo. Thank you. I agree with you on this. Why can't we talk about more important issues?

    The demoKKKrats get to control the narrative. They have a monopoly on all the American TV stations and newspapers. DemoKKKrats knew they could dominate politics if they controlled the news media.

    This isn't a new concept that modern demoKKKrats thought up. I was watching a documentary on John Adams, the 2nd president, and the media was so bias against him he actually shut down freedom of the press for a short while!

    Thomas Jefferson hated being president so much he requested that it be left off his tombstone. And he was hated because he tried to keep the USA out of the British French war. He was hated for the embargo act.

    Monroe was a hated president because of choosing a side during the 1812 war.

    All these early presidents were hated. The best are. George Washington was hated by whiskey distributors who even tried an insurrection.

    Check out this documentary on the first 4 presidents: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thin1LeCrxY

    DemoKKKrats always want the topic to be race because look how well it has worked out for them. They practically locked up the vote for every non-white voter. It works. Are their allegations true? No. But look how many people fall for the racial narrative. And demoKKKrats must oppress the people who are colored in order to convince them they are indeed being oppressed. And like I said, demoKKKrats don't want wealthy well educated black Americans. Why? Because a large percentage of wealthy well educated black Americans stop voting demoKKKrat!!! It's a viscous cycle.

    Anyways, thanks for debating even if we disagree on many things.

  6. #186
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    Quote Originally Posted by IrOnMaN View Post
    This means nothing when people are still scar of skin color
    Yea nobody’s afraid of anyone’s skin color. People don’t fear dark skinned Indian doctors.

    People fear the culture. The ghetto “nigga” culture. You fear it more than I do. Cuz it’s more of a threat to you and you should.

    Don’t play these little games. People are sick of the little word games. You either support racist BLM bullshit or you don’t.

    And if you support it, you’re in no way in any position to judge people on their morality.

  7. #187


    Quote Originally Posted by IrOnMaN View Post
    You're so wrong and ignorant. It's embarrassing. You have idea of what you're talking about.
    What am I wrong about?

    Black homeownership is highest in the South. The Carolinas, Texas, Alabama, Georgia

    Now you could pull up data that says that nominal income is lower in the South. But so is the cost of living. Houses are much cheaper. Goods are cheaper. Less taxes. Gas is cheaper. Food is cheap. Farmers markets. Lots of farms. That lower income goes a lot farther. And land and houses are cheap enough that lower middle class white people and black people can still afford them.

    Now contrast that to what the most demoKKKrat state does. The rich white demoKKKrats in California raise your property taxes so much that lots of black people lost their homes! Imagine losing your home because of greedy race baiting white demoKKKrats who really don't give a fucking shit about Black Americans so much as they can rile you up into a race riot for political strategy. The ‘heartbreaking’ decrease in black homeownership in California https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/...homeownership/

    In my comment, I singled out Baltimore, D.C. and NYC. You said I don't know what I'm talking about. Only, I do.

    Black homeownership drops dramatically in Baltimore https://www.bizjournals.com/baltimor...baltimore.html

    Same with NYC. I was wrong about D.C. though. Black home ownership in D.C. is relatively high.

    If you are qualified for welfare, likely you are a single mom or single with kids and have low income. So you get trapped in the poverty cycle. You don't break out of poverty as long as you're qualifying for welfare and food stamps. And most people who get on them stay on them. That's what the data shows. Obama and these demoKKKrats love to PIMP poverty. They pimp it. Your oppression. Your self loathing. Your victimhood. It becomes your state of mind. Self doubt. Whining. Excuses. Blame other people for your own failures and low standards.

    White people make up 64% of the population but just 43% of welfare users. Blacks and Hispanics make up just 28.5% of the population but account for 49% of all welfare users. See a pattern here? DemoKKKrats market these welfare programs to blacks and Hispanics, impoverish them, then claim to be their champions pushing "free stuff" to the people they impoverished.

    Under Trump, black household income has skyrocketed and black unemployment is at an all time low. That gives black Americans a real chance to move up the economic ladder and out of poverty. And damn, does that piss off white demoKKKrats. That's why they are trying to demonize Trump as some kind of racist when Jesse Jackson was giving Trump awards and Method Man was inviting Trump to do skits on the album just a few years ago. Trump's not racist, but damn do demoKKKrats want you to believe he is. They're scared that they are going to lose all their black slaves off their welfare plantations in section 8 ghetto shithole demoKKKrat cities where they now use anti-police propaganda to fool people into thinking police are against them. The police obviously showed up to help women who called the police. Black women such as the one Jacob Blake broke into the house of and sexually assaulted. But sure enough, they get enough dumb black useful idiot marxists out there to march, and if they aren't marching then they send in their ANtifa trained marxist radical communists to keep the riots going.

    That's why so many black Americans are moving to Trump's side. Because they know all Joe Biden has to offer is the same thing he offered the last 45 years he's been in office: a food stamp and a section 8 ghetto pass. Black Americans have nothing to lose. It's welfare or 4 more years of rising black household income and lower black unemployment, so black people make too much money to ever qualify for demoKKKrat welfare again.

    B-Dolo. No. I don't think Republicans are all good, or that demoKKKrats are all bad. It isn't a game of good versus evil. All the politicians are fucking corrupt. Which is precisely why we should try to shrink government and decentralize it. But who is always trying to increase government power, increase taxes and centralize power? DemoKKKrats. They don't even pretend about this. So I am going to always vote for the president who isn't trying to force me to buy healthcare, isn't selling me some packaged free shit scheme when I know anything the federal government is trying to give me for free is going to cost me a lot of fucking money. I don't want all the "free shit" that Bernie the communist Sanders offers. You know who offered lots of free shit? Fidel Castro. Josef Stalin. Mao. Hugo Chavez. All these communists are the same.

    Notice how quickly Republicans and DemoKKKrats got along when they raped you out of a $3 trillion stimulus package and cut you off a small stimulus check while the corrupt politicians lined their own pockets with millions. Look how Joe Biden enriched his dumb white crackhead son in Ukraine. You think his dumb white crackhead son got the job in Ukraine based on his skills or merit? The dumbass doesn't even speak their fucking language. It's grift. It's corruption. It's obvious and right there in front of your face. $2 million to Hunter Biden, a dumb crackhead who takes dildos up his ass in strip clubs.

    Strippers allegedly used sex toy on Hunter Biden at NYC’s Hustler Club https://pagesix.com/2019/11/27/strip...-club-sources/

    Hunter Biden suspected of smoking crack in DC strip club’s VIP room https://pagesix.com/2019/11/26/hunte...lubs-vip-room/
    Last edited by Sense-A; 09-09-2020 at 07:21 PM.

  8. #188
    The ABBOTT
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    Thumbs up

    See you keep on blaming democrats. Trump and senate have been in power last 3.5 years. Everything should be fixed by now. But, they dont want it fixed. You are worshipping these politicians like they give actual care about you.

    All politicians are essentialy puppets. And if you think a politcal party is going to save this country. Good luck
    Last edited by b-dolo; 09-09-2020 at 07:32 PM.

  9. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by b-dolo View Post
    See you keep on blaming democrats. Trump and senate have been in power last 3.5 years. Everything should be fixed by now. But, they dont want it fixed. You are worshipping these politicians like they give actual care about you.

    All politicians are essentialy puppets. And if you think a politcal party is going to save this country. Good luck
    I don’t think Trump is a puppet that’s why they come at him so hard. I think that’s one of the reasons things are so crazy.

    He fucks with their establishment. People thought Obama an outlier, he wasn’t. He was pure establishment. Look how well he and W get along.

    Guarantee when Trump is finished, there won’t be any love between him and anyone else in politics.

    Hey I wasn’t sold on Trump in ‘16 enough to vote. He’s exceeded my expectations.

    These riots are coordinated and they for damn sure ain’t about the dead “niggaz” they pretend to be about.

  10. #190
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    Yep. I agree. The game is rigged. He thought he was going to come in and build his wall, get rid of the national debt, repeal obamacare etc. Nope, the two party system is a facade. They work together to keep us fighting with each other so we can't make real progress. No outsider is going to infiltrate their grand scheme.

  11. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooch View Post
    Yea nobody’s afraid of anyone’s skin color. People don’t fear dark skinned Indian doctors.

    People fear the culture. The ghetto “nigga” culture. You fear it more than I do. Cuz it’s more of a threat to you and you should.

    Don’t play these little games. People are sick of the little word games. You either support racist BLM bullshit or you don’t.

    And if you support it, you’re in no way in any position to judge people on their morality.
    Lol. Indians (India not Native Americans who people have killed and still fear) aren't black and were never a target. When countries assist with their growth (i.e. building businesses in China and India for cheaper labor) so their communities do better, you can't compare blacks to Asians.

    Also, I won't conform so you can feel safe. If I do, you'll have no respect for me. I can't smile and nod my head at that.

    The issue is that people thing blacks are ALL the same until we prove that we're "different" in a good way or someone vouches. You have no idea of what that's like because no one is afraid of you.
    Loyalty is Royalty. Strength and Loyalty

  12. #192


    ironman, i'm sorry that people are scared of you. do they still walk to the opposite side of the street when you approach? have you been getting swoll? maybe they are intimidated by your biceps

  13. #193
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    Quote Originally Posted by IrOnMaN View Post
    Lol. Indians (India not Native Americans who people have killed and still fear) aren't black and were never a target. When countries assist with their growth (i.e. building businesses in China and India for cheaper labor) so their communities do better, you can't compare blacks to Asians.

    Also, I won't conform so you can feel safe. If I do, you'll have no respect for me. I can't smile and nod my head at that.

    The issue is that people thing blacks are ALL the same until we prove that we're "different" in a good way or someone vouches. You have no idea of what that's like because no one is afraid of you.
    You said people were afraid of you because of your skin color.

    I said no that’s no why they fear you it’s ghetto nigga culture they fear.

    So if people fear you because of a segment of your population, maybe you should take it up with them and stop blaming every other race and ethnicity of people.

  14. #194


    Talk all the bullshit you want.

    At the end of the day, Donald Trump is just a better man than Joe Biden is, ever was, or ever will be.

    Joe Biden wears diapers.

  15. #195
    The ABBOTT
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    It isn't much of an accomplishment to be better then Biden. Thats why Trump is just as bad. He should of won by landslide. Blame liberal media all you want. But Trumps downfall are his rally ramblings and twitter rants that make him look weak. Dude cant take criticism. Which is sad because Biden is going to be rough going.


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