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Thread: Taliban Back

  1. #31
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Who's going to give you more anxiety. Steven Woziack being the protector of your children and home from the NWO, or the NWO protecting your home from Steve Wozniak?
    What exactly is painful about any of this? What do we, as a western society ACTUALLY have to offer women? Not 17 year old girls rebelling against their dad on the internet because we're actually giving them internet. Full blown women with kids and responsibilities or aspiration to have kids and responsibilities, what are we offering? Social Security? Food stamps? vOtInG? Who do you think these women are more interested in bruh, the non-democratic royal family or rand paul?

    Forget whatever you're talking about assumptions about. We all submit our authority on a daily basis and it's not the worst thing that can happen. 99% of the time we do, it's because we have something major to gain. A man is a social vehicle for a woman and if your car moves as fast as you do, you're not going to want that car bruh. If it moves faster than you, you're not going to want to argue with it, stand in it's way, or compete with it. If it does that shit a car is supposed to do, you'll be happy. If it starts doing the shit a human is supposed to do, you'll be pissed. The taliban do what men are supposed to do bruh. Afghan women aren't buckling their seat belt and riding along silently because they're stupid. And if they're afraid of the car it's because it's bigger, stronger and faster than them which is what it's supposed to be. If they weren't afraid of the car, it's because something wrong with the car.
    Last edited by TSA; 08-16-2021 at 12:34 PM.

  2. #32
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    TSA is so on point here and i think it’s from the perspective of the fact that we are a people with a culture so we see this situation a bit differently. I’ve always said this about you shadynasty, you are an inherently good person, you mean good . Sometimes i read your post and i admire your mindset because in a realistic world, more folks like you would result in a utopia of sorts , unfortunately my friend , this world doesn’t operate like that and it’s not as clear cut as the average American thinks it is. Here , people believe in one of 2 doctrines and then adopt sub doctrines to those and that’s their compass to life . People are either liberal or conservative and that’s how they navigate life toward but outside America?

    It doesn’t work. See most Americans don’t have a culture . This country has been an experiment that changed by the demographic and atmosphere , from the Wild West to industrialism , but there was never a culture and here’s the thing about culture , it’s a parameter for life , it’s what determines some people’s moral compasses . Most people in this country think culture is food, language or a certain fashion statement to determine tribal identities but it’s deeper than that, cultures have literally carved whole civilizations and got them this far so my point is, you can’t go to a country with a culture , one that spans hundreds of years and think you can change or bully them into accepting the doctrine of a people who’s whole set up is experimental at best, it won’t work, it never will, what he is saying about the women is infact true , that’s who they are , that’s their culture , that’s how they have always lived and liked to live like that, there’s no way you can erase that with freedom fries and napalm, this is what America and its people need to understand and leave these folks alone and mind it’s business . Literally no one outside America appreciates anything about it more than it’s entertainment and technology and even the entertainment is becoming an issue for more conservative countries who do not wanna see and aren’t ready to accept some of the agendas being pushed in western media .

    so culture . Remember that. We who have one will never sacrifice it for shit. It’s literally who we are . It’s literally all we got to fall on when society makes no sense . None of us is giving it up. Not even we diaspora people.

  3. #33
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RADIOACTIVE MAN View Post
    TSA is so on point here and i think it’s from the perspective of the fact that we are a people with a culture so we see this situation a bit differently. I’ve always said this about you shadynasty, you are an inherently good person, you mean good . Sometimes i read your post and i admire your mindset because in a realistic world, more folks like you would result in a utopia of sorts , unfortunately my friend , this world doesn’t operate like that and it’s not as clear cut as the average American thinks it is. Here , people believe in one of 2 doctrines and then adopt sub doctrines to those and that’s their compass to life . People are either liberal or conservative and that’s how they navigate life toward but outside America?

    It doesn’t work. See most Americans don’t have a culture . This country has been an experiment that changed by the demographic and atmosphere , from the Wild West to industrialism , but there was never a culture and here’s the thing about culture , it’s a parameter for life , it’s what determines some people’s moral compasses . Most people in this country think culture is food, language or a certain fashion statement to determine tribal identities but it’s deeper than that, cultures have literally carved whole civilizations and got them this far so my point is, you can’t go to a country with a culture , one that spans hundreds of years and think you can change or bully them into accepting the doctrine of a people who’s whole set up is experimental at best, it won’t work, it never will, what he is saying about the women is infact true , that’s who they are , that’s their culture , that’s how they have always lived and liked to live like that, there’s no way you can erase that with freedom fries and napalm, this is what America and its people need to understand and leave these folks alone and mind it’s business . Literally no one outside America appreciates anything about it more than it’s entertainment and technology and even the entertainment is becoming an issue for more conservative countries who do not wanna see and aren’t ready to accept some of the agendas being pushed in western media .

    so culture . Remember that. We who have one will never sacrifice it for shit. It’s literally who we are . It’s literally all we got to fall on when society makes no sense . None of us is giving it up. Not even we diaspora people.

    lol basically. I would say the do have a culture but they 'just started'. So America is like a 6 year old with a bunch of 'good ideas' and thinks nobody else implements those ideas because they're not as clever as said 6 year old. Some real 'Why don't they just eat ice cream everyday?', type of shit. It just happens to be 6 year old that can kick everyone elses ass (until it gets bored) and has the most money.

    All of this dumb shit about 'educating' them. i would think they're 'just saying that' to get something, but life has taught me that they're dead fucking serious and really think that's worth 20 years of war. or that anything reasonable will ever come of it a best case scenario where they're all educated. Like they'll all start reading Huckleberry Finn and decide it's better than Islam. Aren't all the terrorists that attack the US hyper-educated? I think the found that the most consistent occupation of ISIS members was 'engineer' so something like that a while back.

    Nobody thinks anything about the west is desirable outside of money. But this will never sink in and they're actually doubling down on the delusion by saying afghanistan is 'falling' to its own people and religion lol.
    Last edited by TSA; 08-16-2021 at 06:37 PM.

  4. #34
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    The only female mayor in Afghanistan: I'm waiting for the taliban to come and kill me

    Taliban: Give us women aged 15+ and widows 45 and under to be our wives and sex slaves

    TSA: Afghan females love this shit

    Fucks sake.
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  5. #35
    Hanovallah HANZO's Avatar
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    No denying that this is their way of life but the thing here is that what the Taliban want to install is something a majority don't want. Their take on Shariah is based on exacting revenge on other Afghans. Remember a bulk of Afghan's see the Taliban as a foreign force or those pesky Pashtuns from the South & Pakistan. Reason why there is such animosity between non-Pashtun Afghans and Pakistan for example. The Taliban initially was a tool for Pakistan to exert control on Kabul and revenge for past political disagreements between the two countries. Reason why when the Taliban first arrived they had no control of the north of Afghanistan as there was the Northern Alliance which kept the Taliban at bay for long periods. That northern alliance the only force with the identity and ideology capable of countering the Taliban was disbanded by the US. Genius move and proves TSA's point that the US and people who run it have no fucking clue what they are doing. How many armies have the US built around the world, they've all failed. You need a group with an actual ideology, something to fight for as those are the ones who stay and fight, not some dude getting a paycheck.

    You can't fix Afghanistan without addressing the root of the cause which is ofcourse Pakistan. Don't also forget that the Taliban like many other groups are heavily funded by the gulf states.

  6. #36
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    I was thinking the US could have mitigated the inevitable damage by breaking Afghan into separate parts. Let the Pashtuns have kabul and the Taliban, and let the others go the way they want to go. It was the last option for containment of Afghanistan.

    One of the issues is you can't build an army for a fake country like you said, and you especially can't build one for a fake country without an ideology. I think an army defending the ethnic nations run by the ethnic nations would have the will to fight the Taliban more than some dumb ass 'i got me a job today' army. But the US it's self isn't a nation and it's very hard to find americans (I guess even at the top) that understand ethnic nationality.

  7. #37
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Hound View Post
    The only female mayor in Afghanistan: I'm waiting for the taliban to come and kill me

    Taliban: Give us women aged 15+ and widows 45 and under to be our wives and sex slaves

    TSA: Afghan females love this shit

    Fucks sake.
    You can't think your thinking matches afghan women's thinking more than afghan women's thinking matches afghan men's thinking. They're both complicit and like this shit, even if it doesn't make sense to you.

  8. #38
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    i find it very arrogant for the west or westerners to think they can solve or change the dynamics of these people's way of life. what happened in vietnam? i live in minnesota with a huge population of vietnamese who still are adamant of sticking to the way of life they had before they were brought here.

    what ya'll not getting is, if the people wanted change, they would have fought for it, if the people really wanted the american way of life, they would have laid their lives on the line for it but instead they didn't. the western way wasn't worth them fighting the taliban. even the so called well trained army was not willing to fight for this way of life yall think everyone is dying to have so bad . Until most Americans understand that people out in the world generally don't care and don't hold them in high regard like they think they do, they will always fall into this trap. Believe it or not, this country does not have the clout to change any tradition/way of life, people out there aren't falling for it, and now more than ever, people are seeing what "americanism" can do to their society and they want no part of it. This country was created experimentally. You can't beat civilizations that have been here since the beginning of time culturally. JUST WONT HAPPEN.

    These are people who do not mind wearing a bomb on themselves in the name of allah but refused to do all that in the name of americanism. what does that tell you? It's not that important that them as it is to you.

    Lets be real here. Not too long ago, the census is showing that america is becoming more and more browned out, That's not a mistake, i don't say this to sound fucked up but at this rate, the concept of the caucasian man will be a thing of the past in the next 100 years and you know why? its because of "americanism" , Allowing certain elements of society to dictate what freedom is is now backfiring on the very people who were pushing it the hardest. the minute white americans thought pushing issues like feminism and stripping down masculinity in the name of acceptance was the minute their race was in jeaopardy. The average white american girl thinks lowly of men and would rather fuck a machine/pet than procreate with an actual man. Alot more of the white american Males have answered this by being incels and joining red pill movements halting the natural balance. Then you have the fact that there are tons of confused white americans who can't seem to accept their gender and sexuality because "freedom" and the psychadelic way this country pushes it.

    Then theres police violence, homelessness, the high rate of debt, school shootings, this country ranks very low on the international education scale, rampant drug abuse, RAMPANT racism, and xenophobia that even shows its ugly head on this very site and who are the people who partake in it the most..ding ding.

    The point is, a lot of nations outside america believe it or not know this, they know the real truth no matter how much america tries to mask it and they don't want that to pollute their way of life. Some cultures do not even know what the word divorce is. some cultures out there have very solid foundations and believe in community as opposed to a country that is fueled by capitalism which is a system that promotes greed. Yes, they like your products and your entertainment( even that is being rejected by many for bollywood because of all the stuff being forcefed on people) BUT MAKE NO MISTAKE, none of these people out there wake up everyday hoping god with wave a magic wand and they will be americans and live the America way of life. Most of them know, a lot of it is make belief so they won't let it pollute their way of life.

    There's a reason why even diaspora groups living in america still make sure they are identified by their communities. its because they do not want a way of life that is clearly gonna diminish a whole race of people to do the same to them.

    as gross as it may sound to you, yes, other cultures marry and procreate with young girls. The concept of the "right age" is a western construct, just like monogamy is a western construct. It's ironic because the bible, the very book westerners fall back on as a guise for their morality has tons of tales were the very god yall worship has people under him taking young girls for wives. It has always been a thing, and the only reason why its not accepted here is because yall lost the war to your women and now they literally dictate how the sexual hemisphere in this country should go, including procreation and family structures and we now see how thats going.

    who would want that?
    what i'm saying is yall dont have to agree with the way they live but it doesn't mean that the way you live is the natural order in the grand scheme of things. FIX your society first, fix the fact that in a hundred years...a whole ethinicity may die out. i think thats paramount for the "muricans" before they think of heading out to dictate how other people live.
    Last edited by RADIOACTIVE MAN; 08-17-2021 at 10:44 AM.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    You can't think your thinking matches afghan women's thinking more than afghan women's thinking matches afghan men's thinking. They're both complicit and like this shit, even if it doesn't make sense to you.
    There’s enough prominent Afghan women and successful women through avenues such as university publicly talking about what they fear will happen to them and then there’s you all on some “WeLl yOu DoNt KNow MaYbE tHeY LiKe pErSeCuTiOn”

    It’s a mind boggling stupid take to think that people who fought for certain rights and privileges that fear these will be taken away and worse are actually fine with these things happenings.
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  10. #40
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    persecution? idk. Most of our perception of Islam is based on 9/11 propaganda that was drummed up to get people to make that 'informed decision' of going into this dumb ass war. Part of the propaganda is creating a fake damsel in distress with 'muslim women' were we can 'save them'. This appeals to the simp wing of society which is enough to pass middle east war bills.

    But if you really think about it, how can we actually convince ourselves that the only people in the middle east that are into islam are the men? lol. That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. There's no society in the world where the men are more religious than the women. But somehow we decided that what the Taliban wants for it's society is completely different from what the women want. And the women (secretly) want to wear thongs, argue with people's husbands.

    The men like islam, the women like islam (probably more than the men because that's how women are everywhere else in the world) and you're not going to convince people that the literal shit life we have to offer. You know how much ignorant anti-women shit is in Christianity? You know how overwhelmingly female the average church audience is? I don't care what happens to afghanistan cause wtf but lets stop pretending this is a bunch or total mean dudes coming at girls that for some reason have the same world view as an australian 30 some year old man

  11. #41
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    People literally hanging on to a plane and falling out of the sky to escape the taliban but yeah "they love it"

    You keep going on about "the life the west has to offer including women in bikinis" when in actual fact these people just want to live you know a life without fear of being executed for no reason by the taliban
    Posts by The Hound are signed TH.

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  12. #42


    TaliBANG are sure going out of their way to calm down everybody in the national and international press saying women and girls can still attend school incl. uni and get jobs in education and health care, soldiers and civilians supporting the previous government get amnesty and the media are still allowed to report.

    Sounds like window dressing. Seems like they don't want to have other countries breathing down their neck for a while as they tighten their grip on the nation.

    Question. Do the media in your countries (US, UK, Australia etc) currently publish interviews w/ Affghan civilians? Down here the press is flooding us with them. What these people are saying does not correspond with wat the TaliBANG are saying. Interpreters for foreign countries getting shot or their houses getting burned down etc. Sounds like this amnesty thing isn't going down just yet.

    I agree with the opinion that nations can't just implement their way of life in other countries. On the other hand, a lot of civilians just seem to want OUT right now.

    Ideally TaliBANG should provide safe passage for whoever wants to opt out (visa for international travel) but honestly what nations are going to take in loads of Afghans. The EU is already showing concerns of a reprise of the 2015 immigrant crisis. They're gonna complain about the TaliBANG on the international stage and keep their borders closed at the same time.

    We got an Afghan janitor at work. He crossed border mountains on foot in the last days of the previous TaliBANG rule.

  13. #43
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    heres the thing. what did these people expect? did they not realize this day was coming. This is what happens when you break the cardinal rule. DO NOT SNITCH ON YOUR OWN.

    when i see these so called interpreters, they remind me of the black sambos who helped slave catchers catch slaves. Every action had a consequence. they chose that destiny. not gonna lose sleep over them.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by RADIOACTIVE MAN View Post
    heres the thing. what did these people expect? did they not realize this day was coming. This is what happens when you break the cardinal rule. DO NOT SNITCH ON YOUR OWN.

    when i see these so called interpreters, they remind me of the black sambos who helped slave catchers catch slaves. Every action had a consequence. they chose that destiny. not gonna lose sleep over them.
    Stop making this about you ya dummy. Lol.

  15. #45
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Hound View Post

    People literally hanging on to a plane and falling out of the sky to escape the taliban but yeah "they love it"

    You keep going on about "the life the west has to offer including women in bikinis" when in actual fact these people just want to live you know a life without fear of being executed for no reason by the taliban

    the plane is headed to america LOL. Unless you think this 100% male crowd is running from having to wear head scarves. I also like that this scene is the 'chaos' we keep hearing about. Think critically about any message that implies a group of people are running from their own religion. Man and woman, because there's no place in the world where the men are more into the area's religion than the women. Except the Islamic countries the US is at war with of course. They taliban are heros to them and they love this shit.

    Let them take that plane and evacuate orthodox jewish and russian orthodox women from brooklyn. tf.
    Last edited by TSA; 08-18-2021 at 03:18 PM.


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