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Thread: Zimbabwe Going Down

  1. #16
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    A policeman's story

    A policeman, who spoke to IRIN under condition of anonymity, described the "unbearable conditions" the police now faced as a result of the political tension.

    "When violence breaks out due to political disturbances, work becomes unbearable for us as police officers. Since February we have not been allowed to go off duty or on leave," he said.

    "Our bosses say the police force is understaffed and no-one should even think of taking a rest. That means we are on duty 24 hours a day. The pressure is even greater for us who are attached to PISI [the intelligence unit] because we have to be out, in plain clothes, gathering information on who is saying what and whether there are plans to carry out rallies or demonstrations, and where," he complained.

    "People are growing increasingly angry with the police and army, as they say we are being used by the government to beat them up, yet we will simply be carrying out orders. It is not that we like to beat up people, no. Remember, some of them are our relatives, friends and neighbours. But we have to safeguard our jobs: employment is difficult to find these days, and I have a family to look after."

    He added: "Yes, the people might hate us for simply being police officers, but they should remember that we are also unhappy with the kind of life we are living today: we buy from the same shops, board the same mode of transport with them, and get very paltry salaries."

    In a country with a prostrate economy and an inflation rate of over 1,700 percent, "I can't manage to send my child to a good school because my salary is small, and every month I am forced to borrow from moneylenders, who charge high interest," he said.

    "Most of the time, we go out to carry out our duties on empty stomachs and, because these tasks are given at short notice, we can even go for a whole day without food because the police force cannot manage to send provisions whenever there are special assignments to be carried out."

  2. #17
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    HARARE – MDC spokesman Nelson Chamisa is feared to have lost his right eye during a brutal attack by two unidentified men at the Harare International Airport today

    Grace Kwinjeh poisoned

    Sat, 17 Mar 2007 22:59:00

    Boniface Samu

    THE Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) deputy secretary for international relations, Grace Kwinjeh is battling for her life at Baines Avenues Clinic after a suspected member of the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) yesterday stealthily entered into her ward and injected her with a poisonous substance.
    Last edited by RAMESH; 03-19-2007 at 03:39 PM.

  3. #18
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    British MP slams SA's quiet diplomacy on Zimbabwe
    March 16, 2007, 18:45

    Kate Howy, a British member of parliament, has criticised President Thabo Mbeki and South Africa for not taking a stronger stance against the political situation in Zimbabwe. Howy says the reason why Mbeki and South Africa has a huge responsibility was at the G8 meeting in Gleneagles two years ago where Mbeki came as a representative of Southern Africa and signed up to good governance and democracy. But what he has done is have a policy of quiet diplomacy which clearly has not worked.”

    Tutu says African silence on Zimbabwe is a 'shame'
    Desmond Tutu says 'we Africans should hang our heads in shame' on events in Zimbabwe
    March 16, 2007, 18:15

    Desmond Tutu, the South African Nobel laureate, said today that African leaders should feel ashamed for their silence on events in Zimbabwe where the main opposition said police assaulted activists including its leader.

    "We Africans should hang our heads in shame," Tutu said in a written statement. "How can what is happening in Zimbabwe elicit hardly a word of concern let alone condemnation from us leaders of Africa?" he said. The opposition Movement for Democratic Change says Morgan Tsvangirai, its head, and scores of party supporters, were arrested and beaten in police custody after attempting to stage a prayer rally in Harare in defiance of a ban by Robert Mugabe, the Zimbabwean president's government.

    Images of a battered and bruised Tsvangirai going to court have triggered condemnation from former colonial ruler Britain, the United States and other Western countries, but the response from Africa has been largely muted. "After the horrible things done to hapless people in Harare, has come the recent crackdown on members of the opposition what more has to happen before we who are leaders, religious and political, of our mother Africa are moved to cry out 'Enough is enough?'," Tutu said. John Kufuor, the African Union chairperson, said leaders on the continent should be embarrassed over events in Zimbabwe, and do more to resolve the crisis there.

    Mugabe tells West to 'go and hang'
    Robert Mugabe, the Zimbabwean president
    March 15, 2007, 16:45

    Robert Mugabe, the Zimbabwean president, today told Western countries which have criticised his government over accusations that it assaulted the main opposition leader to "go and hang". "It is the West as usual ... when they criticise the government trying to prevent violence and punish the perpetrators of that violence we take the position that they can go hang," Mugabe said after a meeting with Jikaya Kikwete, the Tanzanian leader.

    Meanwhile, in South Africa the ANC Caucus in Parliament has expressed grave concern over the current situation in Zimbabwe, saying that torture, assault and acts of violence against any citizen cannot be condoned.

  4. #19
    Veteran Member Sizzy Up's Avatar
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    me im mexican but i do feel like damn i hope families there are okay.. its like if this were happening here.. they would heAR .. but only the ones that could imagine are the ones that feel
    Last edited by Sizzy Up; 03-19-2007 at 05:37 PM.

  5. #20
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    Operation Murambatsvina: Operation Cleanup:
    How Robert Mugabe Punished 1.5 million Black people in 1 month

    Here is a quick summary of the background of what you are about to see:-
    In June 2005, Robert Mugabe unleashed a rampage of hell against those who voted for the Opposition in March 2003.
    European Union observers stated that the March 2003 election was stolen by Mugabe.
    Knowledgeable insiders have estimated that the MDC won the March 2003 election by a factor of 2:1 against Mugabe.
    The Police, with earthmoving equipment smashed and burned the houses where 1.5 million Black people lived.
    They also smashed businesses (e.g. Grocery stores, hair salons, etc) and even demolished a Muslim Mosque.
    Black people say that Police and earthmoving equipment arrived suddenly and started smashing and burning down houses without warning while all their possessions were inside.
    Two Black children were crushed to death inside their homes before their parents could save them.

    Eddie Cross of the MDC estimates this country-wide campaign will ultimately result in 2 million Blacks losing their homes.
    To date, the estimated number of Black people arrested number a staggering: 46,000 (and rising).
    It is estimated, that in less than a month Mugabe has destroyed 25% of the economy through this action.
    The United States Govt and the European Union have condemned this. The United Nations will investigate it (but will they side with Mugabe?)
    Over 200 Human Rights groups have protested against this action.
    The South African Govt and the African Union (replacement for the OAU) have refused to condemn or criticise any of this.
    Mugabe has publicly praised the Police for what they did. Take a look at the photos below and decide if you agree with this.
    The 26 photos I have assembled below are from many sources, including the BBC. Many of these photos had to be smuggled out of Zimbabwe secretly.

    This satellite photo shows a shanty town in the city of Harare. It was taken on April 16, 2005. The shiny tin roofs of the dwellings can be seen.

    MUGABE_DESTRUCTION_02.JPG (Source: the Kubatana Newsletter of 24th June 2005)

    Here we see the same aread of Harare on June 04, 2005. No more sign of shiny tin roofs. Instead we see much evidence of burning & destruction
    MUGABE_DESTRUCTION_03.JPG (Source: the Kubatana Newsletter of 24th June 2005)

    Nowhere to go... This photo of two orphans left homeless was sent by a BBC News website user.
    MUGABE_DESTRUCTION_08.JPG (Source: BBC News, 9th June.)

    June 17th: Vendors try to save their belongings which were set on fire by the Police in Harare.
    MUGABE_DESTRUCTION_09.JPG (Source: www.zimbabwesituation.com\tragedypics.html)

    A Riot Policeman stands nearby as earth moving equipment smashes homes.
    Note: The AK47 under the Policeman's arm.
    MUGABE_DESTRUCTION_10.JPG (Source: BBC News, 9th June.)

    June 15th: Ruwa: (That's where I grew up! Jan) Tendai Ndoro & his brother Kuda sit outside their hut which was destroyed by Police.
    MUGABE_DESTRUCTION_11.JPG (Source: www.zimbabwesituation.com\tragedypics.html)

    These are the remains of a Muslim Mosque built in Harare's Hatcliffe township.
    MUGABE_DESTRUCTION_13.JPG (Source: www.zimbabwesituation.com)

    The opposition say the move is punishment for areas which support them, but among the treasured possessions saved from this house is a portrait of President Robert Mugabe
    MUGABE_DESTRUCTION_14.JPG (Source: BBC News, 9th June.)

    Even established businesses did not escape Mugabe's rampage and destruction. This business has been set on fire.
    MUGABE_DESTRUCTION_15.JPG (Source: WWW.ZwNews.Com)

    Riot Police act against people protesting against Mugabe's actions.
    MUGABE_DESTRUCTION_16.JPG (Sent to us by: TheBeardedMan Blogspot)

    People flee with whatever they can save.
    MUGABE_DESTRUCTION_20.JPG (Source: WWW.ZwNews.Com)

    June 10th: A truck carries the belongings of people who had their houses demolished in Harare. Most of those who lost their homes are relocating to the rural areas. Police have fought running battles with supporters of a general strike which was called to protest the Government campaign.
    MUGABE_DESTRUCTION_21.JPG (Source: www.zimbabwesituation.com\tragedypics.html)

    The results: Everything in ruins... The US Govt and the European Union complained about this, but the African Union and the Govt of S.Africa refuse to condemn Mugabe or to express any type of outrage.
    MUGABE_DESTRUCTION_22.JPG (Sent to us by: TheBeardedMan Blogspot)

    A child among the ruins.
    MUGABE_DESTRUCTION_23.JPG (Sent to us by: TheBeardedMan Blogspot)

    June 14th: A boy collects wood from the rubble of a destroyed house on the outskirts of Harare. Zimbabwe's main opposition party, the Movement for Democratic Change attacked the crackdown as an attempt by President Mugabe to "wipe out the poor". It is generally accepted among Zimbabweans that this is payback by Mugabe for the Blacks who voted against him in March 2005.
    MUGABE_DESTRUCTION_24.JPG (Source: www.zimbabwesituation.com\tragedypics.html)
    Another homeless child among the ruins.
    MUGABE_DESTRUCTION_25.JPG (Sent to us by: TheBeardedMan Blogspot)

    June 15th: These women and children are seen outside Harare with what little belongings they could salvage.
    MUGABE_DESTRUCTION_26.JPG (Source: www.zimbabwesituation.com\tragedypics.html)

  6. #21
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  7. #22
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    "Blackjack" the dog was beaten unconscious by war vets - his injuries were a fractured skull - fractured Tibia perforated ear and eye - A 12 inch axe cut behind his ear - he has made a good recovery, but will be blind for the rest of his life.

    These horses on the Gourlays Ranch had their legs horribly hacked with a panga. They had to be put down afterwards (May 2002)


    Here we see two photos of baby Rhinos which were poached and skinned at the Bubiana Conservancy… Isn't this dreadful? These creatures are almost extinct…

    Here we see an example of the terrible waste. This Zebra's limbs have been hacked off and the rest of the meat has been left to rot

    This terrible photo shows the pregnant giraffe which was cut open by War Vets. The War Vets removed the still live foetus. The arrow points to the head of the foetus.
    ZC0027.JPG The baby giraffe can be seen lying among the remains of its mother.


    This is a government document ordering animals to be shot on various farms for the ZANU(PF) (Mugabe's ruling party) youth.

    They're eating Warthog… Didn't Mugabe say that the blacks would all be growing maize?… This sure is a far cry from his lies…

    Note the hand axes the writer refers to are the same ones I wrote about which were being used on the cattle.

    A leopard caught in a neck snare…
    ZC0050.JPG A dead Cheetah. Cheetahs are now EXTINCT in Zimbabwe… So are Wild Dogs… Oh, I forgot, this is what Mugabe called "Land Reform"…
    ZC0057.JPG Isn't the photo below a refreshing sight to see? That is a lady at a Wildlife sanctuary here in South Africa. Just a few hundred miles to the north lies the destruction which you have witnessed on these pages. Will it come here also? Many of the photos you saw on the previous pages were from similar Wildlife sanctuaries and conservancies which were in Zimbabwe and which don't exist any more…
    ZC0054.JPG The headline in a South African environmental newspaper, telling of the destruction in Zimbabwe
    ZC0046.JPG This photo comes from the above newspaper. Read the story below of how this poor buck was disembowled by the War Vets…

    (Note: This story below is reproduced from Biosphere, a South African newspaper)

    Poaching Horror</B>
    The full scale slaughter of game at farms and reserves is so severe that endangered species such as the Wild Dog and Cheetah have now become extinct in Zimbabwe. The national parks which used to be the pride of the country are being destroyed while pleas of help go unheeded worldwide. An investigating team reported that tons of ivory is being exported to Asia and lion to Nigeria. A ZCTF spokesperson said "it is an organised business and government officials and the police are involved." We present here a personal account of this tragedy. The authors name has been withheld to protect his/her identity.

    To highlight the loss of wildlife in Zimbabwe, as things are at this time, through rampant poaching, illegal hunting and downright slaughter on a daily basis, I thought it proper to write down for the reader, who would take the time to read this article, some of my experiences on the ground. Since the land invasions started on the 10 March 2000, where wild animals were done awav with in the most horrendous and barbaric ways, all of these incidences in the course of my duty, which was to protect and care for the wild animals on our property.

    Like all living things, none of us want to die, and every living species on this earth has its reasons for staying alive. God gave us humans dominion over all living things, and at the same time, because of our superiority, we were given the charge to be sensible and wise, and utilise our responsibilities properly toward them.

  8. #23
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    Samson Munkuli, 48, a member of the Tonga people in Binga district, who says he has been surviving on a diet of salt and millet for months. Just so you do not forget that statistics have faces.

    Here is a photo of President Mbeki & Robert Mugabe walking hand-in-hand


  9. #24
    penalty boxed user
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    i showed you south africa & now we showed you zimbabwe what is the point of this? anger & fustration of not being able to do nothing about it


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