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Thread: That new Playstation 5

  1. #16
    Hanovallah HANZO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IrOnMaN View Post
    Call of Duty is usually the game that promotes a new console. Spiderman? Demon Souls, Battlefield, COD, or even a sports game will suffice.
    Well the new COD comes out next week but COD hasn't really ever been a system seller.

    Both the PS5 and Xbox have shit launch titles.

    It's clear both had planned that with Cyberpunk coming out their first party exclusives would get no attention, which makes sense. So with Cyberpunk delayed they are left with nothing. Halo is delayed until probably the end of next year and well that didn't impress at all anyway.

    The only game I'm interested in is Yakuza 7 and that's a niche title which has been out in Japan since the beginning of the year.

    Apparently Spiderman is more of an expansion, it's story is 8 hours long or something. Demon Souls is just a remaster. Everyone moans about the Xbox but the PS5 has a pretty weak launch lineup to.

  2. #17
    The ABBOTT
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    So who ends up the winner in this round. Xbox vs PS5. Any predictions, and why one system is better.

  3. #18
    Hanovallah HANZO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by b-dolo View Post
    So who ends up the winner in this round. Xbox vs PS5. Any predictions, and why one system is better.
    Sony will win again but it will def be closer this time round. The Xbox One had such a god awful start that it's taken 7 years of PR from Microsoft to make up for it. The Xbox Series X is quite consumer friendly, Gamespass is great etc etc. But for now there are no big games on the Series X and there won't be any until the end of next year. While Sony has some good exclusives lined up.

    In the short term Sony wins easily but in the long term once Elder Scrolls 6, Starfield and shit come out on the Series X, the game will change. Also rumours that Microsoft will buy Sega as well.

  4. #19
    The ABBOTT
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    Quote Originally Posted by HANZO View Post
    Sony will win again but it will def be closer this time round. The Xbox One had such a god awful start that it's taken 7 years of PR from Microsoft to make up for it. The Xbox Series X is quite consumer friendly, Gamespass is great etc etc. But for now there are no big games on the Series X and there won't be any until the end of next year. While Sony has some good exclusives lined up.

    In the short term Sony wins easily but in the long term once Elder Scrolls 6, Starfield and shit come out on the Series X, the game will change. Also rumours that Microsoft will buy Sega as well.
    Out of the loop question. How will buying Sega help them?

  5. #20
    VogeltjesDansBende lid Jet Set's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by b-dolo View Post
    Out of the loop question. How will buying Sega help them?
    One of the big problems during the Xbone lifespan was first party titles. They announces them too early, and they were canned or got delayed so much they ended up as crap. Besides that, what did get released did not really get the people interested either. What was that megaman game, ReCore?

    Now I don't know what their vision is exactly, but they have been buying up studios left & right. Amongst others they bought Double Fine, which is currently working on Psychonauts 2. And with an acquisition like that one begins to wonder about the release. But they have promised that the titles will remain multiplatform. But I think it is not the exclusivity they are aiming for (like with what Epic is doing for their storefront). But rather making sure that these games appear on the subscription model, and that they are optimized for that model.

    They studios seem to be happy with it since they are getting a huge influx of money. And they have little to no interference from MS, for now.

    Buying SEGA, of which the Yakuza titles were PS only since the PS2 if I'm correct. But only recently got released on PC, and now XB. (Correct me if I'm wrong.) If they buy SEGA, they could optimize loads of titles for their platform. Have an easier way of working together. And make sure more titles are created. Furthermore, SEGA is in financial trouble at the moment and has sold of their arcade department and asked about 650 (?) people to retire early.

    So for SEGA is would be a lifesaver. And for MS it would again guarantee an influx of proper games, which means money and customers.

    Regarding these new models by MS, what the fuck. Their messaging is so all over, and for months I had no idea what was launching exactly with their confusing naming. Other than that, they seem to be stuck in the 360 era with their spacemarines. Halo, Gears. Come one, we've seen this. And it is the same shit over & over. So the games are not doing it for me.

    Besides that, they are trying to shove that subscription model on their customers. Which means that nobody will own their games anymore, and are subject to the decisions of the developers. (Like with P.T., although that was a free demo.) And they are still on all the specifications, which I could give a shit about. If there was one thing the Xbone failed to deliver on, it was games. You can have the best specs, but without the games it ain't shit. And Sony had that on lock on the PS4, and really showed that they were looking at how videogame should mature. (Ironically the same way they did with the PSX 20 years earlier.)
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  6. #21
    Hanovallah HANZO's Avatar
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    The Yakuza series I started playing this year because it ended up on gamespass and well they are brilliant games. Until Yakuza 0 they had all been a PS exclusive. Yakuza 6 was also a PS exclusive. Not big in Europe and N.America but big games in Japan. Playing through 7 currently and it's a series that's slept on by most.

    Sega has a lot of IP's they own but haven't done anything with. Microsoft cash can revitalise those titles meaning more first party games for Microsoft. It's all rumours are the moment but it's said Microsoft wants to buy a Japanese developer. Sega seems like the obvious choice at the moment as Yakuza 7 is a launch title on the Series X and won't be coming out on PS until next year. The series going from being PS exclusives to first release on Xbox exclusives, small hints like that make Sega frontrunner in being bought by Microsoft. Of course there are a ton of other Japanese companies Microsoft can buy. They could go all in and buy Capcom which would be huge but seems unlikely.

    Buying Sega just makes sense for Microsoft and Sega themselves. I mean if the Series X doesn't sell they could just rename it Dreamcast 2 and people will buy it.

  7. #22
    VogeltjesDansBende lid Jet Set's Avatar
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    SEGA has a whole lot of IP's. And they are using some of them. But recently, during an earnings call, I think management expressed their desire to do more re-releases/ remakes for the money. They did a Persona one on the PC, and it sold pretty well. So it could be they'll be doing more of those.

    And naming that fridge DC2 is a nice one. But also a bit of blasphemy, since the console is ugly and has none of the flair of the original Dreamcast. Haha. But I catch your drift.
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  8. #23
    Hanovallah HANZO's Avatar
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    Nearly impossible to buy at the moment. In the UK retailers have delayed orders blaming the size of the box causing distribution issues.

    People are flipping them on Ebay for £2000.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by HANZO View Post
    Nearly impossible to buy at the moment. In the UK retailers have delayed orders blaming the size of the box causing distribution issues.

    People are flipping them on Ebay for £2000.
    I saw this a few months back during the pre-orders. I'll wait to purchase one for a few years. The graphics look great! The system needs good games in order to be interesting. As of now, I'm not that excited.
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  10. #25
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    Sad. I just don't understand why people just can't wait until mid-2021 to get a PS5/XBOX Series X. Also, it doesn't make sense for GameStop, Walmart, and Best Buy to have a two to four systems in their inventory. The video that I posted was a good one. Police escort to cars because there have been muggings. There are other where people are fighting. One man got stabbed.

    Again, I won't be purchasing it because I too much going on and my PS4 will due for now.
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  11. #26
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    Scalpters in the UK, well a group of them bought 2000 PS5's and sold them on Ebay for huge profits. There are also listing on Ebay where they sell a photo of it for £180. People are nuts.

  12. #27
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    Watching Americans go pyscho at black friday sales is always hilarious highlighting how the average American mind works

    Quote Originally Posted by HANZO View Post
    Scalpters in the UK, well a group of them bought 2000 PS5's and sold them on Ebay for huge profits. There are also listing on Ebay where they sell a photo of it for £180. People are nuts.
    Are they legit sales do you know? I've seen bots programmed to combat scalpers that push bids up to ridiculous fees eg when the NIVDIA graphics cards got snapped up and put on ebay they got bumped up to $30k prices by bots which were all fake. Apparently there's no repercussions for not paying on ebay anymore and seller feedback can only be positive? I haven't used it in 10+ years so that was news to me
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  13. #28
    Hanovallah HANZO's Avatar
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    So I managed to get one. I ain't played it much due to Cyberpunk and I'm playing that on PC.

    First impressions are it's big. It's a PC tower, the Xbox One got a lot of shit for being a big box, I dont like the way this looks either. The stand is quite flimsy when you place it on it's side. People have been raving about the dual sense controller. After really trying it out for a bit, the haptics and all feel great in that Astro's game which comes preloaded, it really is nice and one does wonder what other devs can do with this in other games. However that's it. The d-pad I did not like, it's very stiff wasn't good when I tested out Mortal Kombat. I got the xbox series X controller for my PC and though it's the same shit as before I prefer the D-pad on that. I think overall as a controller the Series X one is better. I've always preferred Xbox controllers but even now with all the gimmicks the PS5 controller has, the Xbox is still better as an out and out controller.

    The system overally is super quite, that's the best part about it. No noise at all. To be honest by the time we see this make the most of games it will be a year and a half.

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by HANZO View Post
    So I managed to get one. I ain't played it much due to Cyberpunk and I'm playing that on PC.

    First impressions are it's big. It's a PC tower, the Xbox One got a lot of shit for being a big box, I dont like the way this looks either. The stand is quite flimsy when you place it on it's side. People have been raving about the dual sense controller. After really trying it out for a bit, the haptics and all feel great in that Astro's game which comes preloaded, it really is nice and one does wonder what other devs can do with this in other games. However that's it. The d-pad I did not like, it's very stiff wasn't good when I tested out Mortal Kombat. I got the xbox series X controller for my PC and though it's the same shit as before I prefer the D-pad on that. I think overall as a controller the Series X one is better. I've always preferred Xbox controllers but even now with all the gimmicks the PS5 controller has, the Xbox is still better as an out and out controller.

    The system overally is super quite, that's the best part about it. No noise at all. To be honest by the time we see this make the most of games it will be a year and a half.
    Thanks for sharing your experience. I thought about purchasing one but there are no good games out yet. I'm waiting on the next Witcher 3 type game, Gran Turismo, Need for Speed without humans, and space traveling simulator (Star Citizen). When that happens, I'll purchase a PS5.
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  15. #30
    The ABBOTT
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    watching some game play of the PS5 on YouTube. How much of an improvement it to the PS4? I have yet to see something that I was in awe of, seems like they are releasing a new console because they haven't upgraded in awhile and know people will be excited about a new console and will spend their money to acquire.


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