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Thread: Word

  1. #31
    Names The Nameless & Unnamable's Avatar
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    Default P.e.a.c.e.

    Proper Education Always Causes Enlightenment
    The NZA

  2. #32
    Veteran Member maestro wooz's Avatar
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    haha, like 5 people in my class told me they were "deeply offended" by the "homo thugs" line from two works back i posted. Fucking herbs

    Villain-like when screaming at the wall,
    Waiting for the fall, But only-words only hurt.
    Shoved back with nothing curt, Some cats fear a spray of the mind.
    Have ‘em put down with a hard grind, And picked up with a smack.
    Stay behind the back, cause real actions would come from the front.
    Intentions are made to be blunt, So just let it roll like a Dutch.
    Who cares who got touched, Erasing it all like 1491 Santiago.
    T-r-i-e-d to go with the flow, surprise it led right off a waterfall.
    Outside truly seen in incoming calls, G or C decided by the definition of crime.
    Read what's actually on the line, Call a foul on the offense,
    Red flag it cause sometimes the refs kinda dense. Docs left on the racks,
    Talking 2 Tonkin or Ajax? Nobody knooows,
    The relevant reality Norwoods shows. Expose the truth?,
    Or just handle problems like Rae Carruth.

    Ab chao
    Last edited by maestro wooz; 11-16-2006 at 05:09 PM.

  3. #33
    Veteran Member maestro wooz's Avatar
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  4. #34
    Veteran Member maestro wooz's Avatar
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    bump, if anyone wants to drop any feed

  5. #35
    The ABBOTT noel411's Avatar
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    Nice poems Wooz. Rather intriguing at times. You have a good poetical style. Well structured lines and fitting word choice. Keep doing your thing.

  6. #36
    Veteran Member Sizzy Up's Avatar
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    Its Pretty Clean Man.. Like. I Could Tell How Every BODY Has Come In Into It.. Sick.. // Good Work
    Last edited by Sizzy Up; 02-06-2007 at 08:49 PM.

  7. #37
    Veteran Member maestro wooz's Avatar
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    thanks, i ended up getting a b in this class, shoulda got an a though. I've pretty muched stopped writing poetry since then. The class started making me real upset and i just haven't had any urges to write since.

    I'm writing essays this semester, i might just post them up in here.

  8. #38
    Veteran Member maestro wooz's Avatar
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    id appreciate any comments,

    Mo’Nique is a big, dumb, FAT idiot. Mo’Nique, “famous” from her work as Nikki on The Parkers, is a “plus sized” comedian known for railing against “skinny bitches” and against the perception that “big girls ain’t sexy”. Unfortunately, Mo’Nique speaks from the same type of ignorant mentality that has made the gun-toting moneymaking street hustler the prevalent image in hip-hop. Soon hopefully she’ll be able to ask Pac, Big, L, Proof AND Scott La Rock how that worked out.
    While it’s hard to take anything serious out of a comics mouth these days, as most comedy has been reduced to bojangling to whatever important issues of society can be minimilized for the sake of outrageous comments, Mo’Nique's comments reflect the levels of irrationality and hypocrisy that health concerns in the US have denigrated to.
    YES, we are all created in different shapes. YES, there are people that are born “big boned” and are naturally gonna be big. And YES, we should accept every shape of person, but to patronize being fat as being admirable misses the point. Being fat is not how it’s supposed to be.
    For some it’s how they were born and they can’t do anything about it. For others though, it’s a sign of poor health and, generally, laziness. For the big boned people, there are ways to be healthy and live right within your big bonedness, that doesn’t include being fat. Just because you have shoulders like a linebacker doesn’t mean you can have thighs like an offensive lineman. The lazy fat people, well they have no real good justification for their body. There is no reason not to eat healthy, except that you are in fact, lazy. God forbid, but sometimes you might have to go 30 seconds out of your way, but that is the price to pay until we stop making fat slob the new normal.
    The missteps on health and body images are not limited to a moron like Mo’Nique, it goes in the opposite direction also. Look around the next time you’re walking through the mall, you are guaranteed to notice handfuls of people who are legitimately “skinny bitches”.
    There seems to be the perception that being rail thin is attractive. It is an interesting conclusion that people have come to reach, since almost all people who aren’t themselves ridiculously skinny can agree that being ridiculously skinny is not attractive, and in actuality is a fairly gross look. The “shoulder blade poking out” look is not going to be the next big trend.
    People who are overly skinny are classified with some medical term that usually defines how they became so thin. These oft repeated terms don’t seem to cover the aspects of why these people choose to obsessively deprive themselves of proper nutrition. The answer is found on the cover of most tabloid magazines. Every single day there seems to be another story of a drug addicted bulimic teen star hitting rock bottom. The magazines our sisters and daughters read are flooded with a non-stop cycle of terrible role models and it seems that whenever one grows up and moves on, or burns out, there is another young starlet ready to step into the limelight with their emaciated body.
    Why are THEY skinny? Mental problems. We all have our flaws, and a grown woman keeping her weight around 80lbs is just another one. The specifics can range, but no sane person who is truthfully happy with their life would treat their body in the manner these girls do. Perhaps Mo’Nique needs to take a look in the mirror and realize that her issues are just the other side of the same page. A doctor looking for a shared disease would see exactly the same symptoms. Both mentalities share an unhealthy approach to life that everyone else can see the truth about, both deny there is even a problem, and both claim that everyone else just doesn’t understand them. In short, total oblivia. Except someone like Mo’Nique, who chooses to advocate her lifestyle. It’s like Lindsay Lohan is going on T.V and telling teenaged girls to put down their forks and go throw up dinner right now, something that would more than likely be universally frowned upon.
    Society in general takes entirely the wrong approach to health. Nowadays, every food conglomerate is racing to find the next way to be able to market their food as low fat. Lost in this “noble” search for health is the fact that these corporations are overwhelmingly to blame for the need for low fat products. It was the overload of grease and cheap meat in our McDonald’s hamburgers that made us fat. It was the drinks (soda) comparable to a 3 pixie stick and water cocktail that created the market for Pepsi One. Thank you for telling us how to lose weight after you made us fat. Hey big businesses!, we appreciate how genuine you have been throughout.
    The actions of these powerhouse corporations are akin to the reactionary “solutions” that dominate society. Prison doesn’t rehabilitate its inhabitants, it locks them away and lets people forget about the problems in the world. Instead of teaching the people how to eat right and to exercise daily, people are taught, through catchy slogans and advertisements, to eat only a certain type of food product for a couple of weeks. Weight loss fads like the Atkins Diet or the South beach Diet feed into this mentality by offering a quick short term answer that will make everything seem all better. Really, is it possible, and wise, to live on these diets? A grown human being can sustain themselves with these lose weight fast schemes? Yet people will still turn to them as a cure all for their weight problems.
    Just like no one gave a hoot about those angry Muslims until they slapped us in the face, no one cares about their body until their belts any longer fit. It’s not an issue until you can’t fit into your old jeans, then people are more then ready to spend fifteen dollars for a guide to getting in the fast lane to a healthy lifestyle. People will then have the audacity to wonder how they got so fat, probably blame their schedule which won’t allow time to hit the gym like they’d like. Ignored will be the small-oceans of soda and beer that over the years has been used to wash down extra cheddar Big Montanas and boxes upon boxes of Pop Tarts.
    All in all, the situation is pretty messed up. Lots of people are blind to their own problems and will try to justify it with some outlandish reasoning. Others will it’s all peachy until eventually they realize the blob looking them back in the mirror is nobody but themselves.
    Can you blame anyone though? They feed us greasy turd on a sesame bun and then sell the best way to get skinny. Celebrities in the spotlight will denounce “skinny bitches” and make it cool to be a slob while others throw up their dinners while 12-year-old girls are watching. Maybe we all just need 15 minutes of recess each day.

  9. #39
    aka Orion Zemo RADIOACTIVE MAN's Avatar
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    yea yo..thats some good work right there man,keep at it

  10. #40
    Veteran Member maestro wooz's Avatar
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    word thanks, i havent fucked with writing any lines in awhile.


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