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Thread: Black Candles - The Juju Mob

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    Megatraum Shaolin Mastah's Avatar
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    Default Black Candles - The Juju Mob

    Here is a short intro on the Juju Mob, there consist of four members out of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Chief Kamachi, Reef the Lost Cauze, Charon Don, and Statestore. To me, Chief Kamachi and Statestore's voices sound very very similar, but don't get them confused. Alright, now to the review.

    1. Word of Mob - Short :41 second intro with odd snippets of random things, I don't usually rate intros and skits, so let's move on.

    2. Black of Dawn - Slow, eerie beat. Which is actually the beat of Battle Cry from the Army of the Pharaohs lp, except slowed down. Features the whole mob on this track but Reef really stands out on this one. 4.5/5

    3. No Hard Feelings - Beat is a little quicker, but it is still not bad. Once again this one features the whole mob, Reef and Kamachi shine through this one. Chorus is a little whack though. Not a bad song, but nowhere near the best. 4/5

    4. This - Another creepy beat using some piano loops, Chief Kamachi KILLS the track (I want my last lap dance on the electric chair). Charon also spits fire, but Reef lacks. 4/5

    5. Radios - GREAT BEAT! This track is basically about how they don't get their deserved radio play. Kamachi and Reef take this one and they definitely deliver. Chorus kinda ruins it for me. 4.5/5

    6. No Chorus - Beat is very quick, and the Mob show that they can definitely rhyme with the best of them. As the title states, there is no chorus just some excellent scratching instead. One of the best songs on the album. 5/5

    7. Right! - Beat is dope. Charon kills it! Easily one of his better verses on the album. I'm not really feeling Statestore a whole lot, but he was just okay. The chorus was tolerable.

    8. Voodoo Doll - Beat was very strange. This is about some coniving bitch. Reef delivers on the track, wish I could say the same for the rest of the mob. My least favorite track. 3/5

    9. Never Walk Alone - Beat is incredible. This is a deep, meaningful song. About walking with God, Reef and Charon put out amazing verses about how Shareef got shot at a brawl outside a club. Not sure if it's true, but nevertheless a great song. 5/5

    10. Situation - Charon's solo joint. Beat is great, and Charon delivers heat for about 2 minutes without any chorus. My only complaint is that it is too short. 4.5/5

    11. Akbar - Statestore's solo. Beat is dope, but like I said I don't really feel Statestore that much. 3.5/5

    12. My Squad - My favorite song on the album. Beat is the shit. The whole mob kills it.

    13. Burning Candles - Beat is slow and oddly sinister in a way. Lost Cauze kills it as usual, the rest of the mob delivers average. 4.5/5

    14. Angel Feathers - A little more upbeat song compared to the other tracks. Reef handles the chorus, and the whole mob spits except for maybe Charon. A good way to end the album. 4/5

    Overall: 9/10

    This album is a lot better than I expected, I highly recommend that any fan of Jedi Mind Tricks or Army of the Pharaohs give this CD a spin, you won't regret it.
    Last edited by Shaolin Mastah; 08-14-2007 at 07:34 PM.


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