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Thread: Somebody Forgot to Check the Math

  1. #1
    healthy merking LHX's Avatar
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    Default Somebody Forgot to Check the Math

    before i get to my main point - i have a little tangent to go off on:

    on the surface - people will tell you that they like honesty

    amongst the many perils that ol' LHX has to face on a regular basis are the people who are able to intellectually acknowledge that 'honesty' is preferred over deception
    when faced with certain 'honesties' (in place of deception)
    these people start to squirm

    this is annoying in a lot of ways

    a lot of people's first instinct when they hear a new but unfortunate or unpleasant piece of information
    (especially one that sounds accurate)
    is to lash out at wherever that piece of information came from

    as tho throwing rocks at a cloud would prevent the fact that the parade has been and is being rained on

    the second aspect in which this is annoying is that people get the deliverer of the message confused with being some sort of supporter of the message

    i dont like half of the shit that comes out of my mouth or my finger tips
    what is a person supposed to do?
    hold back?
    (one could say those are both the same thing)

    did everybody get mad at their school teacher when she said that 3 x 3 = 9?

    whats the difference between that and any other situation where a person is trying to bring something to your attention?

    capsule summary:
    LHX interviews LHX about LHX:

    LHX - Thanks for joining us, X. What we really want to know is: you point out a lot of bleak observations online; and offline, when serious subject matters come up in conversation, you seem to have a tendency to really deconstruct things down to their bare bones. You have been known to point out that we are experiencing some sort of social decline - and have even been known to toss the word 'apocalypse' about (-chuckle-). So the question is: do you enjoy these observations?

    LHX - No.


    that being said

    the main point of this post is the following observation / reminder:

    You live in a place where even if you conduct your actions with good intent and proper reasoning, and even if your intent is to help and support, your motives can and will be misinterpreted.

    Due to the nature of the situation we are experiencing, and drawing heavily from the flaws of perception as covered in-depth on these boards, it is possible for proper actions to be misunderstood, falsely accused, slandered and subsequently punished, and it would have nothing to do with you.

    The same can be said about approaching any force of nature - and it is becoming more apparent than ever that a 'force of nature' is exactly what this quasi-robotic mankind has become (not the highly-sophisticated and righteously analytical machine that it strives to be).
    Tornadoes will not check your ID.
    Earthquakes will not interview you before wrecking.
    Fire does not discriminate.

    For anybody who has stuck around to this point in the diatribe - let me point out a brush stroke of silver lining -

    although you are not immune to these 'forces of nature' - in place of a Cure-All-Answer™ - there is a Best-Approach-to-Take™

    this best approach involves - first and foremost - reconciling this unfortunate circumstance and accepting the nature of the situation

    second - it involves not being dumb enough to allow yourself to get wrecked (mentally) by being caught off-guard by a situation that really shouldnt have caught you off-guard

    alleviate those traces of panic and anxiety that result from being raised into a situation where it seemed like you were a part of a society capable of conducting itself with civility

    the punchline of the joke is that it really wasnt you that had the problem after all
    and you dont even have to say that to yourself and feel like you are only trying to cheer yourself up

    somebody forgot to check the math on this planet
    all you anti-socialites who feel bad about being anti-social can now revel in the fact that society was fucked up in the first place - its not your fault

    now yall can focus on taking care of your other shortcomings
    like your laziness
    and unreconciled fetishes

    but above all
    you now have less reason than ever to back down from finding ways to take a hammer to this place

    the foundation is cracked
    and the cracks are getting exposed more and more

    the third aspect of the Best-Approach-to-Take™ - align yourself with those who are big enough to acknowledge these Ugly Truths™ as well

    getting thru this shit is going to take approximately everything you have in you

    spread your messages

    find those that back you up

    use any mechanisms for support

    and support those who are enduring the same shit you are

    if you take the 'smart' approach - even tho you will still prolly get ripped apart and obliterated (possibly/probably even by those you love the most)
    you will not have to be shocked and dismayed when it takes place

    and possibly

    manipulate a way to enjoy the process between now and then

    all the points have been made

  2. #2
    I Already Won Dirty Knowledge's Avatar
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    You on something?

  3. #3
    Banned Sexy Jasper's Avatar
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    You're still my friend.

  4. #4


    cheer up

  5. #5
    // Never Defeated // born invincible's Avatar
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    i gotta feelin folks are gonna miss this one completely dog...

  6. #6
    healthy merking LHX's Avatar
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    sall good

    i originally posted this on another forum and it got some constructive feedback so i figured id toss it into the wind here

    ive been surprised here in the past
    all the points have been made

  7. #7
    Veteran Member
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    Gotta disagree X. There's nothing "quasi" about this scenario, there are no cracks and you can not take a hammer to them. People are FULLY robotic. The light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak, is not FREEDOM, but a new level of slavery, the end of your intellect. When one has reached a state of freedom, it simply means that they're no longer able to understand the mathematics of their scenario. Freedom and complacency are one and the same.
    And what shall we toast?

    Madness! Combustion! Liberty and the end of all law! The invisible international! The toast is anarchy!

  8. #8
    healthy merking LHX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Os3y3ris View Post
    Gotta disagree X. There's nothing "quasi" about this scenario, there are no cracks and you can not take a hammer to them. People are FULLY robotic. The light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak, is not FREEDOM, but a new level of slavery, the end of your intellect. When one has reached a state of freedom, it simply means that they're no longer able to understand the mathematics of their scenario. Freedom and complacency are one and the same.
    this is the correct arch-enemy of the original post

    lemme think about this

    nice response man
    all the points have been made

  9. #9
    Cymatic Woe Trumpet V4D3R's Avatar
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    I have accepted he (V4D3R) is part man/machine.




    Duality is accepted. Not fought.
    Break fast is served

  10. #10
    Dinosaur Hunter Slippy The Pimp's Avatar
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    Everything in the world is like this:

    Wether or not you have a big dick is irrelevant.

    If you say you have big dick, people with small dicks are gonna say "You must have a small one, because you need to brag."

    I came to this realization when I pulled out my big dick and this chicky told me- "how come you don't brag about your big dick like all the other guys with big dicks?"

    Until she told me she met a guy with an even bigger dick.


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