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Thread: Atlantis and Khem (Egypt)

  1. #106
    Gen Chat Bully Uncle Steezo's Avatar
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    ruined it^

    so hows about them Hawks? looks like they'll be making a playoff run again this year.

  2. #107
    HANIF Urban_Journalz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SUNNY WINTERS View Post
    nice pictures

    when the ship hit, it bore a hole/shaft half way into the earth

    the great one was built on top of it

    who or what came out of that ship - were they covered in gold ?

    to keep the earth balanced and in tune with the other planets - all planets have pyramids

    what is Atlantis ? -

    what is its original name ?

    a city underwater ?

    i believe that the cities of people/beings under water/ground, are about 80 times larger than the ones we occupy

    don't know - but its said that 9 metallic large objects were discovered beneath it using some form of electro magnetism device type thing lol
    why do you ask ?
    mAn being < mixed with beast was the big move - Let Us make man - who is this beast ?

    the writing on the walls could be prophesy

    Who says it was a ship? How do you know it wasn't a ( or many ) drilling tools? If you want to know who or what came out, then you should keep searching.

    It would take more than 3 pyramids to manage the whole planet. If that were the case, which is isn't, you would've done well to incorporate the other pyramids scattered throughout the world. One hint though, don't count all of them.

    Atlantis is what you may call, The Mother of all colonies. It was a nation situated in The Atlantic Ocean. The Eastern equivalent of Lemuria/Mu/Pacifica (of which the remnants can be experienced through visiting Hawaii and Easter Island).

    The original name of Atlantis isn't relevant to the conversation. But, if you must know, it's, "Atlantis".

    No, not a city underwater. A nation beneath the ocean floor.

    80 times larger? And where did you get this from?

    Those 9 metallic objects are chambers.

    I ask because it's called a, "discussion."

    Prophecy* even. Be that as it may, the fact remains that a lot of scientists say that these people didn't have anything to work with except bronze tools. Therefore, how and why would they make carvings that resemble sci-fi and modern air and spacecraft?
    Last edited by Urban_Journalz; 03-13-2009 at 11:21 AM.
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  3. #108
    HANIF Urban_Journalz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThaShaolinAssassin View Post
    it's kinda gay that a thread of people discussing the bermuda triangle as a "portal to another world" is also a threadful of people that find christianity hard to believe

    i wouldn't call myself a christian, but you guys are real selective in your logic

    the pyramids were built by people.

    atlantis doesn't exists, it's a greek legend.

    that's like 30,000 years from now aliens find human artifacts and acutally think that Bluffington from the Doug Funnie cartoon is an actual place, and dedicate countless amounts of money and discovery channel specials to finding it.
    If the pyramids were built by people, who were they and what did they use to build them with? And the knowledge of Atlantis goes back way, way, WAAAAAAAAAAAY further than Plato. You say Atlantis doesn't exist because you've never seen it. How do you explain the fact that the two deepest trenches in the ocean are in the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans? Both areas having famed, "Devil's Triangles" where planes and boats vanish into thin air??

    Quote Originally Posted by "...." View Post
    fuck a pyramid and fuck an unrelated triangle.
    The triangle and the pyramid are as related as the nail and the finger. Try, oh, I don't know, reading perhaps, before you speak.

    Last edited by Urban_Journalz; 03-12-2009 at 06:12 PM.
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  4. #109
    HANIF Urban_Journalz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SUNNY WINTERS View Post
    The Bermuda Triangle thing is just for entertainment - its entertaining to talk about these things in KTL - saying that they are a portal to another dimension makes us feel intelligent - connecting these finds with other smarty pants sayings makes us say "WOW, that sounds nice" - we find these things in books or websites and we automatically believe that these things are indeed real/fact and we hold onto these things tight so that when we put them into words at a gathering of people who may have never heard of these things before, we feel special - why you wanna take away someones special feelings huggah ?

    Have planes/ships been reported missing after going into or around the bermuda Triangle ?
    if the answer is Yes, where did they go ?

    you want facts ?

    go look for them if what was said here on the surface confuses you
    look for documents stating that these ships/planes/people went missing after moving somewhere in or around the bernmuda triangle - how many times has this happened ?
    who is doing the reporting ?
    can the reporters be trusted ?
    is all of this really impossible ?
    do you really care about all of this ?
    This is part of the reason I started this, to see who would take it seriously and who would try this crap. I have to hand it to both of you though, it was a valiant effort.

    No matter how desperately you try to figure me out, or even more pathetic, try to use your disbelief as a means of swaying me in any way, all it proves is that most people are at best contentious. The proof is in the reports. I don't have to, 'prove' anything. Truth be told, I know what it is and where it goes. The reason I, "stuck my tongue out", is because I felt like it. I'm not sorry if a few people got butt-hurt over it, because the majority that chose to build on it is the majority that matters. So, contrary to what you may believe, and I use that term loosely, you can't take anything from me. However, I do appreciate the time and effort spent on doing so.

    There is no, "If" these machines disappeared, or did you manage to miss the hundreds of books that have been written about the entire squadrons of planes, or countless ships that have vanished in that Triangle? Most of the time in fair to good weather. IN maybe two cases, a few peices of debris were found, but how do you lose an entire squadron of planes in a matter of seconds?

    The denial you people put forth in here is funnier than anything you've even thought about saying to or about me.
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  5. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by SUNNY WINTERS View Post
    yes pride and arrogance is a problem here
    here and out there in the world
    the self righteous attitude is something we all suffer at some level

    some like to think of themselves as warriors/angels of God/Allah who need to whip its human subordinates into shape by telling them that they themselves have a knowledge from and of "God" that humans need in order to escape from Gods wrath -

    then they tell the humans that they (humans) are not ready to understand this knowledge from "god" -

    Most of us are too proud to ask questions or say "i don't know"

    we are all seeing a world that has been here long before we were all thought about - we are all trying to figure stuff out - we get scared, we want attention, and we fight - the theories/subjects posted here are entertainment - for some its actual fact -

    it is possible that the bermuda triangle is a portal to another dimension - it is possible that God exist on a planet far away as a ghost who sits on a throne waiting for the right time to make humans pay for their crimes - its possible that there are 9 rocket ships located under the sphinx that will be used at a time when certain stars line up with the planet -

    all of this is possible - why find answers to these things before finding answers to self ?
    why not gain an understanding of self and the people around you first -
    Pride and arrogance? No. It's called confidence. Know the difference and don't put me in the arena with everyone else, because I just won't fit.

    Self is the most important thing. Especially since 9 times out of 10, the people around you will spend their lives talking about it, rather than being about it. As is the case with most.

    Sue me, but I'm not one of the people that would
    rather sit up and debate back and forth about what proofs there are, when I have and still do study the proofs (scientific, historic and otherwise), of these anomolies. That's for people like you to do. In case you forgot, in order to find out the truth about yourself and creation, you have to go out and actually get your hands dirty.
    In this case, that would mean, you have to study the things that people either A: Don't believe, or B: Have some belief about, but are too spineless to go all the way and say that it's true.

    So, if you don't believe it, all the better for me, because I don't work well around morons. Even if they do know how to enunciate when they speak.

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  6. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu View Post
    Seriously these people throw around this alien/portal bullshit and call it "knowledge" because it's a "simple" explanation. That's called a gap theory and it's a logical fallacy.

    If you want to say that aliens built pyramids you have to answer a few of the following:

    1.) Prove that aliens have ever landed on earth. And no, ancient structures in themselves are not evidence. Do they have labels on them that say "hey, aliens built me"? No.

    2.) Why these aliens, after traveling lightyears to our planet, felt it was the most enlightened thing to make humans built big stone monuments for dead kings.

    3.) How the aliens, having probably arrived from a planet with a wildly different gravitational pull and having evolved differently, would have any better knowledge of manipulating big fucking earth stones than the supposed "primitive" earth people.

    If you apply Occam's Razor, it makes a whole lot more sense that Egyptians built them.
    The Empire State Building doesn't have a stamp on it that says human beings built it either. But I guarantee you, just like we can guess the times that these things were built, and who was walking around at the time and what they knew, I don't think it would take a rocket-scientist to figure that one out. There's proof all around the world that aliens have been and are still here. The problem is you, like most others, choose not to look for it. If you were to have proof, it would fuck up your entire rotation, deny it as you may.

    The Pyramids weren't originally meant to be tombs genius. Why do you think that no bodies were ever found in any of the pyramids at The Giza Plateau? Oh. Wait. That's right. You didn't know! You just chose to speak!

    This 3rd question seems like a really bad attempt to just have a reason to run your mouth. But o.k.
    Knowledge is knowledge wherever you go. You yourself used the word, "Primitive" when you asked the question, implying that somewhere in your seldom-used-for-a-good-cause-mind, YOU know that these beings had knowledge that was highly advanced when compared to the natives of the planet at that time. So how does that question make ANY sense?

    F.Y.I. I never said aliens built them, but I do say that they definitely had a hand in teaching mankind. That, of course, was during a time when mankind could actually stomach the interaction with such beings, and they weren't scared shitless, or just flat-out dummied down like they are now.
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  7. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by STYLE View Post
    alot of this is bullshit. and this is coming from someone who lives ancient egyptian culture on a daily basis.

    1. ain't no fuckin ETs do a god damn thing. why is it that africans can't get credit for one of the greatest accomplishments in history? i don't hear mfs sayin alien tech got the white man to the moon. its insulting. we can believe that a white man can figure all these equations and formulas to explain the universe but a nigger got to be given this info from space. shame on the black folks in here for buying into that shit.

    2. egyptian culture /religion is deeply rooted in metaphor. the egyptian way is to draw meaning from imagery. the heiroglyphs are a testament to that. they believed in "it is what it is" even if, what it is to me, is diff than, what it is to you. because the divine speaks to each of us individually.
    there are no vowels in their written lang. khemet(egypt) is written (KMT) everything else is implied.

    3. the aliens you speak of are representations of energies. the egyptians anthropomorphized the majority of their science, because they understood the relationship between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. an that it is easy to understand complex concepts by reducing them to simple images.
    just like that vid Hugga posted about the guy with the super brain. he visualized numbers as pictures, colors and landscapes. if he were to write a math textbook it might look like a bunch of pics. .....heiros?.....

    4. if you want some cool shit to think about.....one of the egytptian tenants "as is above, so is below" which has many levels of understanding. this is true for many KMT(egypt) tenants. which also pays homage to above/below. that the same truth can be found at every level of existence.
    but on the low vibration physical literal side....the pyramids are actually diamond shaped and extend just as far and are just as massive underground.

    5. if you really want to understand egypt, start with the metu neter. you must first understand the people and their way of life before you try to tackle their science and tech.
    It's not where you're from. It's where you're at. And clearly, you're still on a serious crusade to put Black people at the forefront. Feel how you want, but don't step to history if you haven't studied it in depth. Namely, the shit that they DON'T teach you in schools. The fact of the matter is, every ancient culture has legends of 'gods' coming from 'the stars' and giving them abundant knowledge. This isn't just a, 'coincidence'. In fact, there's no such thing. Chance, luck, all of these terms imply the belief that something just, 'happened', with no purpose or fore-knowledge to it's execution. Aliens didn't build the pyramids, but the knowledge that was bestowed upon the Children of Khem was given to them by extra-terrestrials.

    Since you, "live ancient Egyptian culture on a daily basis", then what period are you living? Have you seen the hieroglyphs that depict aliens and spacecraft? You say that aliens didn't do anything, but you offer no evidence to prove otherwise. You say it out of hatred really and it shows. As for the white men coming up with all of these measurements and equations, all of the most noteable Greeks studied in Egypt. Plato learned about Atlantis from an Egyptian while he was studying there. So what you said makes no sense at all.

    Jehovah is written YHVH in Hebrew too. That doesn't mean that everything you may read in Jewish Scripture or the Kabbalistic writings is to be taken how you THINK it's supposed to be taken. There is a correct and an incorrect in everything. Occasionally you'll get a gray area, but in cases like this, not very often, if at all. Also, the reason that a lot of the mysteries are related in metaphor, is to keep most people confused and scratching their heads as to the true meanings. For obvious reasons. Most people, if they aren't power-mad, are so scared of anything that they don't understand, that they would automatically break out the Holy Water.

    That theory about the aliens being energies doesn't match up either. It's far-fetched, desperate and lacks any real evidence. The bottom line is, hieroglyphics are very specific. A being is presented as a being and an element is presented as an element. Animals are animals, etc. The Mayan Indians are probably the only ones who have stuck what their ancestors left them, because you never hear shit like this coming up in regards to their society's past/present and future. Especially something as idiotic as racism.

    "As above, so below.", is actually related to Hermetic wisdom, not Egyptian. In truth, you touched on Atlantean knowledge with that one. Be that as it may, where did you get this, "the pyramids are actually diamond-shaped". from?

    Actually, if you want to understand Egypt, you have to start with Atlantis.
    "Die before you die."-Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh)

  8. #113


    Everyone always brainstorms how large, heavy limestone blocks were moved and stacked.

    This guy totally blows that theory away. He claims the pyramid blocks were poured, like concrete, into forms.

    Has anyone debunked this theory?

    How the pyramids where built in Egypt https://www.geopolymer.org/archaeology/pyramids/

    I'd like to read about the counter arguments. Don't forget to check out the geo polymer website for more info.

  9. #114
    The ABBOTT
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sense-A View Post
    Everyone always brainstorms how large, heavy limestone blocks were moved and stacked.

    This guy totally blows that theory away. He claims the pyramid blocks were poured, like concrete, into forms.

    Has anyone debunked this theory?

    How the pyramids where built in Egypt https://www.geopolymer.org/archaeology/pyramids/

    I'd like to read about the counter arguments. Don't forget to check out the geo polymer website for more info.
    That actually seems logical.

  10. #115


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