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Thread: Biden is the obvious choice for assisted living

  1. #526
    The ABBOTT
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Seer View Post
    Best way to respond to the Left sending you unsolicited texts asking if you will give Biden your vote, is to say:

    "Why bother voting? Polls say he'll win"
    Best way to respond to Right calling you to vote for Trump. I voted for libertarian candidate Jorgensen. Response i got. " Why would you support socialism"? Didn't quite know how to respond at point.

  2. #527
    The ABBOTT
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    Quote Originally Posted by b-dolo View Post
    Response i got. " Why would you support socialism"?
    lol whut

  3. #528


    Quote Originally Posted by b-dolo View Post
    It was on the every local news channel here goober. Same story, the whole fake news angle doesn't apply to everything you don't like.
    I get it. You are tricked into thinking that all these corporate tv channels are corroborating each other. But that's a trick. All TV channels on your idiot box are owned by just 6 corporations. When you flip the channel, chances are you landed on another channel owned by the same corporate media company as the last channel. You are fooled into believing that two independent networks investigated a news story and corroborated it. That's false.

    Ask yourself a simple question, why is every channel talking about the same subject and running the same topic and program? Because they are all subordinates of the same corporation.

    Why do you think I call them the Corporate Conglomerate Fake News Media Cartel?

    Over 90% of all media is owned by Comcast, Disney, Time Warner, Newscorp, National Amusements and Sony. Infographic: https://www.webfx.com/blog/internet/...a-infographic/

    Combined, they are worth half a TRILLION dollars.

    For example, Disney doesn't have one TV channel. All these channels are Disney:

    Yes. Disney owns Vice. They own ESPN, ABC, A&E, they even own the History channel and can revise history.

    They are propagandist arms of the DNC. And the DNC didn't have to manipulate hundreds of media companies. They just had to buy off or blackmail 6 billionaires. These billionaires aren't nationalists. They have no loyalty to the USA. They can pick up and move anywhere in the world they want. They have no roots in America. They can destroy this country and easily escape the consequences.

    Just because CNN corroborated CBS who corroborated MSNBC who corroborated ABC means nothing. When do these networks ever disagree on ANYTHING? They report the same headlines, from the same perspective, from the same political vantage point every single day. They own comics, cartoon networks, and movie production companies too. That's why you see the same gay agenda and political messages in cartoons and movies and comic books, etc.

    Of those six corporations, Newscorp is probably the closest to being centrist and even right wing. For example, NY Post or Fox News. However, even that is changing with Rupert Murdoch stepping down from management and generation x'ers entering leadership positions in the company with 6 years of marxist training.

    That's why the best journalism you get is from independent journalists. But when you go read independent journalists, people make fun of you and say you're reading "alt news" or alternative news or conspiracy websites. Well, yeah. It must seem like a conspiracy if you think CBS/CNN/ABC/CBS/MSNBC/CNBC/Spike/VICE were all giving you the impartial truth.

    Now we know that these corporate networks are the ones who REALLY spread conspiracy theories. *cue the looney toons music* RUSSIA!!! COOOWOOOOSHUN! Trump doesn't pay his taxes! Trump extorted Ukraine! QUID PRO QUO! Twump made fun of fallen soldiers! Twump iz wayyycist! And all the other pothead conspiracy theories for which they have zero evidence for.

    Even the Weather Channel is owned by Comcast, which is why you see fake news such as pseudo-journalists pretending a hurricane is blowing them away while people casually walk by in the background. They are instructed to spread propaganda about the hurricane so that FEMA can distribute billions of dollars to local government agencies run by politicians and steal the money. Then the demoKKKRats write into the tax code provisions to allow these media giants to get away with as little taxation as possible and grant personal favors for the CEO's who run the corporations and allow mergers and acquisitions without antitrust laws being enforced.

  4. #529


    Quote Originally Posted by b-dolo View Post
    Best way to respond to Right calling you to vote for Trump. I voted for libertarian candidate Jorgensen. Response i got. " Why would you support socialism"? Didn't quite know how to respond at point.
    This is a valid point. Both the demoKKKRat Party and Republican are socialist at this point. The half a trillion Platinum Plan Trump is negotiating with black Americans is socialism and Republicans would have screamed about it just 10 years ago.

    I am not too familar with Jo Jorgensen but her platform and positions on the issues are attractive to ...say... a disenfranchised Tea Party fiscal and small government conservative who feel both the two major parties completely abandoned them and the rudimentary concept of small, limited government.

    I'm not sure if she is a real candidate or someone setup to carve off Republican votes. I don't know the angle or her history.

  5. #530
    The ABBOTT
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sense-A View Post
    I get it. You are tricked into thinking that all these corporate tv channels are corroborating each other. But that's a trick. All TV channels on your idiot box are owned by just 6 corporations. When you flip the channel, chances are you landed on another channel owned by the same corporate media company as the last channel. You are fooled into believing that two independent networks investigated a news story and corroborated it. That's false.

    Ask yourself a simple question, why is every channel talking about the same subject and running the same topic and program? Because they are all subordinates of the same corporation.

    Why do you think I call them the Corporate Conglomerate Fake News Media Cartel?

    Over 90% of all media is owned by Comcast, Disney, Time Warner, Newscorp, National Amusements and Sony. Infographic: https://www.webfx.com/blog/internet/...a-infographic/

    Combined, they are worth half a TRILLION dollars.

    For example, Disney doesn't have one TV channel. All these channels are Disney:

    Yes. Disney owns Vice. They own ESPN, ABC, A&E, they even own the History channel and can revise history.

    They are propagandist arms of the DNC. And the DNC didn't have to manipulate hundreds of media companies. They just had to buy off or blackmail 6 billionaires. These billionaires aren't nationalists. They have no loyalty to the USA. They can pick up and move anywhere in the world they want. They have no roots in America. They can destroy this country and easily escape the consequences.

    Just because CNN corroborated CBS who corroborated MSNBC who corroborated ABC means nothing. When do these networks ever disagree on ANYTHING? They report the same headlines, from the same perspective, from the same political vantage point every single day. They own comics, cartoon networks, and movie production companies too. That's why you see the same gay agenda and political messages in cartoons and movies and comic books, etc.

    Of those six corporations, Newscorp is probably the closest to being centrist and even right wing. For example, NY Post or Fox News. However, even that is changing with Rupert Murdoch stepping down from management and generation x'ers entering leadership positions in the company with 6 years of marxist training.

    That's why the best journalism you get is from independent journalists. But when you go read independent journalists, people make fun of you and say you're reading "alt news" or alternative news or conspiracy websites. Well, yeah. It must seem like a conspiracy if you think CBS/CNN/ABC/CBS/MSNBC/CNBC/Spike/VICE were all giving you the impartial truth.

    Now we know that these corporate networks are the ones who REALLY spread conspiracy theories. *cue the looney toons music* RUSSIA!!! COOOWOOOOSHUN! Trump doesn't pay his taxes! Trump extorted Ukraine! QUID PRO QUO! Twump made fun of fallen soldiers! Twump iz wayyycist! And all the other pothead conspiracy theories for which they have zero evidence for.

    Even the Weather Channel is owned by Comcast, which is why you see fake news such as pseudo-journalists pretending a hurricane is blowing them away while people casually walk by in the background. They are instructed to spread propaganda about the hurricane so that FEMA can distribute billions of dollars to local government agencies run by politicians and steal the money. Then the demoKKKRats write into the tax code provisions to allow these media giants to get away with as little taxation as possible and grant personal favors for the CEO's who run the corporations and allow mergers and acquisitions without antitrust laws being enforced.
    Ok. Also the right wing local AM radio stations reported the same thing. The ones that are a Trump jerk fest all day. I'm sure their in on it too. Go post this shit on your Qanon blog.

  6. #531
    Shaolin Master
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  7. #532


    If it is anything like my town's local news, they are subsidiaries of the networks I just named. And what are you actually alleging here? That Trump was in charge of providing transportation to and from his rally? Or that it's Trump's fault the public city bus showed up late like it always does? The public city bus usually shows up half an hour late where I live if not later or at all.

    DemoKKKrats begin reacting to 2020 election

    Man leaps to his death from Manhattan skyscraper

  8. #533
    The ABBOTT
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sense-A View Post
    This is a valid point. Both the demoKKKRat Party and Republican are socialist at this point. The half a trillion Platinum Plan Trump is negotiating with black Americans is socialism and Republicans would have screamed about it just 10 years ago.

    I am not too familar with Jo Jorgensen but her platform and positions on the issues are attractive to ...say... a disenfranchised Tea Party fiscal and small government conservative who feel both the two major parties completely abandoned them and the rudimentary concept of small, limited government.

    I'm not sure if she is a real candidate or someone setup to carve off Republican votes. I don't know the angle or her history.
    I don't think she is trying to steal Trump votes. A lot of her and libertarians agenda conflicts with his. The goal is to get 5% of vote to get public funding and ballot access.

  9. #534
    The ABBOTT
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    ^^Haha I can FEEL the energy. Trump's dancing his way to a win from stage to stage and from state to state right now.

    What's up with Biden only popping a semi in PA? I know it's an important swing state but still.

  10. #535
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    ^Look at his face for a moment. During that interview, I saw a man who's ready to lead. That 60 minutes interview was bad for Trump. He allowed O'Donnell to get to him and his just walked out. If Trump's head was right, he could've nailed that interview to a T.
    Loyalty is Royalty. Strength and Loyalty

  11. #536
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    Quote Originally Posted by IrOnMaN View Post

    ^Look at his face for a moment. During that interview, I saw a man who's ready to lead. That 60 minutes interview was bad for Trump. He allowed O'Donnell to get to him and his just walked out. If Trump's head was right, he could've nailed that interview to a T.
    I dunno. He looks more like Homeless guy they gave a shave, a haircut and A teleprompter.

  12. #537
    Shaolin Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by IrOnMaN View Post

    ^Look at his face for a moment. During that interview, I saw a man who's ready to lead. That 60 minutes interview was bad for Trump. He allowed O'Donnell to get to him and his just walked out. If Trump's head was right, he could've nailed that interview to a T.

  13. #538
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    ^He's our president now.
    Loyalty is Royalty. Strength and Loyalty

  14. #539
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    Quote Originally Posted by IrOnMaN View Post
    ^He's our president now.
    I respect the brothas for not fleeing “the plantation”.

    They really stood by their mast-.. I mean man.

  15. #540
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooch View Post
    I respect the brothas for not fleeing “the plantation”.

    They really stood by their mast-.. I mean man.
    Just get it off your chest. You'll feel better. Lol.
    Loyalty is Royalty. Strength and Loyalty


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