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Thread: Adults

  1. #1
    The ABBOTT noel411's Avatar
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    Default Adults

    Why do adults feel the need to pretend to be into really boring, insignificant, uninteresting shit?

    Like politics and world news and shit. Why in the fucking world would you give that shit a second of your thyme? Wtf do you actually get out of that, except to flex how 'adult' you are? Like if you're not out there actively trying to make the world a better place then why in the fuck would you waste your thyme reading about/watching whatever ridiculous fucking shit other adults of the world are concerning themselves with?

    When you're young you just do whatever's fun and makes you happy, and what you enjoy doing, and you don't really give a fuck about what other people are doing. Why change? So you can fit in with the other fucking boring, braindead cunts who feel the need to 'act like adults'?

    I don't know. I'm just different. And thank fuck for that. My girlfriend and me were an unlikely match from the get go. Kind of laughable to think it'd actually go anywhere. But I think the main reason we've stayed together is because neither of us feels the need to 'act like adults'. Neither of us ever has any fucking idea what's going on in the world, and don't pretend to care. We're both allergic to the news. Like I'm talking if the tv is on and the news comes on it's like 'GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF!!!'. Full scale panic.

    I realised at some point that's probably our strongest compatibility point, and why we work.

    And fucking adults with eating, lololololol. My GF demands I take her out to eat once a month (she's had a lifethyme of cucks who spoiled the shit out of her, so I had to give her SOMETHING other than premium cock when we got together). Not once have I ever had a memorable meal that was even remotely noteworthy or outstanding, at an expensive restaurant. The only thyme I ever enjoy those dinners is if she'll settle for a pub or whatever and I can get a fucking burger or chicken parmi, or any of that kind of shit that proper men actually wanna eat. Steak's good too, but fucked if I'm spending $50 on a hunk of meat.

    I guess that's all.

  2. #2
    God's Replica Mumm Ra's Avatar
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    all you can really do is thank fuck for that and live on. The older I get the more I can't believe how 95% of people live their lives but it simply just is what it is, and isn't even worth a thought in the end.

    I gotta disagree on eating though lol, that is one of life's greatest pleasures to me. It's not even as much the food as it is a dope unique restaurant. Or a place with an amazing outdoor view or vibe. I'll spend $50 on one appetizer and 2 drinks any day if the atmosphere is that great. I've had better meals at Applebees than some snoody spots, but I'll pay for the experience.

  3. #3
    The ABBOTT noel411's Avatar
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    Yeah it's absolutely not my thing at all. I don't like going out anywhere. I'm just an outdoors guy. I'm always pretty miserable at those dinners n the gf complains about how impossible it is to get a photo of me where I don't look utterly fucking miserable, lololol.

    This month her daughter was visiting when we were due for our monthly dinner out, n she (gf) suggested I just pay for the 2 of them to go out for dinner instead. I fucking jumped at the opportunity, lolololol.

    Couldn't agree more tho that eating is one of life's great pleasures. But I like it simple and more importantly fucking generous, lol. Not a pissy little pretentious $80 snack presenting itself as a meal.

    N yeah i live in my own bubble n have nothing to do with the world n its people. Only way i can stay somewhat sane.

  4. #4
    The ABBOTT
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    I'm giving up on following the news. not like you can change things much anyway. sure you can debate stuff but yeah... I'm kind of over that now

    also the online weirdos turned me off keeping up with things

    now I just do my thing. my interests : reading, writing, editing

    as for food: I have a different opinion on this. whenever I had a longtime gf one of the things I enjoyed most was sitting down and having a good dinner at a restaurant. to me that's ready set go romance lol. unless of course the gf is boring the fuck out of you with talk you're not interested in. in those cases I knew it was time to move on. worked the other way around too lol. I think I got dumped a few times over boring convos lol

  5. #5
    God's Replica Mumm Ra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noel411 View Post
    N yeah i live in my own bubble n have nothing to do with the world n its people. Only way i can stay somewhat sane.
    yeah I feel that. I've always needed like 2 days a week of minimal to zero human interaction to feel by best. But I'll also go sit at sushi restaurants or whatever by myself if I'm feeling it that day, I kind of learned how to block the world out around me and just say fuck everybody else lol

    but yeah if there's a lake view or patio seating somewhere, I could sit there for 5 hours roasting bystanders with a friend and drinking

  6. #6
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    Not enjoying restaurants is strange to me. Maybe if you're a great chef and have the free time to cook, but even then it stands to reason you'd be interested in what restaurants do.

    I don't cook anything special at home because it takes too much time, so its a fun experience.

    I think watching/reading too much news is a problem, but so is being completely ignorant of the outside world. Too many people never step out of their bubble and just end up angry and confused about the world.

  7. #7
    The ABBOTT
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  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Rev Jones View Post
    Nice! First time hearing that.


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