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Thread: Why God exists IMO

  1. #61


    I Think Your Soul Will Re-experience What It Dealt With During Your Lifetime. Good, Evil...however You Want To Define Either Term, I Think What You Experience Will Be Along The Lines Of An Eternal Dream. I Believe There's A Higher Spiritual Power That Creates The Forces Of Science And Your Soul Will Be A Part Of That. Feel Me? Peace Rizzy

  2. #62
    je© MsRzaRecTaH's Avatar
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    Soul Or Spirit? Many Confuse Those 2.. Im Not Saying You.. Just In General...

  3. #63


    Quote Originally Posted by MathMatician
    So why are only humans the result of a significant evolution? Why haven't trees evolved, dogs, insects etc evolved into a more drastic being? Do you believe humans will eventually grow a 3rd arm or start growing wings in thousands or millions of years? Why would the evolving stop now or would it?
    (and this is the person who told me my view was invalid)

    its clear that he/she has no idea what they are talking about in regard to evolution

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  4. #64


    Yo Timbs, Answer What I Asked Whitey.

    Why Haven't All Other Forms Of Life Come Anywhere Near The Intellect Of Humans?

    Rza, Same Thing. Both Consist Faculties Of Thought, Action & Emotion

  5. #65


    Quote Originally Posted by MathMatician
    All That Sounds Nice And I'm Sure Those Are Facts.

    But Let Me Ask You This. Why Haven't All Other Forms Of Life Have Come Anywhere Near Our Intellect?
    before one questions or tries to have a rebuttal to biological evolution, u must first have atleast a "beginners level" understanding of the discipline........sadly and invariably this is not the case.. the majority who disagree or question or doubt evolution, dont even have a remedial understanding of the discipline

    everyone wants to have a say so in the matter, but doesnt want to do the footwork required to atleast have enuff understanding to partake in the discussion...............
    evolution is one of the most complex , all encompassing disciplines in the scientific field.. it is very complex because it relies on great knowledge of other scientific disciplines such as ecology, chemistry, biology, organic chemistry, geoloy and genetics)

    Prime example.. u didnt even know it.. but your question is based on Ecology, not evolution. You attacked the discipline of evolution, simply do to an uncomfortable lack of knowledge in Ecology!

    okay, now that i got that "Preamble Rant" out the way, i can answer your question very simply.

    In Ecology, (meaning the living systems and environment that allow areas to be habitable) there are evolutionarily designed "niches".. (meaning slots to be filled)

    There are only a finite amount of niches per ecosystem (depending on the environment). On planet Earth, homo sapiens (you and I) control the ecological niche designated as the "Sentient, top of the food chain".... due to our evolutionary history and successful adaptation to the world we live in, we basically control that niche that would otherwise be filled by another species (remember, before humans were on the planet, that niche was primarily filled by larger creatures such as dinosaurs and large terrestrial mammals)...

    Homo Sapiens are basically acting as a form of natural selection on other creatures which we share the world with! We are tool wielding, intelligent predatory omnivores who automatically suppress any macroevolutionary advancement that would allow creatures to surpass or reach our current "position" merely by us existing!

    I could go on for hours on this topic but it is difficult because it is a very complex topic that requires much prerequisite knowledge and info to get into any of the specifics, and wutangcorp isnt that realm for that (as we all sadly know)

    Timbs, Ph.D

    P.S. all living creatures (and even some non living creatures such as viruses) evolve.. that includes trees and all the other things u mentioned a few posts back

    botanical evolution is beautifully documented and understood even more so in certain instances than human evolution.
    Last edited by My First Timbs; 06-07-2006 at 03:47 PM.

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  6. #66
    JackOfHeartz JackOfHearts's Avatar
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    timbs u sed mathmatician said ur point was invalid....its was actually me- read back!


  7. #67


    Ok See, You Just Wasted Your Time Typing. After Reading That First Paragraph I'm Disregarding Your Response. That's The Second Time You Try To Speak To Me Like A Baffoon. You Want To Try To Belittle Me And Speak To Me Like Some Kind Of Inferior You Won't Get A Response From Me. Had I Been One Of Your Students And You Spoke To Me That Way You Would Of Got Japped Right On The Eye Socket.

    That's How I Do Nigga


  8. #68
    Wu Vatican
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    ^ I think he was speaking more in general terms and not necessarly refering to you. But just my intepretation, I could be wrong.
    The earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and in triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.

    People are too stupid to effectively conspire to do anything, but not too stupid to come up with conspiracy theories.

  9. #69
    je© MsRzaRecTaH's Avatar
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    Stupid.. Dont be Ignorant.. We will build later math...

  10. #70


    Quote Originally Posted by ThePrincePoetik
    timbs u sed mathmatician said ur point was invalid....its was actually me- read back!
    my bad

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  11. #71


    Quote Originally Posted by MathMatician
    Ok See, You Just Wasted Your Time Typing. After Reading That First Paragraph I'm Disregarding Your Response. That's The Second Time You Try To Speak To Me Like A Baffoon. You Want To Try To Belittle Me And Speak To Me Like Some Kind Of Inferior You Won't Get A Response From Me. Had I Been One Of Your Students And You Spoke To Me That Way You Would Of Got Japped Right On The Eye Socket.

    That's How I Do Nigga

    if u re read (without any defensive emotional reaction) its clear that i was purely commenting on society and not talking down to you.

    i encourage u to read the rest.

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  12. #72
    je© MsRzaRecTaH's Avatar
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    Nah Math I aint calling you stupid.. just I meant it in a different way.. but Im not calling you stupid.. ugh.. I was thinking and typing out loud my apologies.. u know I got mad love for you anyways . .Peace MATH

  13. #73
    i think i'm high
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    "So why are only humans the result of a significant evolution? Why haven't trees evolved, dogs, insects etc evolved into a more drastic being? Do you believe humans will eventually grow a 3rd arm or start growing wings in thousands or millions of years? Why would the evolving stop now or would it?"

    whoever said that needs to go back to school hah


  14. #74
    Veteran Member Aqueous Moon's Avatar
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    Last edited by Aqueous Moon; 06-08-2006 at 07:30 AM.

  15. #75
    And in the end..? Kriszy Substance's Avatar
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    First off...Snapple, I love the quote in your sig by GZA...I've been meaning to say it for a while. It is a real good one.

    Anyway, not sure how I ended up in here. I have stayed away from the KTL section for a long time since it seems to be a bunch of people arguing about things we really wont ever know or agree upon.

    I wonder Timbs, since you seem so into the scientific aspect of things, what you think of Einstein. I could be wrong, but I believe he proved that energy could not be created nor destroyed. Which brings many questions to mind as far as what happens when we die. Perhaps you have an opinion on this...what do you think happens to our energy when we die?

    Another thought that has intrigued me for a while has to do with that same theory. If energy can not be created or destroyed, if it just simply changes form, then this computer I am typing on and everything else around me (including myself) has been here in some form since the begining of time....? I dont know, but I was hoping Timbs may have a thought on it since he seems to have a lot to say.

    Im done. I dont know if I believe in God or not. I have not made up my mind on anything. And I am ok with that. I prefer serendipity. Love to all.


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