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Thread: A Idea Whose Time Has Come???

  1. #1
    The People's Champ Visionz's Avatar
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    Default A Idea Whose Time Has Come???

    As a society, what's something you think we need to do away with?......OR..........bring about but isn't here yet?

    It's been said that nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come


    MLK said it almost 50 years ago.

    Does that still hold true?


    are they getting better at jamming the signal and keeping us all in the dark????

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  2. #2
    The People's Champ Visionz's Avatar
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    No man is an island unto himself and either are social issues. You can't point your finger at any one thing and say "if we fixed this then everything would be alright". The truth of the matter is that there's a whole lot that needs fixing.

    Where do you even start in times as troubled as these?

    Ideally you'd wanna cover the basics first. Everyone should have shelter, clothes, food and running water.

    Everyone needs to have their basic needs taken care of first before you can get anywhere else. As a society, even a country as rich as the US, these basic needs are not met for everyone. A drive around town and you'll see people sleeping under a bridge, its not an uncommon sight at all. Now there is even a law that was atleast proposed, if not enacted already, that here in Austin where they were going to spend millions to install concrete barriers underneath bridges to cover up the pods where I see most homeless people taking their naps..!! Seriously, WTF!!! How twisted as a society have we become when were willing to spend millions to take from a person who seemingly has right next to absolutely nothing???

    The only reason anyone has for justifying this kinda legislative bullshit is that the homeless people are an eyesore. crazy

    "Sorry, I ruined your daily commute by forcing your eyes to glance past the tinted window of your BMW onto the likes of a person such as myself, reminding you of just how good your life is. Sorry to put things in perspective just as you where finishing up cussing that person out over the phone cuz they weren't going to be able to get you in for that facial today. Maybe you should just put up a concrete barrier here so the next time I go to sleep to forget about just how hungry I am, it'll be in a......ummmm.....wellllll.....maybe, no............ummmmm...uhhhhh well honestly I have no idea where the fuck I'll go. You might not of noticed but this whole sleepin-underneath-a-bridge thing..............yeah, that was kind uv a last resort."

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  3. #3
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    The idea of seperation. We are ONE. We started out as one, originating in Africa (Adam's loins if your Jewish, Christian or Muslim) then we spread out and forgot where we came from. Now technology and shit is reminding us that "other people" exist. Its time to merge back into one.

  4. #4
    Munching eyes since 1989 Edgar Erebus's Avatar
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    The idea of progress at all costs. World is developing too fast, and has become too materialistic; if living as an intellectual or business person, cell phone, laptops and cars become something essential for your living. But as soon as you get one of those things, technology has already gone too forward and your things become obsolete in matter of months.

    Shit like that brings the position in which only rich can be technologically advanced... And that brings the old "rich get richer, poor get poorer".

    They say communist systems in Eastern Europe were bad, because they brought a culture of laziness and slowed down technological advancement.

    Now we got rid of that, but at which cost? We now have a small clique of supermillionaires, and large masses of people that are killing themselves in job, just to even try to live up to expectations of their employers - who demand following of that tech-advancement. Family, that kept its cohesion quite long in these parts, broke up abruptly; whole lots of people cry about those times as better. True, the standard of life was lower, but you didn't have to kill yourself of job to achieve at least average social position.

    I never understood what's the point of that race for material goods - but I think I get it now: it's just the way to keep you busy, to keep your mind outta problems in society - and to take your hard-earned money and put it into a corporation rich's hands.

    Just by slowing the pace down, by taking more time for anything else than race for money and goods, a lot of problems in this world would be solved.
    "The Devil is not the Prince of Matter; the Devil is the arrogance of the spirit, faith without smile, truth that is never seized by doubt. The Devil is grim because he knows where he is going, and, in moving, he always returns whence he came."

  5. #5
    Veteran Member Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ultimate Fist View Post
    The idea of seperation. We are ONE. We started out as one, originating in Africa (Adam's loins if your Jewish, Christian or Muslim) then we spread out and forgot where we came from. Now technology and shit is reminding us that "other people" exist. Its time to merge back into one.
    we will never merge back into one.

    humans don't really give a shit about the next man.

    get real.

  6. #6
    tha VIKING gawd NIGHT MAYOR's Avatar
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    sea water, it'll be the death of us

  7. #7
    I see you dawg SID's Avatar
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    world war 3 is very immenant...iam preparing by fleeing to a secret location which is too unknown to be bombed
    Bank heist in Kathmandu, it was a slaughter
    The day Buddha was born it rained tea instead of water


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