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Thread: NASA helicopter set for historic first flight on Mars - footage on the way

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    The ABBOTT
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    Default NASA helicopter set for historic first flight on Mars - footage on the way


    while the footage might not be spectacular (maximum flight height will be 16 feet) I CAN'T WAIT to see the short vids that'll come out of this when the flights go according to plan

    this model is still frail looking (if it lands somewhat shakily it's over for the device) but just like with Mars rovers it's just the first working model that'll lead to better models. just think of all the footage we can expect between this and ten years from devices like this one

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    The ABBOTT
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    Flight postponed to Wedbesday due to weather conditions. They don't know how the device would react to too much wind and sand in the air.

  3. #3
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    We need to colonize other planets ASAP. The longer we stay here, the shittier and less natural this planet gets.

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    The ABBOTT
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    ^^thanks for bringing that to my attention

    I had another look at why the first flight was postponed and I was wrong : it was a technical malfunction with the rotor. sorry for the confusion

    I assumed it was the weather because I'd read an in depth article before saying they needed the okay for good weather conditions like no winds

    because the device is so light (2 kg) there can be next to no wind. also the landing gear is so fragile it might break off easily when touch down is not smooth

    more on Mars dust winds and storms : https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard...an-dust-storms

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    The ABBOTT
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    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShaDynasty View Post
    We need to colonize other planets ASAP. The longer we stay here, the shittier and less natural this planet gets.
    Which planet isn't a a shitty worst-case scenario sci-fi level dump verison of earth? The worst earth is an ideal Mars and Venus.

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    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    Which planet isn't a a shitty worst-case scenario sci-fi level dump verison of earth? The worst earth is an ideal Mars and Venus.
    Every time this subject comes up, you miss the point. Nobody is talking about trying to recreate Earth on another planet any time soon. Although why would you want to stop people dreaming about things like that? Who knows what will be possible in the future.

    The point is to expand human knowledge and adaptability, and maybe even learn and invent things that can reverse the destruction of this incredibly rare living planet.

    Humans living in space or on scary planets just increases our understanding and adaptability.

    Our way of living on this planet is completely unsustainable and requires us to develop and adapt very quickly. The worst case scenario isn't far off.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ShaDynasty View Post
    Our way of living on this planet is completely unsustainable and requires us to develop and adapt very quickly. The worst case scenario isn't far off.
    7.67 billion people and growing by the day. It's China's time.
    Last edited by IrOnMaN; 04-19-2021 at 11:14 PM.
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    The earth will shake off humans like a bad cold- George Carlin

    The “destruction” of the Earth is really a human centric view. The planet isn’t going to die and it was never intended to go on forever.

    Saving humanity is pure human ego. Especially coming from a Contemporary person that will be dead within 40 or 50 years maybe less.

  11. #11
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooch View Post
    The earth will shake off humans like a bad cold- George Carlin

    The “destruction” of the Earth is really a human centric view. The planet isn’t going to die and it was never intended to go on forever.

    Saving humanity is pure human ego. Especially coming from a Contemporary person that will be dead within 40 or 50 years maybe less.
    Which is it? Not going to die or not intended to go on forever?

    The ecosystems and animals are certainly dying. It's not human centric to think that maybe we've already done enough damage in that area, and it might be nice to not rub every single other species in our shit.

    If humanity means nothing to you, how about we all riot and party until theres nothing left? What's the difference.

  12. #12
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooch View Post
    The earth will shake off humans like a bad cold- George Carlin

    The “destruction” of the Earth is really a human centric view. The planet isn’t going to die and it was never intended to go on forever.

    Saving humanity is pure human ego. Especially coming from a Contemporary person that will be dead within 40 or 50 years maybe less.
    I agree with this jaborni. If humans blow it on earth we should just die off. What are we going elsewhere to do? Shit and scroll the internet? What exactly would we be preserving in the big scheme of things?

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    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShaDynasty View Post
    Every time this subject comes up, you miss the point. Nobody is talking about trying to recreate Earth on another planet any time soon. Although why would you want to stop people dreaming about things like that? Who knows what will be possible in the future.

    The point is to expand human knowledge and adaptability, and maybe even learn and invent things that can reverse the destruction of this incredibly rare living planet.

    Humans living in space or on scary planets just increases our understanding and adaptability.

    Our way of living on this planet is completely unsustainable and requires us to develop and adapt very quickly. The worst case scenario isn't far off.
    you get a planet with nearly infinite resources, perfect water, perfect weather, perfect conditions for your existence, ample space, ample things to see and do even without human input, a seemingly endless about of wildlife and food. You then fuck it off, and go where? lol.

    I get going places to learn and adapt and improve our situation on earth but all of this mars shit is to flex dicks, and pretend to be futurey for the sake of futurey. It has nothing to do with surviving anything or improving shit. We've entered this space of fake futurism where we've all seen enough sci-fi movies to know what to do next and when I hear talk about colonizing other planets it's obvious it comes from some movie shit rather than any desire to solve a problem or address reality.

    The future is determined by solving or creating problems in the present. Most of this mars 'colonize planets' bs isn't based on problem solving, it's just a dumb 'logical progression' that people think has to happen to 'be in the future'. It addresses no real problems and people using mars or the moon or venus or a dumb ass asteroid as potential 'homes' after the terminators take over aren't adding anything to the convo. This is just countries trying to flex, which is ok, but lets stop the fake futurism.
    Last edited by TSA; 04-20-2021 at 06:59 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ShaDynasty View Post
    Which is it? Not going to die or not intended to go on forever?

    The ecosystems and animals are certainly dying. It's not human centric to think that maybe we've already done enough damage in that area, and it might be nice to not rub every single other species in our shit.

    If humanity means nothing to you, how about we all riot and party until theres nothing left? What's the difference.
    My acceptance that all things eventually die isn’t “anti-human”.

    Billions of years from now the sun will die. And before that the Earth will die and long before that human beings will have died off.

    Animals are more equipped to handle a catastrophe than we are in this civilization evolved state. The power goes out for 12 hours in the winter and people freak out.

    I think I’m being realistic. Why should we go kill another planet after we kill this one?

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    The ABBOTT
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    Perseverance has produced oxygen on Mars



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