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Thread: *BEWARE : DODAX ordering service (CDs, DVDs, books etc.) went BANKRUPT*

  1. #1
    The ABBOTT
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
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    Default *BEWARE : DODAX ordering service (CDs, DVDs, books etc.) went BANKRUPT*

    For those who still buy CDs, DVDs, books etc online : Dodax, which works out of the UK, the Netherlands and probably other countries too, has gone bankrupt. It probably happened in May or June already but their website (where you can order stuff) and even what they sell via Amazon is still online. Items ordered still get marked 'sent'. I lost over $80 over this. It used to be a great service and I never had problems with it ; they had good prices and in terms of CDs they had a lot of stuff unavailable through Amazon itself. I went to the trustpilot review site just now and it looks like A LOT of customers lost money over this over the last two months.

    I read on trustpilot that people have only gotten refunded by PayPal. If you paid straight via your credit/debit card you're fucked.

  2. #2
    The ABBOTT
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    Apr 2014
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    Dodax is (well 'was' lol) active in many countries , including most of the EU, but is based out of Switzerland and the company does not adhere to EU customer protection laws.

    if you have ordered through Amazon you can get in touch with customer services like I just did. they explain what claim you have to file (basically you just have to use your Amazon order page and contact Dodax saying you didn't get your order) and this will be considered as final proof by Amazon. as per Amazon guidelines Dodax has two days to respond - which Amazon knows they won't - and then you'll get a full refund by Amazon

    if you ordered via the Dodax website itself and you didn't pay via PayPal you won't get a refund unfortunately

    I asked Amazon to pull all Dodax offers (they still have offers out on most CDs, DVDs and books as a secondary seller after Amazon) from the Amazon website but who knows whether they'll do this. obviously I won't be the only person by now who has contacted Amazon. it turns out, as I learned through trustpilot, that Dodax already went bankrupt on May 24

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
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    Never heard of them but that sucks you lost your money. Can’t you put in a chargeback with the bank for the credit card? I always use PayPal when buying things purely for the buyer protection even though the slimey cunts hit you with fees and higher currency conversion
    Posts by The Hound are signed TH.

    Quoting ≠ Agreement.

  4. #4
    The ABBOTT
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
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    I go through PayPal for Discogs. With second party retailers on Amazon I might have to go through PayPal now too. Although it looks like Amazon take their 'A to Z coverage policy' seriously to protect you when second party vendors shit on you or go bankrupt. I'll see on Thursday if I get my money back.

    That Dodax shop also sold appliances and shit. I was reading about people who had put in orders of over $500. no bueno.


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