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Thread: Why does the west always have to moralize?

  1. #1
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Default Why does the west always have to moralize?

    The entire western/whitern geopolitical strategy is getting countries cancelled and it's really dumb lol. The west has this fake, childlike 'you can see me when I close my eyes' mentality about morality and they're really obsessed with it. They would rather stop existing than lose the opportunity to show you that some country is 'a bad guy'. I think China will clearly be 'the main' country/power in the next 5 years and beyond. And while it's happening, not only can the west not 're-think' or pivot away from the shit that's causing it to lose, it's also doubling the down on the stupidity.

    I looked up Afghanistan cause I wanted to see if the taliban ate all the women as predicted, and these are the headlines. Just look at the pattern

    Interpreter who served with US forces in Afghanistan, fled Taliban takeover, shot dead driving Lyft in DC (lol)
    Taliban compounds misery for women in Afghanistan with order to close all beauty salons
    Thanks to the Taliban, Afghanistan is once again a hotbed of terrorism
    Special Forces at centre of Afghanistan war crimes inquiry, MoD confirms
    State Dept. releases damning assessment of Afghanistan withdrawal

    China announces land link with Taliban-controlled Afghanistan

  2. #2
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Notice how all the western shit was bitching and fake moralizing, then when China comes up it's about China building something?
    'Everyone I disagree with is very bad and you should think they're bad too, look at them being bad infact'.

    Why would someone go to college for 4-6 years, become an employee at CNN/BBC etc, the peak of your possible career trajectory, then write shit like 'COMPOUNDS MISERY' lol. The west/whites always feel like they have to 'make someone look naughty' at all times. It's really stupid because there was a time ppl actually listened to the west and took that shit seriously.
    'Zimbabwe is being bad' then Zimbabwe would jump up and try to prove they're not bad. But it's crazy how absolutely nobody gives a fuck anymore and the west is a total clown show but they won't stop lol.

    Like when they tried to get other countries against Russia and failed woefully. Instead of saying something a 14 year old didn't think was childish, the ENTIRE appeal was 'Russia is being bad' lol.
    Then there's the 'nigga you did that shit too' but their brain won't process that, so you have to just ignore them. Someone really went to college and started an article with 'Thanks to the Taliban' lol.

    anyways, anyone else think it's crazy that the west has 0 moral authority in 2023 but always has to moralize about things. Nigga just say you want to win dude lol.

  3. #3
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    China may not end up being the superpower that people fear. They constantly piss their neighbors off, they don't have the high skill base required to make anything important, aging population, centralized government that doesn't allow for open dialogue.

    China locked down the whole country, and is only now coming out of the pandemic. They make bad, arbitrary decisions based on the centralized government model.

    Their current economic trajectory makes it more likely that they would try something in Taiwan. A favorable outcome for China could bolster their power for a few years.

    This is why the west is focusing its attention elsewhere - India, Japan etc.

  4. #4
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    If the US 'pissed its neighbors off' what would change? If Cuba didn't like something the US was doing, would that hinder anything? South Korea wouldn't rank in the top 10 Chinese provinces population-wise. What was wrong about the lock down? If there was an alleged deisease that was going to end humanity and 'killed more people' than WWII, China proved it can handle a large scale threat and everyone else failed.

    Anyone focusing on Japan and India is a dunce, but if that's what they want to do that's fine, China is re-engineering the entire world economy. Then the belt and road is at 50% capacity, the world economy will be firmly centered in China. But nobody in the west can see this because all of our media and even governments think gossip is a legitmate foreign policy strategy. China is doing things right now that no country in the west has the capacity to imagine and the average person in the west never knows till it's too late. While it's being built up we just gossip and hate.

    Even look at the current thing we're cancelling China for. Lockdowns?

    China has no reason to do anything in Taiwan. the US just drummed up a fictious tension with hopes that it'll become a real tension because they need a mass spending project to post-pone the looming recession now that the middle east isn't working.

  5. #5
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    As with the first 2 posts, theres just so much rambling and half-formed points here that I can only really argue with the sentences that make sense to me.

    With the lockdown, China kept people at home for 3 years, people had no resistance, they dropped lockdown and unsurprisingly everybody got covid at the same time. All while squeezing their economy and presumably creating a bunch of social problems for later. Whatever lockdown was in the west, it was worse there.

    Or its all propaganda, who gives a shit. I don't think geopolitics will be the defining development of this decade or century anyway.

  6. #6
    God's Replica Mumm Ra's Avatar
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    to be fair this has been the media protocol since forever though, it just wasn't called 'cancelled' before. It'll be interesting to see how the population decline in China affects their position in the next 20 years though. I think their working class population will fall by a quarter of what it is, and their retired elderly will be at least doubled in the same period.

    anyways, anyone else think it's crazy that the west has 0 moral authority in 2023 but always has to moralize about things. Nigga just say you want to win dude lol.
    I think the sad part is that media outlets know by now that the average american is so retarded that a large enough demographic will still believe any headline they post just like they did when the internet didn't exist. We never really had much moral authority in our history to begin with - but the fact that the internet exists now and the same amount of people will believe anything that's repeated to them is almost frightening to me

    being honest doesn't get the powers that be anywhere with public opinion - emotional manipulation is down to a science by now, thus creating a moral enemy out of everything

  7. #7


    I remember when Americans thought Japan was going to rule the world in the 1980s, but that didn't pan out. China looks like it'll be the next superpower...but for real this time. It was only a matter of time before they got big enough to challenge other countries. By the end of the 21st century, an Asian country, possibly China, will be on top

  8. #8
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mumm Ra View Post
    to be fair this has been the media protocol since forever though, it just wasn't called 'cancelled' before. It'll be interesting to see how the population decline in China affects their position in the next 20 years though. I think their working class population will fall by a quarter of what it is, and their retired elderly will be at least doubled in the same period.

    I think the sad part is that media outlets know by now that the average american is so retarded that a large enough demographic will still believe any headline they post just like they did when the internet didn't exist. We never really had much moral authority in our history to begin with - but the fact that the internet exists now and the same amount of people will believe anything that's repeated to them is almost frightening to me

    being honest doesn't get the powers that be anywhere with public opinion - emotional manipulation is down to a science by now, thus creating a moral enemy out of everything
    I get that there's a benefit to emotional manipulation but the west doesn't have the capacity to do it at scale anymore. The rest of the world getting the internet and Iraq really ended that era. Notice how absolutely no country cooperated with the Russia-bad propaganda or any of the China-bad BS that's they've been spinning?

    The actual issue was they thought it was emotional manipulation that was getting the job done before but it was really having a monopoly on money and countries wanting to keep the money coming in. But now there's China and nobody has to pretend to care anymore, especially if the hypocrisy is obvious.

    But here's the twist. If the goal is emotional manipulation etc, why use the same methods if that method is literally making it harder for you to emotionally manipulate and is producing no real results. CNN, BBC, FOX etc are wildly detested in their native environments, and the level of trust for them is ever lower abroad. At this point CNN is neck and neck with North Korean State Media as far as being trusted to be objective internationally, and arguably locally. But they won't stop lol. It's almost like, cancelling ppl in the news is the real objective.

    It's like when Hitler was losing the war. Everyone thought he was killing jews as a means to an end. But instead of doubling down efforts, this nigga doubled down resources on jew killing, meaning his actual goal was just killing jews and everything else was a means to that end. I think the current wests/white goal is smearing niggas in the news bruh. I don't think the smearing is objective and they're willing to take any L imaginable to be able to drop a hot human rights index stat

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    The people who bitch the most about the west never seem to go and live in Africa or the Middle East though
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