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Thread: To the people who have "made it"

  1. #16

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by GZAjector View Post
    Elaborate, please.
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  3. #18
    The ABBOTT noel411's Avatar
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    I never had any plans or goals in life, as far as any long term vision or anything goes. I spent my late teens and early 20's doing fuck all. Working shit jobs and not really doing anything worthwhile. Then in my late 20's I quit my dead end factory job and got the fuck out of the city suburbs, moved up the coast to a beautiful little beach town. Should've done that the moment I had enough money to buy my own car, in my early 20's. Oh well. I worked a dead end retail job up here for over 10 years, which was fucking awesome because it was only part thyme and always late afternoon/night, so I had all fucking day to do things I actually enjoy. They were great years.

    Then I got into a relationship and realised I needed to make more money, so I got a landscaping job (always liked the idea of working in that industry), and within about a year or some shit I started my own landscaping and garden maintenance business. I make about 3 thymes as much in a year as I did in retail, and still only work about 30 hours maximum a week. Starting to make more too. It's pretty good, cos like somethymes I'll just be working on music in the morning and I'll be running late and just keep going and tell the first client I'm gonna be late without explaining why, lol. It's great having that kind of freedom. My business is going really well too. My clients love and appreciate me and I get plenty of work.

    But have I 'made it'? I'd say no, because really all I wanna fucking do is work on music most the thyme. I get up early every day so I can get in an hour or 2 before I start work. Ideally I'd just keep going with my music and get paid for it, instead of going and working in people's gardens, which I do admittedly enjoy for the most part, and I NEED to be outdoors and doing something physical for at least a good part of the day. So it's a perfect job for me.

    I guess the perfect life for me would be splitting my income betwixt working on music and doing my garden work. Have I and will I ever try to make money through music though? No. So there you fucking go.

    Also I spent most my life jerking it over sluts with big tits, and now I've been in a relationship with a big tit model for almost 4 years, so that kinda worked out for me.

    I'm happy enough with my life. Just wish I had a lot more thyme to work on music.

  4. #19
    God's Replica Mumm Ra's Avatar
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    getting super close to finally making it out of a lifetime 'bad situation', meaning trying to escape my entire direct family whom I've never had anything in common with, and every last one doing their best to take advantage even when I was making less while supporting them because they never learned to live within their means. It recently involved evicting siblings with court orders and their 6 kids because they wouldn't leave 2 years after they were supposed to, who are now living out of hotels and borrowing money from people to get by. I'm naturally extremely lazy and non confrontational but had to learn to do anything to protect my own peace.
    Selling the crib I bought solely while making $18/hr 7 years ago in about a month, netting $150k +, then moving 1000 miles south of everybody to Florida lol.
    The last year I've done this with zero income after being laid off last October but was prepared enough to have cash and credit to live on for a year+ while upgrading the house for sale.
    It's been an interesting year, but within a couple months I should be able to finally wake up without someone's problem to fix or support or even hear about which is pretty much all I want in life at this point. I couldn't live with myself if I was like the rest of my fam repeating a shitty stressful lifestyle indefinitely

  5. #20
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noel411 View Post
    I never had any plans or goals in life, as far as any long term vision or anything goes. I spent my late teens and early 20's doing fuck all. Working shit jobs and not really doing anything worthwhile. Then in my late 20's I quit my dead end factory job and got the fuck out of the city suburbs, moved up the coast to a beautiful little beach town. Should've done that the moment I had enough money to buy my own car, in my early 20's. Oh well. I worked a dead end retail job up here for over 10 years, which was fucking awesome because it was only part thyme and always late afternoon/night, so I had all fucking day to do things I actually enjoy. They were great years.

    Then I got into a relationship and realised I needed to make more money, so I got a landscaping job (always liked the idea of working in that industry), and within about a year or some shit I started my own landscaping and garden maintenance business. I make about 3 thymes as much in a year as I did in retail, and still only work about 30 hours maximum a week. Starting to make more too. It's pretty good, cos like somethymes I'll just be working on music in the morning and I'll be running late and just keep going and tell the first client I'm gonna be late without explaining why, lol. It's great having that kind of freedom. My business is going really well too. My clients love and appreciate me and I get plenty of work.

    But have I 'made it'? I'd say no, because really all I wanna fucking do is work on music most the thyme. I get up early every day so I can get in an hour or 2 before I start work. Ideally I'd just keep going with my music and get paid for it, instead of going and working in people's gardens, which I do admittedly enjoy for the most part, and I NEED to be outdoors and doing something physical for at least a good part of the day. So it's a perfect job for me.

    I guess the perfect life for me would be splitting my income betwixt working on music and doing my garden work. Have I and will I ever try to make money through music though? No. So there you fucking go.

    Also I spent most my life jerking it over sluts with big tits, and now I've been in a relationship with a big tit model for almost 4 years, so that kinda worked out for me.

    I'm happy enough with my life. Just wish I had a lot more thyme to work on music.

    hahaha, that's what's up

  6. #21
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mumm Ra View Post
    getting super close to finally making it out of a lifetime 'bad situation', meaning trying to escape my entire direct family whom I've never had anything in common with, and every last one doing their best to take advantage even when I was making less while supporting them because they never learned to live within their means. It recently involved evicting siblings with court orders and their 6 kids because they wouldn't leave 2 years after they were supposed to, who are now living out of hotels and borrowing money from people to get by. I'm naturally extremely lazy and non confrontational but had to learn to do anything to protect my own peace.
    Selling the crib I bought solely while making $18/hr 7 years ago in about a month, netting $150k +, then moving 1000 miles south of everybody to Florida lol.
    The last year I've done this with zero income after being laid off last October but was prepared enough to have cash and credit to live on for a year+ while upgrading the house for sale.
    It's been an interesting year, but within a couple months I should be able to finally wake up without someone's problem to fix or support or even hear about which is pretty much all I want in life at this point. I couldn't live with myself if I was like the rest of my fam repeating a shitty stressful lifestyle indefinitely
    ^ Wow, thats an insight. Hope they don't just follow you there.

  7. #22
    God's Replica Mumm Ra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShaDynasty View Post
    ^ Wow, thats an insight. Hope they don't just follow you there.
    they are there already LOL. However, 'no' is my favorite and easiest word to use at this point. If I have siblings and their six kids are homeless, such is the life they choose

    I'm by no means wealthy by any stretch, but I totally understand wealthy celebs completely cutting off family. You can't upgrade in life and allow any form of bloodsucking

    It makes one realize how fucked most people are who grow up without a single real life positive example when I see it in nieces and nephews now. I can see in real time kids being turned into shitty adults who repeat their surroundings. I just happened to randomly enjoy Wu-Tang and escape the shit.
    Last edited by Mumm Ra; 07-14-2023 at 11:40 PM.

  8. #23
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mumm Ra View Post
    they are there already LOL. However, 'no' is my favorite and easiest word to use at this point. If I have siblings and their six kids are homeless, such is the life they choose

    I'm by no means wealthy by any stretch, but I totally understand wealthy celebs completely cutting off family. You can't upgrade in life and allow any form of bloodsucking

    It makes one realize how fucked most people are who grow up without a single real life positive example when I see it in nieces and nephews now. I can see in real time kids being turned into shitty adults who repeat their surroundings. I just happened to randomly enjoy Wu-Tang and escape the shit.
    man that's one of the worst things to witness irl but I completely hear what you're saying. My neighbor has kids my son's age and I've stopped letting them play with each other. Her kids are being turned into shit in real time. No structure, no guidance, no plan, and they're clearly mimicking horrible shit they see in the house when they come out. Pitiful shit, but if those kids don't end up in prison I'll be shocked

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mumm Ra View Post
    getting super close to finally making it out of a lifetime 'bad situation', meaning trying to escape my entire direct family whom I've never had anything in common with, and every last one doing their best to take advantage even when I was making less while supporting them because they never learned to live within their means. It recently involved evicting siblings with court orders and their 6 kids because they wouldn't leave 2 years after they were supposed to, who are now living out of hotels and borrowing money from people to get by. I'm naturally extremely lazy and non confrontational but had to learn to do anything to protect my own peace.
    Selling the crib I bought solely while making $18/hr 7 years ago in about a month, netting $150k +, then moving 1000 miles south of everybody to Florida lol.
    The last year I've done this with zero income after being laid off last October but was prepared enough to have cash and credit to live on for a year+ while upgrading the house for sale.
    It's been an interesting year, but within a couple months I should be able to finally wake up without someone's problem to fix or support or even hear about which is pretty much all I want in life at this point. I couldn't live with myself if I was like the rest of my fam repeating a shitty stressful lifestyle indefinitely
    I'm glad things are better for you. Family can be tricky. Mine doesn't see me as anything, even though I'm a first generation university grad and zero criminal record. Now, they (excluding my siblings) think I owe them something or they should get a piece of what I make. I was like you, no support. Growing up, being the poorest in the family had its hardships. I can't smile and act like shit didn't occur.
    Loyalty is Royalty. Strength and Loyalty

  10. #25
    The ABBOTT
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mumm Ra View Post
    getting super close to finally making it out of a lifetime 'bad situation', meaning trying to escape my entire direct family whom I've never had anything in common with, and every last one doing their best to take advantage even when I was making less while supporting them because they never learned to live within their means. It recently involved evicting siblings with court orders and their 6 kids because they wouldn't leave 2 years after they were supposed to, who are now living out of hotels and borrowing money from people to get by. I'm naturally extremely lazy and non confrontational but had to learn to do anything to protect my own peace.
    Selling the crib I bought solely while making $18/hr 7 years ago in about a month, netting $150k +, then moving 1000 miles south of everybody to Florida lol.
    The last year I've done this with zero income after being laid off last October but was prepared enough to have cash and credit to live on for a year+ while upgrading the house for sale.
    It's been an interesting year, but within a couple months I should be able to finally wake up without someone's problem to fix or support or even hear about which is pretty much all I want in life at this point. I couldn't live with myself if I was like the rest of my fam repeating a shitty stressful lifestyle indefinitely

    definitely stay away from them, you are clearly making the right judgment calls (not that you need my advice)

  11. #26
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    It's good to see you guys doing well in life or at least on the right path to achieving your goals and where you want to be, after 15-20 years of interacting you guys we've kind of grown up together in a weird way. Except for GZAjector I hope the 'no' is answer born out of not being where you want to be but being on the path to that goal rather than anything negative.

    As for me, I don't have career goals and never went with a career path I have always been focused on my activities away from work so my leisure and hobbies take preference to work. I'd say I've done alright considering I got expelled from school when I was 16 and got no real formal education and just winged different jobs. I'm on $50 an hour during the week and 150% and 200% on saturday and sunday for menial warehouse labour work which is stupidly overpaid lol I managed to buy my own small house in an expensive city on a single income and when my fixed rate mortgage ends in 12 months I've got one eye on selling my place and either moving to the country or moving to a beach town in Western Australia, all things being good I should come out $200-250k ahead after I sell my place and pay back the bank and you can buy good houses on larger land for the same price I paid for a 2 bedroom one in Sydney and just go work in the mines for a decade. I've essentially drifted through life with no plan no work ethic and no desire to do anything and just fell arse in to good situations.

    I am trying to convince my parents to move with me because they made a poor retirement option but it's not easy for them to get out of it and they don't really want to but I think it would be best for them, dad's whole side of the family have passed away now and mum's whole side are cunts besides my grandma.
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  12. #27
    The ABBOTT noel411's Avatar
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    ^That's good money for a 'warehouse labour' job. Funny, I always thought you were business/financial minded and somewhere pretty well placed in the 'corporate world'. Nice work buying a house in/around Sydney. We can't even buy a fucking house in Forster now, where we live. Looking at places out west, but I need at least 2 tax returns for my business before any cunt will even consider giving us a loan. I've still only had my business about a year and a half.


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