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Thread: Scott Morrison aka One Man Government Man

  1. #1

    Default Scott Morrison aka One Man Government Man

    I might have to trademark 'One Man Government Man' in view of today's global politics


  2. #2
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    I am shocked that the liberals could be corrupt, shocked I tell you!

    The most recent federal election was a win for intelligence, leadership, government policy and Australia’s future. The Poms are stuck with Boris who is an utter retard and the Yanks look like they’ll go down the Trump path again while we just saw the cannibalisation of the liberals from their own former party members who are basically the exact same as they are except they believe in climate change and want ICAC (Indepedent Commission Against Corruption)

    Murdoch Media got slaughtered and the retards at the liberal party are doubling down on the extreme right wing shit by appointing arguably the most hated man in the history of Australian politics as their leader lol he will get knifed in the lead up to the next election unfortunately because he is legitimately unelectable but I am grateful this country isn’t radicalised like they are in America and people actually care about policy and having a government held to account of themselves.

    If you want some fun times look up John Barilaro and Friendlyjordies, the ugly fat cunt slimey fucker is being annihilated over his absurd corruption as well speak. Corruption is NSW is a fascinating thing we were built on it.
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  3. #3
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    Hey if one man can do all those jobs he must be a genius, and I recommend Hound votes for him because I don't live there.

  4. #4
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    I don't live in Cook (although some of my family does) so I can't vote for him anyway, voting for the PM is not how voting works in Australia.
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  5. #5

  6. #6
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    I can't do a good enough job simplifying it tbh it's too complicated. Basically you live in an electorate and it's different boundaries for state, federal and council elections. The real TL,DR is that you vote for your local member in the house of representatives and if a party reaches a majority of the 151 seats they'll form either a minority government and have to work with independents and minor parties on policy or if they reach 76 or more seats they'll get majority government.

    For the house of representatives these are your local members that make up the 151 members, you get a small green ballot that you number 1 through to whatever it is, I think this year it was 7 candidates so 1 is your main preference then 2 is your second etc and 6 or 7 is your lowest preference

    It gets complicated with preferential voting in the senate and above the line/below the line. In NSW at least you can vote above the line and just vote for at least 6 parties and their preferences will send your vote where they choose Or you can vote below the line and specifically send your vote where you want it but to do this you have to vote a lot more than 6, I think this is different state to state, I think it's like a minimum of 1-15 and can be as many as 50 numberings. I never vote below the line but you really need to understand what all these parties and independents are about if you do. I've got a good enough grasp on the ALP, greens and various minor parties I support that I can vote above the line and be comfortable with my vote.

    This year was probably the first time people actively used preferential strategy to oust the liberal national coalition and install the greens and teal independents (literally just the richest electorates in the country who traditionally vote LNP but they believe in climate action and anti corruption) but also to make sure the far right dumb cunts of the UAP didn't get in, usually we say "put the liberals last" but this year it was all about putting the liberals second last and putting UAP last because UAP would preference LNP (their retard voters didn't understand this lol) but LNP aren't preferencing anyone I don't think so with 5 LNP 6 UAP your vote never reaches UAP if possible. People that lived in a safe labor seat were putting greens 1 and then various minor parties and then labor, the greens took some key seats away from labor but the teals totally cannibalised the liberals. We almost had a minority government, I don't mind the idea of labor in a minority government with possibly the greens but this year I wanted a labor majority.

    It was an interesting election, right wing fuckwits got destroyed while the greens and independents had record success.
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  7. #7
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    Sounds complicated, but at least its working out for the moment.

    In the UK everybody under 40 wants the conservatives OUT. Its 12 years of this horseshit. Its annoying that people with 5-10 years left to live decide our fate. Thats what brexit was.

  8. #8
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    It’s complicated to explain but it isn’t when you put it in process. The LNP had an actual CCP spy get elected in 2019 in controversial circumstances because volunteers will hand out “how to vote” cards that are designed for people who want to vote for that party do so and they are all clearly labeled and coloured correctly except this CCP spy was handing out how to vote for her in Chinese languages using the colours of the electoral commission making it seem like that was the offical thing to do, dodgy cunts in additional to all the propaganda on Facebook.

    If the situation in the UK was happening in Australia Boris would have got knifed a long time ago and someone else would have been leader. Scummo is probably the first PM since little Johnny 20 years ago to be elected PM and see out a full term until the next election, insane.

    Has American bullshit infiltrated UK politics? We are getting these right wing Fox News nut jobs that cry about the woke left and muh freedom of speech but the majority of people ignore them lol i am glad that for now we haven’t been radicalised like the Americans have. It’ll be interesting to see the UK election because our recent one was kind of a message that mainstream media might not have the impact it used to have and the floods & fires definitely swayed people towards taking climate action seriously and maybe the UK heatwaves will do the same.

    I think the conservatives are done here for a while.
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