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Thread: why do bad things happen to good people :(

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Angry why do bad things happen to good people :(

    fuckin hell - i just got robbed on my road, about a minutes walk from my house! and i live in the utter suburbs of london, england

    i was walkin up my road from my mates house and the chip shop

    i was just walkin eatin my chips and these 3 guys musta been walking down my road, i didn't c them till they were like right in front of my face, cos i was lookin at my chips

    and the guys like give us some chips my muslim brother

    i looked at him like wot the hell? and started walkin around him, but h stood in my way and the other dudes got around me, like right next to me

    so this guys putting his hands in my chips and eating it and goin u got some money for me, and i'm like no, trying to walk backwards, and the other 2 guys put their hands in my pockets, 1 in each pocket, and take my mp3 player and fone

    and the other guy says something about having a knife

    then the 2 dudes who went thru my pockets sprinted of down the road

    and the other guys trying to tell me that his friends didn't do that while walkin off

    they took the same fone i had for 4 years, but it had all my numbers and my mp3 player probly worth about 50£

    so i go home pissed off, home being like a minutes walk, and fone the mobile fone company and get the fone and chip cancelled

    then i try and fone my mates who might be nearby, so we might go and try and find these dudes, but i ain't got no numbers and evry1 i could get thru to was far away at the time and couldn't get back quick.

    then i look out my window and see them same 3 dudes walk past my house, i think they don't know i live here. so i frantically try calling people to come with me and sort it out, i wish i was braver, but i can't get thru. so i get a short metal stick and my dad (damnit, i'm 22 years old, this shit shouldn't be happeinig to me) and we walk up the street, but this is 5 minutes after i saw them walk past, and we don't find them, we didn't go far tho, cos my aunt had taken the car, and it would probly been safer lookin for them in a car.

    then when my aunt comes back 5 mins later, me and my uncle drove around lookin for them for about 10 mins, but we didn't find them.

    i don't even really know what i would have done if i found them, because i'm not really a brave person, i've only been in about 3 fights, if u can call them that, where i got battered. damnit, i just feel i gotta do something tho, cos if i c those 3 guys again then i'll feel a fool if i don't. damnit, i feel like a pussy just standing there and letting it happen, i should have done something


    then wen i was talking to my sister about it, she said that theres some dudes who go round mugging kids from her school, and maybe it might be them, cos its quite nearby. so i'm thinking i wanna go and wait at the school tommorow or soon around home time with my friends and try and find these dudes.

    wot the hell, this really pisses me off, beacause i'm all about peace & love, so shit llike this shouldn't happen to me. i try and keep good karma, and i never do anything that bad, cept smoke and drink sometimes.

    damnit, why me, god!?

    why do bad things happen to good people?

    anyways, on a lighter, i gotta say peace to a lotta people in the know the ledge forums who been posting some real interesting stuff and links - i got my pc screen set up so that i can lie in bed reading off it at night, lol, know the ledge is my bedtime book at the moment.
    fuck slinging
    crack rocks to poor folks,
    i'd rather sling
    real rocks at the cops!
    fuck blinging
    fast cars and flashy garms,
    i'd rather sing,
    hymns and psalms! kumbaya,
    jah rastafarah,
    hands clasped together,
    gasp for air,
    every breath is a prayer,
    om, shalom,
    my phonecall to god,
    p.z. phone home,
    please save my soul,
    fall of rome,
    sky scrapers tumble down,
    walls of jericho,
    illuminati crumble now,

  2. #2
    Veteran Member iniquity's Avatar
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    IMO, you should stand up for yourself son. Carry a shank w/you & when you see one of them just walk by quietly and let him know you're there, feel me?

    Same shit happened to me when I used to live in Puerto Rico, 4 dudes w/ knives beat me for my chain. Next weekend me & my cousins saw one of them at the plaza & he ended up having to take his t-shirt off to wrap it around the wound. I'm not trying to come across as being "gangsta", but if ppl don't give you respect you take it .. pz

  3. #3
    Veteran Member Aqueous Moon's Avatar
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    Wow...that's real messed up.

    You should be grateful you still have your life.

    Who knows what them idiots are capable of?

    Your fone and mp3 player can be replaced...you can't

    But, I feel your pain and frustation...keep yo head up, tho.

  4. #4

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    wow, sounds kinda crazy where you live, Iniquity. i live in suburbs where this type of shit doesn't happen much. but thinking about it, really, i don't wanna hurt them dudes. i ain't reaaly angry at them, i'm angry at the people consciously keep the world going as it is, because thats wot made these guys do it. i can see what your saying about the respect thing, thats what made me want to get my friends and go get my stuff back, cos i was thinking like wot if i walking and these dudes recognise me, they're gonna take me for a fool, but i doubt i'l find them anyway, i don't think they're local to my place. about carrying a weapon on me, i could never do that though. in fact i doubt i got it in me to be able to hurt someone anyway. besides, the good karma thing would probly be to forget about it and stay positive, cos it's not important. like you said, Aqueous Moon, its only a fone and an mp3 player.
    fuck slinging
    crack rocks to poor folks,
    i'd rather sling
    real rocks at the cops!
    fuck blinging
    fast cars and flashy garms,
    i'd rather sing,
    hymns and psalms! kumbaya,
    jah rastafarah,
    hands clasped together,
    gasp for air,
    every breath is a prayer,
    om, shalom,
    my phonecall to god,
    p.z. phone home,
    please save my soul,
    fall of rome,
    sky scrapers tumble down,
    walls of jericho,
    illuminati crumble now,

  5. #5
    Veteran Member iniquity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by (-_-) <---GoldenChild
    wow, sounds kinda crazy where you live, Iniquity. i live in suburbs where this type of shit doesn't happen much. but thinking about it, really, i don't wanna hurt them dudes. i ain't reaaly angry at them, i'm angry at the people consciously keep the world going as it is, because thats wot made these guys do it. i can see what your saying about the respect thing, thats what made me want to get my friends and go get my stuff back, cos i was thinking like wot if i walking and these dudes recognise me, they're gonna take me for a fool, but i doubt i'l find them anyway, i don't think they're local to my place. about carrying a weapon on me, i could never do that though. in fact i doubt i got it in me to be able to hurt someone anyway. besides, the good karma thing would probly be to forget about it and stay positive, cos it's not important. like you said, Aqueous Moon, its only a fone and an mp3 player.

    I'm not telling you to become Rambo over night now , lol, but dude, you have to balance it out you know? You can't be Mr Rogers 24/7 when you live around snakes like that meng, believe me, I try to be on some spiritual but it's also helpful to be realistic. Don't let them bully you son cuz if you give them a free pass, other dudes are gonna try the same shit feel me?

    BTW, the place in PR I visited wasn't that violent, shit happens everywhere ....

    My advice: Keep your eye open, study the room feel me?


  6. #6
    Teflon Imperial ilzPotent's Avatar
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    Damn you know I was just stuck in my car for over an hour...I couldn't get it outta gear. I was thinking the same thing. I have the worst luck. But nothing like that.

    I think your a bigger man than me letting it be - (even though Im a lady) I would've been out there bat in hand a swingin.

    CONservative goverMENt

  7. #7
    Don't Mess With It Koolish's Avatar
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    if they didn't pull a knife out, and just stood there... i probably woulda tried doing something. but i get a huge rush from fighting so that's just me personally.

    did they look like they were in a gang? or are they just three punks?
    Voyeur School
    Last edited by Koolish; 03-24-2011 at 01:46 PM.

  8. #8
    Deadly Venom 100pr00f's Avatar
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    be brave...one thing u can do is nee to the nuts..they will go down all u need to do is get the one from in front of u out of the way and u run

    but i had a friend like u ..ii was taking ma at the time and he wanted me to teach him lol

    but over time he got fed up..so he went and got a bench and lifted waights every day

    he was a weak guy but know he is pushing 330 easy
    no one fucks with him know
    he joind the military
    but i say u do the same ull fell better about ur self

    i would still go looking for them chumbs..u wanna feel good stil;l let ur friends bet on them as the one get let his friends take ur shit

    keep us updated if u evey find them


  9. #9

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    Iniquity and Legato i c wot u sayin. i do have a few crazy friends (with nice hearts), and when they find out about this shit, they gonna probly stick me in a car and take me looking for these dudes, whether i want to or not, and it would be nice to let em know that they can't get away with this shit, but the more i think about it, the less i think i'm gonna be able to find them. i just wish i could have got thru to some ppl wen i knew they were still on my road. better yet, i wish i was brave enough to have just gone out there by myself and dealt with it. oh well. they looked about 18/19ish years old, so they just big kids who don't kno better. PotentOne and Koolish, sounds like i woulda been alright if u guys had been with me, lol
    fuck slinging
    crack rocks to poor folks,
    i'd rather sling
    real rocks at the cops!
    fuck blinging
    fast cars and flashy garms,
    i'd rather sing,
    hymns and psalms! kumbaya,
    jah rastafarah,
    hands clasped together,
    gasp for air,
    every breath is a prayer,
    om, shalom,
    my phonecall to god,
    p.z. phone home,
    please save my soul,
    fall of rome,
    sky scrapers tumble down,
    walls of jericho,
    illuminati crumble now,

  10. #10
    Deadly Venom 100pr00f's Avatar
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    tell ur sister if she see's them follow them see were they chill

    u need to get ur money back

  11. #11
    Banned RZA's Wife aka Goddess's Avatar
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    You have good things and you have bad things and they can happen to people.

  12. #12
    Honk Honk. soul controller's Avatar
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    experiances happen coz you put out msgs (sub conscious thoughts) out that attract experiances that u desire...
    its what u sub consciously want to experiance..
    if them same experiances keep happening..
    it means u aint learnt what u was supposed to from the original experiance. thus ur sub conscious thoughts manifest that reality again..

    positive energy kills, all this..
    always be positive. and wonderful things will happen to u


  13. #13
    healthy merking LHX's Avatar
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    fuck a mp3 player and a phone

    if they took your food
    THEN its on
    all the points have been made

  14. #14
    Deadly Venom 100pr00f's Avatar
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    they did

    took his chips

  15. #15
    healthy merking LHX's Avatar
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    those motherfuckers
    all the points have been made


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