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Thread: The Dead Don't Die (Jim Jarmusch) starring Rza

  1. #1

    Default The Dead Don't Die (Jim Jarmusch) starring Rza

    I was checking for any updates on the rumored GhostDog 2. Nothing.

    However, Jim Jarmusch came out with this movie last year.

    It stars a good cast. Bill Murray, Adam Driver, Steve Buscemi, Tom Waits, RZA

    My only problem is that the whole zombie theme is as played out as Mexican drug cartels.

    Ratings aren't so good but I'm still going to try to watch this.

    WU-ps LOL

  2. #2


    Rza’ a b grade actor hahahahahaha

  3. #3
    Prince of the Non Ignorant weirdos
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    Did Rza do the soundtrack?

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by David Daniel Davis View Post
    Did Rza do the soundtrack?
    it doesn't look like it :




    I think only the score was released on CD, it doesn't include any songs w/ singers or rappers. also, it doesn't seem like RZA had anything to do with the score. it's more of a synthesizer + guitar type thing by Jim Jarmusch andChris Logan as SQÜRL

  5. #5
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    This got really bad reviews. I like a lot of the actors involved, and Jarmusch, but I can see the writing on the wall.

  6. #6


    I watched this last night. It was boring and pointless.

    Adam Driver and Bill Murray not taking themselves too seriously was the only reason I could watch it through.

    Danny Glover and Rosie Perez need to retire.

    Steve Buscemi is usually funny in these small roles but is just an asshole in this film and not funny.

    Tilda Swinton plays a cheap ripoff of Uma's character from Kill Bill with the sword.

    As if the movie didn't already suck enough, they had to insert gay pseudo-liberal demoKKKRat themes. For example, the zombie apocalypse was caused by......fracking? WTF? And some Beavis and Butthead moron thought it would be funny to take the MAGA hat and put "Make America White Again" Huh huh huh duh?

    The movie sucks and even Bill Murray and Adam Driver couldn't save it.

    Jim Jarmusch is a washed up stoner and can't write a good script. Might as well just stick to making sequels to Coffee with b list celebrities bullshitting in some kind of make believe romantic exchange in run down diners in the middle of nowhere.

  7. #7


    The chairman of our SF Cafe (small bimonthly gathering at the other end of the country) has a film club too. They went to watch it in cinemas before lockdown and absolutely hated it. I was suprised to hear that back then, taking the director and actors into account. I still haven't seen it myself.

  8. #8
    The ABBOTT
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    I thought the zombies were a result of a shift in magnetic poles? Are is that another movie I'm thinking of.
    Lol at senseA getting triggered by a white lives matter shirt in the movie. Aren't the liberals supposed to be the snowflakes.

  9. #9


    No one seems to have critiqued Rza’s performance was it good?

  10. #10


    It was too brief. He came into a store as WU-PS employee. Talked a little about comics. Then left. I don't even remember his zombie part.

    Chloë Sevigny as Officer Mindy was a useless character. She served no purpose. She acted like a scared mouse the whole time, then dies in a way that is extremely dumb, but not even funny dumb.

    A movie this dumb should at least make me laugh.

    I think it was on CatMouse https://catmouse.app/

  11. #11


    Strange how all of these class actors seemed to have missed the mark. Sevigny is normally very reliable. Maybe it's one of those cases were actors take the 'camp' thing too far at the behest of the director who tells them "it's that kind of movie, guys, just roll with it". Idk.


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