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Thread: one of the most vile women i've ever met (encounter 1)

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    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    Default one of the most vile women i've ever met (encounter 1)

    first of all, i wanna thank you guys for allowing me to share some of these experiences. seriously, sometimes things are so crazy and outlandish, you just wanna see what people think because half the time, you are questioning your sanity thinking maybe you are bugging or whatever. so as requested, i'm gonna share some experiences ive had with some of the craziest/ weirdest women ive met, i'll also have threads about my encounters with feds (yes the government), finally getting some mainstream media shine out here and how it nearly wrecked my life and other weird ish ive experienced since ive been quiet on here.
    so lets start with this bitch and why my views on women are dimming on the daily. not to say there aren't any good women out there but bruh, the majority of what's out there.....

    A year and a half ago, i got booked for a show downtown minneapolis. Now most of these situations will be coming out of minneapolis because its the shithole of minnesota. its one of those cities i usually avoid like a plague. you find all types there, scammers, hipsters, deplorable people always trying to get over on someone, the usual meth heads tweaking and ofcourse, THE MAIN REASON I AVOID THAT SHITHOLE, the pookie and ray rays with no jobs, no future, no prospects always looking to start shit with someone so they can shoot something (in a later date, i have a story of one that tried me, ended badly). anyhoo, the only reason you would ever see me in minneapolis was for the reason i shared earlier. i was booked for a show, i had about a 25 minute set and was getting 1200 for it which i thought was a fair deal for someone like me. Yes i have motion in my state and i'm fairly known but i'm no kanye west or one of these guys to be charging like 25 bands a show so whatever i took it. i was to happen on a saturday evening so the day came. a few trap groups started off the show. now let me redirect for a bit with a wholesole encounter that happened that day.

    so i get there about an hour early, i'm standing outside the venue chatting with other dudes i knew from around the way. Theres this trap group in this state called the hood starz. They are pretty popular out here and are always getting booked for gigs so i knew without a doubt they would be there to perform. personally i wasn't a fan of their music or their style being that i'm not really into trap music but i also do not hate on local artists doing their thing. i had heard of them in passing and sometimes would see their shows when i'd pop in t support my homegirl (MG, I also have a tale about our falling out, it actually involves G clef of chambermusik but another story for another time). So i'm standing outside going hard with my opinion with this debate about jay vs nas when i heard "oh shit... he outside". me and the guys turn around and its the hoodstarz dudes. they moved in a flock of about 10 dudes so at first' i'm thinking. {ah shit, theres about to be a brawl} when the one in front with dreads and more jewelry on his face than an indian belly dancer yells "oh shit, you that dude shifter? yo i fux with all that space outlandish shit you be doing" then proceeds to mention some of my tracks he likes then goes on to recite some of my lyrics. im standing there dumbfounded like...wtf. i mean, if you saw these guys, you would never ever think they would listen to anything even closely related to boombap and so one of the other hoodstarz kinda makes a comment that makes me feel like an ignoramus as he says "i bet you aint think niggaz like us fux with your type of music, we understand what you be saying , we just trying to make money so we do what we do". i had no words. dudes were acting like i was some kinda celeb or some shit and it was freaking weird, snapping pics with me, yelling at passerbys, "AYO, THIS IS SHIFTER, YO THIS NIGGA ONE OF THE ILLEST". let me say this, you see some of these really famous dudes go through this and think, i wish it was me until it happens to you then you don't know how to feel about it and for me, it was at that moment i realized that ,i love making music but i dont think the whole fame aspect of it is for me and i would soon come to see the pros and cons of that after getting booked for more prominent media things down the line,

    so the shows happen. a lot of the acts were boring. well to me. but it would seem the crowd, a packed house agreed because rarely were people moving. the hood starz get on stage and do their trap thing. they gave their best but this crowd was a tough sell. then the dreadlocked guy stops the music. gets on the mic and says, " yo we wanna dedicate this to one of the artists we respect in this city , shifter" and then one of the grimiest, darkest, dingiest boombap beats came on and these dudes went from ABC rhymes to spitting poisonous darts. i could not believe it. i stood there in awe then they gestured for me to come rock with them so i got on stage and we murked the beat together. That was the beginning of a friendship that would open my eyes to the realities of south mineapolis(the hood here. another story for another day).
    another boring act came after them then it was time for my set. i Got on stage sure that it was going to go swimmingly. the hoodstarz turned out to be a litmus test to see what the crowd like. lo and behold, that was a boombap crowd so when i started spitting bars, lighters were going up but as i was performing. i noticed something. There was this blasian chick in the front of the crowd who was actually spitting along to my bars. she knew my songs but that wasn't what stood out about her. what stood out was her humongous tits and curvy body. This chick was banging. had an ass on her you could slide on like a swing and shiny curly hair. her hazel eyes were intently scanning me as i jousted on stage . it wasn't the look of , im enjoying the show, it was the look of "i want you for lunch shifter" and it was so obvious that one of my dudes tapped me on stage to look her way but he was already late. i had caught wind of her and was already intrigued.

    i rocked out and the show went well. i went backstage with my crew to unwind. had a few bottles of hard liquor chilling on the couches when my guy orlando walks in and says "yo shifter, did you" and before he could finish, i said "yea i saw ole girl, god damn, been forever since i saw something like that in minnesota" and he then responds "bro...she's out there asking to come backstage to chop it up with you, you good with that?". i quickly jumped at the opportunity. "brah do you even have to ask. send her in" , so he rushed out one minute and the next, my eyes were wide open like a baby seeing his mom walk in after a crying episode. she had this white and red dress that showcased her smooth tighs and man those boobs, they were just in your face. they were almost like a representation, a landmark on her body that said " we stand for this perfection, you cannot deny us or her". So i welcome her in and had her sit on the couch. grabbed a grey goose bottle and poured some for her in a plastic white cup and we sat and talked. As if it was bad enough that my attraction to her was like a bee to honeycombs, we then started talking about everything, interests,politics, social issues and thats when i knew, i was in trouble. that was when i knew, something had to give here. one thing about me is this. i love astronomy/ astrophysics/ scifi and the paranormal and if you ask anyone that knows me in real life, they will tell you how i almost always talk about those topics when im with my friend circles. But heres the thing, most women dont care for such topics, and usually have no interest in em so for this woman, to be going hard, talking about wormholes/ interstellar travel and her belief in aliens like myself sold me completely. It was almost too perfect. too good to be true. There was no way a woman like this existed and yet, here she was in front of me. After about an hr back stage of laughs and serious deep dives into each other's minds, numbers were finally exchanged and what seemed like the best catch in the sea i've had in a long time would actually turn out to be a oceanic kraken. (to be continued)

  2. #2
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    I look forward to part ii.
    Loyalty is Royalty. Strength and Loyalty

  3. #3
    The ABBOTT
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    damn I misread that one line with the simile thinking it was reality and I thought Orlando let his mom in backstage to come talk to you. lol. my English is slipping. I had to re-read that bit lol

    good story so far, I wanna read more

  4. #4
    Prince of the Non Ignorant weirdos
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    Looking forward to more. Loved the unexpected trap rappers being boom bap, hard core, rough neck hip hop heads on the low.

  5. #5
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    You have any videos of the performance? Or of the Hood Starz? Sounds interesting.

    Shifter the Anais Nin of Wucorp.

  6. #6
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    i have performance videos but not of this particular event sadly, i'll upload some and some correspondence i had with this chick when its all done, but back to continuing this. thanks for tapping in guys

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    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    i don't have videos of this particular perfomance but i do have videos of other perfomances ive had, when im done with this joint, i'll upload some and some of the text correspondences i had with this chick, because she recently just hit me up...NO FUCKING SHAME. thats why i started with her story. i appreciate yall tapping in.

  8. #8
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    Later that evening, i got home, unwinded a bit, turned on my fav game of all time which i have played 124768928665465729802-427 times, Fallout 3. Ah yes, bethesda games. they are always the gift that keeps giving. trust me when i tell you. you could go back into that wasteland a million times over and find new things and encounters. simply put. I LOVE YOU GODd HOWARD (no homo). Now heres the thing about me and fallout you should know. once i turn it on. i'm gone. my mind is gone. every ounce of concentration i have is delegated to this top shelf gift to humanity. I have literally broken up with women trying to come between me and my fallout. So this is basically to say, i put my phone on silent, put it away and to the wasteland i went. i played for about 3 hours that evening then took a short break to write some music. checked my phone and there were like 30 messages. Some from my main chick i ignored . we had broken up at the time over some bullshit and she was being the typical "im always right, i won't own my shit " chick so i really wasn't in the mood to have that conversation. The other, i'd say about 25 texts came from the blasian chick. we will call her "M" to protect myself and identities involved so , of course i'm super excited and read the texts. A lot of the questions were about me, my craft. she would pin point a song and then ask what my inspiration for it was, while throwing in how sexy she found me. A guy like me with an ego that can populate planets absorbed it all in like a sponge. I quickly ignored my initial plan to do music and just kicked back texting, responding to her messages. she then started sending me some pics. pretty innocent pics of her hanging with her family, bathroom pics in different clothes and of course , i had my agenda. i wanted to nail her so i went into my game bag and started playing the game. i'm gonna share one of my secrets to how i get women to cooperate and almost beg me to bed them. See, most of the time, when a woman shares her pics and starts bigging you up and showing interest the way she did. They are usually gratified by the equal energy you send them back. In fact, ONCE YOU MAKE THE MISTAKE OF RESPONDING to anything she sends you professing how hot she is and how bad you want her. YOU ARE GONNA LOSE. Trust me on this. one thing you have to understand is that hot chicks know what they are, they hear it all the time and half the time, they seek lapdogs who will fuel their vanity by losing their minds over them, but what happens when you are a man in his masculine frame. what happens when you are stoic, when nothing she doe's moves you to the point of looking desperate? when they meet such a man, they do everything to try and sway him, and usually, they end up breaking a lot of their rules and trying to sell their best attributes to you. Let me put it like this. IF you show a woman that there's nothing she has you haven't had before and there's nothing she has you want, when you show them that? there's one thing they think about that you haven't had before that's unique to them, Their vagina and because a lot of them are delusional and arrogant, they then believe that they can bargain with it, they believe its the antidote to the poison that taints the stoic unbothered man. every woman believes her pussy is special and it can be the catalyst to a man playing by their rules. That's why a lot of them date bad boys and shitty goofy dudes and get hurt. the arrogance of thinking that the pink little hole between their legs will rewire a man's brain. little do they know. the type of men who fall for that are desperate men who aren't sought after by women. not to toot my own horn but i have walked into buildings and nearly got into fights with dudes because their girl was choosing your boy. recently went to some club where something similar happened, and i actually got video. i got yall.

    so anytime she would send pics, i'd respond and comment on the environment and what she was wearing. it's my tactic to getting women on my program. i usually say things like "i quite like that dress on you. i think blue is your color", sometimes you also wanna break their spirit a bit, Let them know their shit stinks too and so sometimes i'd say stuff like "that hairdo is a no no, it makes you look like an angry karen, your face looked kinda weird in that" and then like clockwork, i'd sit back and wait for it. From a woman that responds in nano seconds to everything, you would see the imessage typing....stop (you know shes taken aback and doesn't know what to say), typing, stops then types again and then after like maybe 3 minutes after that, she would say "o wow, thanks, guess i'll keep that in mind" then she tried to throw in the "everyone thought i looked hella cute that day". my response "everyone lied" and for the evening. the convo would stop and she wouldn't reply. but i knew my tactic. it had never failed me, it was full proof so i wasn't worried. i know all their tricks, games, manipulations and tests to see what kinda man they are dealing with. i KNOW WHAT MODERN WOMEN ARE LIKE, and i know i'm the kinda man they like, and i knew , SHE WOULD BE BACK..because i understand their arrogance and their delusions of thinking they can make a man submit to their will.

    The next say as i expected, she tried to play the phase 2 plan they do. let me explain it. They usually won't start the texting or calling, they won't say shit. its like a cat and mouse game where they sit back and hope you're a thirsty dude who will freak out that you haven't heard from her and text. This my friends, this fuels their vanity like crazy. Usually when dudes fall for this, they know they got him in the pocket and that's when they start to flip the script but me? no.. That very morning, before i woke up, i had about 10 good morning texts from different women who all were on my program. women who all played the same game and got broken. Women who ended up understanding that i'm the principle in this matter and i do not care what they think they are. I AM WHAT I AM and in this city. i earned my respect and the best pick of the lot. It was probably around noon when the text came in from her . first she apologized and said she passed out last night .(i know its cap, she was disappointed i didn't hype her) then she said "she was busy that morning . Again, i knew she was playing the whole {imma fall back and let him chase me } game. i responded by letting her know it wasn't a big deal and then to throw salt on the wound, i said "besides i got more important things to handle out here so i get it". it was back to watching the imessage type...stop...type...then ask me "what you doing today. My next strategy came into play. To ensure they understand that they are not the center of the universe, you have to confirm that you ARE THE CENTER of their universe and the secret to this, is to do it nonchalantly like it's nothing to you and so i responded " one of my lady friends is coming over to hang, don't know, we might spend most of the day together. she gets busy sometimes so my other homegirl who wanted to see me might end up coming through, it will depend on how the day goes". Again, i watched as the imessanger bars were typing...stop...type...pause...type then she said "Well damn ok. hit me up when you're free". At this point, she's perturbed. Her ego is bruised. i told her, a hot chick that i'm prioritizing other women for the day. i literally told her, she doesn't matter where i'm concerned . if you know how a woman thinks. NOW She has to prove that she's a better woman than all those women. Now she's gonna go hard to prove to me that i'm wrong in thinking i should exercise all the options i have. Now she is gonna try to convince me that she's the only option i should be looking at and guess what they usually use to that end....you guessed right (cont)

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    Later that day i hung out with my homegirl who we will call (R) she is an activist out here who i greatly respect. Our thing is the movies. we quite enjoy seeing blockbusters together at the regal theater around the way from me. Shes pretty hardcore too. she has gone toe to toe with politicians and cops etc here so she is literally tagged out here. Anytime i decide to ride with her. we get stopped by cops at every turn. They will ask for her credentials just to fuck with her and give her a hard time so everytime we hung, i always made it a point to drive. So as per our tradition, we were at the movies peeping some boring horror flick when half way through it, she started grabbing on my dick and giving me that look. we usually loved sitting way at the back of the theater for this reason. Let's just say shitty horror movies are best enjoyed in the dark with your dick all in a horny chicks mouth. I will say this about her. i don't know where she learned to give head but she was the type of chick to suck your fucking nutsack empty. i've never known a woman of color to deep throat a whole long thick shlong like that and not even gag in the least bit. maybe it was the other side of her since she was biracial but god damnit.. it was fantastic. so much so that when i shot one of the biggest loads of my collection of loads in her mouth. i started cramping internally .Yeah man..she was what they call a "throat G.O.A.T"

    After swallowing a legion of my babies, she then said to me . " you better check your phone, it was vibrating like crazy and distracting me a bit". i quickly responded. i'm sure it's who i think it is. she inquired "who?", i responded, some chick i met at my show trying to get fucked". R responded "you feeling it?", i answered "i don't know yet. i just met her and R said, "shit' lets turn her the fuck out, invite me the day you get her because i already know you" and she chuckled quietly. i said, i'm testing her temperature right now to that end. if shes on that type of time. we doing this" . R and i decided to ditch the movie early, went back to my place where she spend most of the time face between my laps and bent over. Then she left because her girlfriend kept texting asking where she was.

    i finally checked my messages to see that the blasian chick had texted a few times as i expected . "most of the texts were "checking on you", thinking of you", i hope you and ole girl are having a good day", did she come? did she cancel etc. At this point, i knew i had her where i wanted her. she was a woman with a bruised ego. she had never been discarded before . she was the exact type of woman i thought she was. she was the woman who men would do anything to have. The type of woman who had supreme command over mens desires and hearts. She had never been rejected before. Until now, her looks and her sexuality had gotten her everything she wanted and now, she was confused, she couldn't understand why i wasn't going out of my way to acknowledge her. i bet you, she probably replayed everything, the night we met, the convo we had, probably stared at the mirror a few times to at least spot something...anything, to see if there was something wrong with her. the algorithym was all wrong. i disrupted her matrix and she had to fix it.

    being that it was imessage. i intentionally read the messages and left them on read for a bit. this is my next phase to humbling her. I knew she was going to patiently await my response . i knew she was hoping, maybe he will instantly check in and maybe, just maybe, she would feel an ounce of control in this situation but no, instead , i read the messages and just left things on read and so i sat back and said to myself "wait for it", it wasn't even 5 minutes later when she send another text saying "really? so you won't respond to my texts". i read that one too and ignored it for a bit then watched the imessage bars do the race on my phone screen. typing, pause, typing..pause..then stopped. At this point, i knew she was flustered and that was exactly what i wanted. 10 minutes later i responded saying "i told you earlier i had plans, i was busy but yeah i do appreciate you checking on me. i almost forgot we had that conversation". her response= "o wow".

    i then told her "i gotta run though, ill tap in with you when i get a bit of time" . her response was "k" . i laughed and put the phone away and went back to reading the 3 body problem novel. if i may suggest, this is one collection of one of the best alien invasion stories i've ever read. if you ever wanted to read anything concerning the fermi paradox theory of the dark forest. These books nail that whole theory fantastically. liu cixin is an incredible author.
    As i read i watched my phone vibrate hours later over and over again. i knew who it was and just chuckled. i finally picked it up later and she texted "just saying hey, i'm bored etc" then the text i was waiting for at the end, the one you see and you know, you are going to get what you want when you read it. The text went as such " sooo when are we also gonna spend a day lbvs" . i smiled and said to myself "checkmate"

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    as you are reading this, i know you are asking yourself "why is he doing this to her. she came to support him, she was a fan who probably just wanted to get to know him and those would be very valid questions. The answer would go back to the night we were backstage after my show and we were conversing. One of the best pieces of advice i will ever give my fellow men when it comes to women is this. Let them talk, do not interupt them when they are talking and deep in their minds. most men make the mistake of always interjecting, always wanting to be heard and they miss subtle things that can save them from future issues with women. I've always said this from experience. There are 3 questions you ask a woman and then you shut up and let her talk. these are the questions that will tell you everything you need to know about said woman, especially if the interest is romantic. the three questions are 1. what are your pet peeves? 2. why did your last relationship not work out and 3. what are you looking for in a man. These 3 questions are the catalyst to unlocking the true nature of who you are talking to. Not saying all but a majority of women i have met and dealt with have an accountability problem. It's a rarity for women to actually take blame for issues in their love lives so i use these 3 as a litmus test to gauge the humility of the woman in front on me.

    Take this blasian lady for instance and her answers to said questions. when responding to question 1, her response was "i can't do men who are emotionally unstable, for some reason , men i tend to be with are so jelous, they can't handle the fact that men are attracted to me, it makes them insecure and they start doing the most. Now to most, that would be an acceptable and valid answer. but to a guy like me who has dealt with many many women of different vocations and walks of life, said answer indicated to me that she's vain, and had no consideration for the setbacks her vanity causes in her relationships. women who often give this answer are women who are used to attention from men and love to weaponize it. They thrive on the idea that men are weak for them, instead of making their partners secure, they use it in an elitist way to break their partner. Its a diabolical mindset where they show their partner the stakes of being with them and how disposable they can be, this in turn makes any man emotionally invested in her give up his biggest trump card..his self respect. shitty women break romantically inclined men by using other men's interest in them to undermine them. always remember, when a woman gets male attention, its expected if she is attractive. but when she gets male attention and doesn't acknowledge when it may be hurting her partners self esteem, she's vain and i am in the business of humbling vain women. Been doing it since i was a boy.

    To the 2nd question, her response was "he couldn't handle being with a woman like me. He wasn't man enough. i felt like i always had to babysit his feelings. it's not my fault i look the way i do. Basically he couldn't handle competition and got depressed. i don't like weak men, i can't take it plus he had corny vibes going on". For most. another acceptable answer but for me and the way i process things based on my understanding of the female ilk. That answer meant to me that she had no respect for her partners, she is used to being prioritized and because she has been pedastooled her whole life, she doesn't consider anyone else or their feelings. In her world, she is the ultimate player one character. the buck stops with her and and if her actions caused any kind of distress or problems to anyone in her cypher, it was their problem to deal with because she is the quality human that deserves a pass and you, you are an underling that needs to deal with whatever happens around her. be it good or bad. She is sought after and you? well you should be thanking your lucky stars you got to even get her attention.

    To the 3rd question, her answer went as is. She wanted a man's man. she said she wanted someone who could handle her as she was not your average woman. she needed a man who understood that she stood out and she was of a certain standard. she definitely needed a man to match her energy and class. She needed a man she would wanna be seen with outside with , a man that oozes of masculinity and wouldn't let any of these dudes get outta line. She then went on to say "most of these men are boys and don't know what to do with a real woman who knows what she wants" Again, most dudes hearing that would feel like shes making sense without truly analyzing what she's saying but me? i have been around the block. i have done this and met this very chick too many times in my life. Her answer to the 3rd question showed me arrogance. An inflated ego. A woman who uses a personal caste system in her male selection. Someone who occasionally gives what she thinks are underlings a chance, not because she is interested in where it would go, but because she knows said men would fuel her ego daily and remind her of the high statured gorgeous woman she is. Her intention with these men wouldn't be love based, it would be a manaical ego driven act meant to make her feel above the average man. but here's the thing. i do not believe in the concept of the average man. i believe every man has the ability to rise and fall. As such, every man has the ability to rise to the occasion if needed in any union he is in. I believe if you give any man the reason to engage a relationship on fair ground, he could be the best partner in every sense of the word. Even men like me, men like me who aren't the best partners because of our proclivities and weakness of the flesh once a while have risen to the occasion when we met women that created an environment that inspired us to be better men and be the best manifestation of masculinity we could be. Sadly there are more women like this than there are the latter so jaded men like me now understand that matters of the heart are like a hunting ground. You are either prey or the hunter. i chose to be the hunter . it took me being preyed on once as a boy. i never get bitten more than once by snakes.

    Another question you may ask yourself would be, "but what if your assumptions are wrong? what if her answers mirror the true intent of her actions. what if you are fumbling the bag being a hunter as opposed to a potential partner and my answer to that would be. Make no mistake. All those answers ARE HER TRUTH, but they are drenched in an abyss i have travelled to many times over and over again. It is not the truth aspect of her answers i am concerned with, it is the intentions behind said truth and what behavior they cultivate in her. Like i said before,i have met a woman like her many times and my 3 question litmus test always ends up with the same conclusion. As you will come to see. i was right. (to be continued)

  11. #11
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    pardon me taking so long, real life called..you know. continued

    it was after a week of that last text that i finally went out with her. i had to head out to michigan on business and ended up realigning some bank cashiers spine on some on nighter ish but thats a story for another day. We went to a spot in University avenue in the afternoon of that weekend. a saturday at that. And yes, University avenue is truly what it's name meant, it was a long street full of apartments, resturants etc catered to university of minnesota students so the place was always busy. i got to the venue earlier and got a drink to wait. At first, i thought {punctuality is not her strong point} but then i dawned on me that she was probably the kinda woman who loved to make the grand entrance so everyone would look at her with their thirst meters overflowing and boy was i right. she walked in there and all these college kids were oogling her like she dropped her panties right behind her. i won't lie. She went all out with the seductive attire. Back then, it would have moved me and made me very suggestible but at this point, i had played the game a lot of times. it was business as usual. She apologized for being late and so we ordered food and started talking. This is where the story actually begins to take the turn i wrote this tale about. While talking, i asked her about a lot of things which she answered fairly then the topic about her history came up, she told me she was adopted and had a pretty comfortable and good life growing up. She then proceeded to show me pics of her adoptive parents, A nice looking white couple to which i said "shout out to them for having a big heart and giving you a great life". her response was "it was their job to do that. they owe us". That response caught me off guard and i will admit, i didn't really get it until we kept talking. As the convo went on, she kept on with this diatribe about how white people are the devil and are so terrible, then it was the whole "black lives matter" speech then back her disdain for white people. This whole time, i'm sitting there thinking.. "wait, you were raised by a white couple who you just claimed were amazing to you...wtf" but i kept quiet. remember what i said earlier. let them talk. you will know the real them.

    So she then goes on to speak on police brutality which i agreed was something i despise and am every against. she responded by saying {i know, i be peeping your fb statuses about that}. At that point, i was taken aback because i had never given her my fb name. My real name is not common in the least and unless you know me like that or i share it, it would be hard to find me, especially with my last name being west african so this came off as creepy to me. So i asked her "how did you find my facebook?", she went on to ignore that and went into the diatribe about white folks being bad and the whole situation with George floyd and then trying to get me to validate her by saying "its a good thing we are on the same wavelength on this". i quickly stopped her in her tracks and said " actually, we are not, i do not personally think all white people are bad and racist, i do not have smoke for anyone unless they exhibit racist discriminatory behavior then imma challenge you because growing up i faced racism, it sucks, i was but a preteen the first time my white neighbor called me subhuman and a monkey that needed to be hung to die. even after that event, i still understood that she acted as an individual and not representative of every white counterpart out there'. You could tell that wasn't the answer she wanted to hear as her face contorted , but still willing to make me see her point said "But you don't understand, All white people are inherently racist, that's why white supremacy is so pervasive. they might not show it, but they all have racist tendencies". i pushed back with " would you agree that all black people are hypersexualized low life thugs?", she responded "NO,that's the racist shit im talking about" and i concluded "well you are doing the same with white folks which makes you what?", she paused stunned and said "black people cannot be racist"., i agreed and said "but they can be prejudiced and in my book, it's still as bad especially when painting everyone under the same umbrella". There was a moment of silence there where she proceeded to say "so you didn't see what happened to George floyd?", i responded "i did, i hated it but i also know and saw white folks in the frontline decrying it, hell some white dude lost his eye in those riots, how soon we forget". Again, stumped silence.

    i was NOT going to back down from my initial question so i asked her again sternly "how did you find my personal facebook account?. She smiled nervously and said " So listen, i have these friends of mine i told about you, my bestie jerrica found your fb because shes overprotective like that, she just wanted to make sure you check out and you ain't some creep. i sat there thinking "The irony of even bringing up the word creep in all this". Then she proceeded to say "She wants to meet you and get a feel for you. she got questions. My face took a more serious tone and asked "why would she wanna meet me, i don't fucking know her, she's not who i wanna date and i certainly do not know where she comes in, in all this", She quickly responded making a case for said friend "no it's not like that, she always does that to make sure the dudes are decent, she vets them for me. She has always been protective like that ya know?" and i responded " it makes sense now why a woman that looks like you is single". her face dropped asking "what? what do you mean?". i responded "take some advice from a man, keep your nosey friends out of your love life, we do not like that and just so we are clear, i am not meeting her, i do not care about her opinion of me and don't need her vetting me, if you feel that's not good for you, we can call this an afternoon and keep it moving but it ain't happening". she quickly interjected "NO NO,its optional and i hear what you are saying. you aint gotta do what you don't wanna do and imma make sure she doesn't violate in anyway". i Nodded my head knowing in the back of my mind. She and i know that is bullshit. As you will come to see, i finally had an encounter with said friend and her pack of hyenas. Lets just say, They were not ready.

  12. #12
    The ABBOTT
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    People who need their friends to 'vet' are insecure, needy and attention seeking. that's a red flag right there

    Yeah I'll want to meet your friends too, babe, but not right away and only at a real group activity/function (concert whatever). I don't need to be going for coffee with four women eyeing me.

  13. #13
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    I'M glad im not the only one who see's it that way.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rev Jones View Post
    People who need their friends to 'vet' are insecure, needy and attention seeking. that's a red flag right there

    Yeah I'll want to meet your friends too, babe, but not right away and only at a real group activity/function (concert whatever). I don't need to be going for coffee with four women eyeing me.

  14. #14
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    After that initial date, she was hinting at us going to her place and making it happen but for some reason, i just wasn't feeling it. it was odd. i know it sounds crazy but i had never been one to turn down pussy, especially from a woman like her but there was something that just created a disconnect in my head so when it was all said and done, we ended up heading to our respective homes and i could see the disappointment in her. This had to be one of the most bizaare moments of her life. You know a woman who has never been rejected when you see one and she was definitely that woman. Anyways, it didn't take but an hour after getting home when my phone was bombarded with pings like seti had just zeroed in on a system with a buncha goldilocks zone planets. At first it worried me that my phone was vibrating like crazy so i picked it up quick to see about 15 pics she sent. They were different assortments. Pics of her ass, boobs and yes..the money shot. her bare pussy. This was definitely a pure indication that she felt rejected and she was trying to compensate for that as she added to the text "you're missing out on this. you could have it but you're playing". i responded "very very nice" and left it at that. she did the same.
    It was a week later when we planned to meet again. she had told me of this venue she wanted us to hang out at, it was a supposed to be this new "it" joint and so agreed. The saturday of the meet comes when she texts me an address to meet her and come pick her up at. At first i was confused knowing she had a car but it also dawned on me that car troubles do happen so this could be one of such situations. As soon as i programmed the coordinates on my gps to said adress, i instantly knew the place. it was one of the most crime infested beat down neighborhoods in the state. Literally one of those parts of town you do not go to unless you know people there and you get a pass or you would be liable to getting robbed or even murdered. i wondered what she would be doing there. i also entertained the thought of her being sent to set me up or something but still, i boldly went where most men wouldn't in this state. it took about 25 minutes to get to the place. It was that moment i dreaded owning expensive cars. driving around these parts in a Bmw was not a good look at all but i braved it. i finally got to this beat down apartment complex and parked outside with all my senses on alert. i texted her "im outside.. be quick" and waited. She usually responded in miliseconds but this time took her sweet time. About 3 minutes later, her response . "Can you please come in, buzz apartment 204, still getting ready, i'm so sorry". i took a long sigh. walked out of my car and walked towards the entrance where these 5 dudes were just standing eyeing me like vultures to meat. One of them uttered "yo i like that car man..how much you pay for that shit" while giving me a somewhat devious look. I knew this was my moment to disarm these gentlemen and probably even turn em to my side so i said "nah, ain't gonna do that, how much it is don't matter, but i'll tell you how you can get one too". Dude sarcastically said "o yeah? well tell me then big man" and i asked the one question that always get the same answer from most dudes in this city. "you do music?" and as soon as i asked, one of his cohorts chimed in "oh shit, i know who this nigga is, i saw him on tv the other day, the fuck you doing around here?", i responded "i don't need a reason to tap in with the people, i ain't nobody" and instantly they all nodded approvingly as dude said "nah bro...any nigga that get on tv is somebody, but real talk, i respect that you come to the hood too, i respect that shit man" and then proceeded to dap me. i dapped him and joked " so damn the rest of you wont show a brother love? bring that shit in" to which they all laughed and dapped me. i started to speak to their masculine sensibilities and added "i'm finna get in here and handle this chick real quick, yall watch my joint for me aight? and they all responded eagerly "we got you man, do your thing while making sexual gestures. mission accomplished.

    After buzzing , i was let up . i won't lie. this place looked really beat up. It really was a great example of economic disparity and how when they think you don't have it, they just abandon you to your devices. cracks on the walls, cob webs here and there, dirty sticky hallway carpet. it felt so post apocalyptic. as i walked to 204, i kept saying to myself. "how can human beings live like this?" . it further solidified my take on minnesota when outta towners asked. There are 3 worlds in this state. The hood, up north trailer haven and then the rest of us. Depending on who you are and what you do. it was easy to fell into any of those categories. After knocking on the door, some voice i didn't recognize said "coming" and what greeted me had me in utter shock. Now i have always expressed on here with all honesty that i have dealt with big girls before and do quite like the cute ones who's fat is proportionally placed on their bodies but this was not a big girl. This was a humongous looking sideshow creature guised as a human. Even for me, that was way outta line. i could hear her breathing and it felt like work in itself. I am a dark skinned man but if anyone had told me that anyone would be this midight dark, i probably wouldn't have believed it. Her neck was all rolled up and sweaty and when she opened her mouth, all i heard was an alpha male speaking. This was a big built bitch. with her deep voice she commanded me to come in and asked me to sit down and wait while she was preparing. She then offered me something to drink which i rejected due to the sanitary conditions of the place. i couldn't believe someone as hot as the girl i had come for would have any ties to a place and people like this. It was about 5 minutes later when she rushed out with the big girl looking a bit flustered. i asked "ready?" and the big girl responded "yes we are, imma follow yall". the reaction on my face said it all as the blasian chick put her head down. "she aint tell you ?" the big girl added "she ain't tell you about me? i told her i wanted to meet you and see who you are, this is my bitch, you gotta get through me to get her so today is the day". i looked at the blasian chick thinking "mothafucker, i told you this was not gonna happen. you tricked me into meeting this troglodyte>". The blasian girl in a soft tone said "can i please talk to you alone in the other room", so i followed her there where she proceeded to try and mindfuck me apologetically saying "i didn't plan for this to happen, you know i live all the way in minnetonka and shes the only one i know in thw twin cities where i could come get ready and get it together, i'm sorry, shes just so forceful but please, just come, i promise, i'll make sure it ain't awkward". i thought to myself "awkward?? the nerve of this bitch" but then my sinister sensibilities kicked in. I said to myself "she want's to meet me? she will meet me. this is not how she thinks its gonna go", and so with a put on fake smile and judas hug, i said " it's cool i guess, lets do this" and we both walked out into the living room. She stood there breathing heavily saying " yall ready? we got alot to talk about sir, i heard you condone white supremacy, and you supposed to be some conscious rapper". My evil side delighted at this. today. i was gonna put this bitch in her place and son her.

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    as we walked out heading for the parking lot, The 5 dudes were still hanging out there when one of them said "ayo, we just googled your shit, bra, you got that fire, we gotta get up and do something,", i dapped him and said, " send me a message on instagram, i got you". The big girl chimed in accosting them . "yall niggaz need a job, yall just sit here all day making people nervous. get off these steps " to which one of them responded "shut up bitch, i live here too magilla" as everyone busted out laughing. She pouted as we walked as she said to me "thats my van over there, imma follow yall". i thought to myself "figures you drive a van, how big you are" and then my car beeped as i clicked on the key fob button. The big girl uttered "uh huh..makes sense that you would drive that with all that poison you selling". i didn't say a word. i saved it all for the resturant. She did not know who she was dealing with.

    As expressed. The place was indeed a high end Thai resturant. It was located in one od the surburbs of town in bloomington. upon reaching the entrance,there was another girl waiting there with braids looking our way. She quickly uttered "took ya'll long enough" as both women went and hugged her. Now i was even more pissed as i thought to myself, they brought the calvary too?' she went against everything i told her i wouldn't do but i kept quiet as we went in and found seats. The whole time the blasian chick looked uncomfortable and nervous. she could see in my face that i was not happy and this was going to be an issue. she kept rubbing on my hands while whispering "im so sorry, i didn't plan this, i swear" i didn't say a word and ordered as the waiter took all our orders and left. as soon as he walked away, Big girl went "sooooo, what's this about making excuses for white supremacy ? for someone who is a conscious rapper, doesn't that make you fake?" The blasian chick kept slick trying to gesture to her to leave the topic alone but she ignored her. i took a sip of the water and said "first of all, i am not a conscious rapper, i have songs about murdering my girlfriend and putting her in a meat grinder and 2ndly, explain how i made excuses for white supremacy?, you wanna have this conversation? lets have it".
    She proceeded to look at the blasian chick saying "girl, when they tell you who they are in their music, believe them" and then turned to me and said "she told me about yall convo and you were dismissive of black lives matter and defended white people". I asked her "where is your man?", she looked stunned and asked " what?" and i added "you better have a man since you wanna tell other women what they should or should not look for in men when they dating them, guru". The shock in her face was priceless. i bet you she had never had a man push back at her rhetoric so she said "we re not here about me but since you wanna know so much, i'm single by choice. don't get it twisted, i can get any man i want", i interjected "to eat ofcourse", the blasian chick tapped my knee rebuking "cris...", as their other friend who was preety quiet couldn't hold her laughter. The big girl responded looking a bit defeated "oh you got jokes huh? trying to deflect from my question huh?". i responded, nah i'll give you your answer "First of all, i am black, i know the issues that i face daily, i have probably seen more racism than you and i don't need some organization that made millions of the back of black tragedies to remind me who i am, an organization under investigation right now and about making excuses for white supremacy? you're dead wrong. i DO NOT support anyone who wants to subjugate black folks, what i won't do is throw every white person under that umbrella. most of my white friends would take a bullet for your fat ass and i'd be a piece of shit to listen to rhetoric that suggests that they are all evil bad actors when i know different...so no, i don't make excuses for white supremacy, i just caution people not to throw good people in that demographic with the bad actors, we hate being compared to the thugs and pieces of shit in our ethnicity, we should afford other groups the same respect".
    The big girl looked like she was processing what i said for a minute then fired back "that's not true about black lives matter being under investigation" and i responded,"google it now on your phone or i'm done with this convo", she and the rest of the ladies did it and i could hear them mumbling under their breath "o wow, they really are being investgated". Big girl even after seeing that said "thats what white supremacy does, it tries to stop black liberation'. i responded "as much as i agree that the CIA has done this in the past and still doe's it to an extent, the truth is, your little organization is a scammer org". you could tell she was seething from that comment.

    She got back on her phone and made a comment about some celebrity who was being accused of sexual assault as she said "this is why i don't give these men chances, they are creeps". That comment led me to the next jab i threw methodically at her. "i just find it funny how creepy people love calling other folks creepy, the irony is wild to me" i said loudly. She put her phone down and said "if that's for me, what do you mean? i ain't no damn creep" At this point the blasian chick had probably tapped my knee enough to make a full song trying to disarm me but i ignored her and said " you do not think it's creepy to go through someone's personal facebook account? someone with a unique name that isn't easily found while they don't know?". She paused looking flustered and said " we women are great detectives. if you a scammer, liar, cheater, i will find you. that's what i do for my girls. we do not care who you are, we gonna do that background check and imma protect my bitch and get these weirdos the fuck outta here.'. i quickly jabbed "the only thing you should be finding is a gym and some pets because that's your reality, who are you kidding", their friend laughed and covered her face as the Big girl was "nigga, you not about to play with me ". The blasian chick pleaded "please yall stop, it ain't that serious" as i added "don't even talk", she quickly went quiet. The big hick then said "i bet you're not even on the level you claim to be musically, imma expose you, you ain't who you think you are". the blasian chick stopped her "No chill, i literallymet him at a show, he really does this for real", big girl "he didn't headline it, all them folks ain't come for him, you ain't been to a show he headlined to know if he got clout like that or not " and before the blasian chick could respond " i added "wanna know how much clout i have? you will see, i'll show you" and then to piss her off even more i added "speaking of whites, one of my biggest GREATEST inspirations is Rod serling, he is one of the reasons i do what i do', as i was talking she was googling him and said "he the whitest white man out there...you mean this man from the black and white show? wow, youre weird as hell" and i responded "that man...that whitest white man was probably more woke than all of us combined , goes to show how much you know". She went quiet....(to be cont)


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