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Thread: Woman sues Gynecologist of 9 years, after finding out that he's her biological father.

  1. #1

    Default Woman sues Gynecologist of 9 years, after finding out that he's her biological father.

    How fucked is that!? And she claims that he knew the whole time!

    A woman, 35, filed a lawsuit against Dr. Morris Wortman of Rochester, New York.

    Wortman was accused of using his sperm to impregnate multiple patients.

    The woman allegedly discovered Wortman was her biological father after a DNA genealogy test.


  2. #2

  3. #3


    Yes, total jerk-off.

  4. #4


    This makes me thankful I'm not a woman. It must be hard honestly. No joke, but being able to get laid whenever you want is the only upside I see to being female. Men have to beg for pussy like Keith Sweat, which sucks, but that's the only downside we have

  5. #5
    The ABBOTT
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    Not the first time this kind of thing happens either, unfortunately.

  6. #6


    I like being a female cause i don't crave to be anything other what I am but yes this world certainly doesn't always cater to my sex. From being dismissed medically and intellectually at times, to socially and physically being exploited, it can be tough. Being the only sex in the human species that can create life, holding so much power over that specific thing that is essential to our existence and yet being so vulnerable because of it, is frustrating, so say the least.

    i hope that made sense, I am also very groggy and tired, and on cold medication and I can't sleep.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Goldenchild View Post
    This makes me thankful I'm not a woman. It must be hard honestly. No joke, but being able to get laid whenever you want is the only upside I see to being female. Men have to beg for pussy like Keith Sweat, which sucks, but that's the only downside we have
    Why are you begging for sex? And I can get can laid whenever I want as a male. If you have to keep begging, you might want to try to go for some 2's or 3's, bro.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by brock View Post
    Why are you begging for sex? And I can get can laid whenever I want as a male. If you have to keep begging, you might want to try to go for some 2's or 3's, bro.
    Last time I heard a woman say "I'm coming" was when I held the elevator door for my grandma. We can't all be David Beckham man

  9. #9
    The ABBOTT
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    I wouldn't want to root Posh Spice. The last time she smiled must have been circa 2003. Botox is a joy kill.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by brock View Post
    Why are you begging for sex? And I can get can laid whenever I want as a male. If you have to keep begging, you might want to try to go for some 2's or 3's, bro.
    Even married men beg for sex, unless you force yout wife/girlfriend to have sex with you whenever you want. If so, that's called rape.

    males are constantly wanting sex, women not as often, unless they've got an addiction to it. So yeah I'm sure youve had to beg for it. You're always chasing it.

  11. #11
    The ABBOTT noel411's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brock View Post
    And I can get can laid whenever I want as a male.
    Imagine one single person on this forum, past or present, actually believed that.

    lolz. It'd take a special kind of retard.

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    lmao @ noel, we’ve all seen the photo of Brock throwing his 👐

    I don’t think I’ve ever had my heartbroken, 2020 came close but I met someone else after that so it was fine.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blackula Spectacula View Post
    Even married men beg for sex, unless you force yout wife/girlfriend to have sex with you whenever you want. If so, that's called rape.

    males are constantly wanting sex, women not as often, unless they've got an addiction to it. So yeah I'm sure youve had to beg for it. You're always chasing it.
    I don’t buy this notion that women don’t want sex as much as men, every woman I’ve ever been with on a regular basis has had a significant need for sex that was on a surprisingly high level of need and sometimes made sex a chore although it’s impressive how many times they can go back to the well.

    Women want it as much if not more than men the difference is that men are dumb and go from 0-100 with no self control as soon as the balls tingle while women can play the long game and know they’re in demand so they can wait for the right shot but they definitely want it as much as men.
    Posts by The Hound are signed TH.

    Quoting ≠ Agreement.

  13. #13
    The ABBOTT noel411's Avatar
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    Yeah that whole thing is completely false. Maybe back in the past when females were expected to be 'proper' or whatever. But these days there's no truth to it at all. My girl definitely wants it more than me. It's neen an ongoing issue for us for ages because I often find it really fucking hard to find the thyme for it, and yeah, then it does become like a chore too.

    Girls I fooled around with in the past wanted it all the fucking thyme too.

    It's definitely not just me. Most guys I've spoken to about it said the same.

    I look at it like this...most males have a good amount of stimulus in their lives. We usually have hobbies and play sport and shit like that. Most females don't really do anything. At least in my experience. So sex is something they really look forward to. It's their highest form of entertainment. Whereas guys have a hundred other things they could n quite possibly would rather be doing.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by noel411 View Post
    Yeah that whole thing is completely false. Maybe back in the past when females were expected to be 'proper' or whatever. But these days there's no truth to it at all. My girl definitely wants it more than me. It's neen an ongoing issue for us for ages because I often find it really fucking hard to find the thyme for it, and yeah, then it does become like a chore too.

    Girls I fooled around with in the past wanted it all the fucking thyme too.

    It's definitely not just me. Most guys I've spoken to about it said the same.

    I look at it like this...most males have a good amount of stimulus in their lives. We usually have hobbies and play sport and shit like that. Most females don't really do anything. At least in my experience. So sex is something they really look forward to. It's their highest form of entertainment. Whereas guys have a hundred other things they could n quite possibly would rather be doing.
    That maybe true for your gf but not for everyone woman. I can def go without sex for a while. And also, I dunno what kind of lame females you've been hanging around with but women have hobbies too. I have mine, I've actually shown off one my hobbies (drawing & painting) I wouldn't know who I'd be without my hobbies, it's like not having a personality. I certainly don't center my outlet and self expression just on sex, that would make me really depressed if I did.
    Last edited by Blackula Spectacula; 04-03-2022 at 08:20 PM.

  15. #15
    The ABBOTT noel411's Avatar
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    Yeah obviously not all females r the same. We're talking in general here. Girls I've known all had/have some kind of interests n hobbies. But they'd all still rather fuck. Most males I know have had to give up about 10 old hobbies to allow thyme for the most important ones as they've gotten older n got married/had families n shit.


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