Quote Originally Posted by CharlesJones View Post
I've met too many attractive black women that are very selfish and all they think about is themselves and money. This is exactly why i'm still single and i will stay single because i'm tired of black women that are materialistic, got attitude problems, stuck up and got kids. There's a black woman i work with right now that constantly asks me for money to borrow. She has 4 kids and she has a job as a leasing consultant at a high rise apartment building in a decent neighborhood. Anyway she has a man and i don't think her man would be cool with the fact that she asks me for money often because if he found out about it, he would be upset with her. She told me a few days ago that she has bills to pay for a expensive necklace and her cellphone and she told me they would get taken away from her if she didn't come up with the money this week. I told her i couldn't help her but i told her i would help her if she let me massage and kiss her feet, kiss her legs, kiss her neck and titties. She told me if i wanted to do that with her, she would charge me $250. I told her i'll pass. I asked her what makes her think she's worth that much money and she told me if i can't afford that, then i won't be intimate with her. Then she told me i'm cheap. I said you're crazy. Then she tells me that she's had black men give her $300 and $1,000 before when she needed money and she told me she didn't have to have sex with them. I told her them guys are suckers. See this woman wants a man that she can play and i don't let women play me so she knows she can't use me.

I stopped talking to the bitch for awhile because i got tired of her talking to me about she found out from my co-workers that i said something to them about somebody that i work with. I told her i don't wanna hear that petty shit. I feel sorry for any man that gets with her because she will use a man if a man lets her and i'm sure most men would let her use them just because she's cute and got a nice body. She's gonna end up being alone if she continues to play men like she's been doing. She told me when she used to go to the club, she would get a lot of attention from black men and she said black men would say some crazy stuff to her to get with her and she said she told most of them to get outta her face. The bitch wouldn't be having any financial problems if she didn't have kids. She should've had just one kid but for some reason, black women that have a lot of kids act like they can't have just one kid and then the bitches that have a lot of kids always be the ones complaining about they got money problems.

Getting back to the topic, i'm done with dating and trying to find a good black woman. I've thought about dating white women but i don't have anything in common with them because white women are into different shit than black women. White women like to go to the museum, plays, ballet, climbing mountains, hiking in the woods, watching corny movies and corny tv shows, beach hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Most black women just like going to the club, movies, restaurants, malls, vacations. I have a message for black men about black women. Stop catering to these stuck up bitches and stop giving them so much attention because most women are only gonna be with you because of how much money you got, the car you drive, the nice house or nice apartment you got, nice clothes and jewelry you got. Same thing goes for white women, hispanic women, asian women. Most women aren't gonna be with a man because of the type of person you are. It's all about the money when it comes to cute women being with a man. Now you don't have to believe me if you don't want to because i'm sure you're saying about me what would i know about women when i haven't been in a lot of relationships. Well i do know that i will always have a lot of money for myself because i won't be spending it on these stuck up bitches LOL. Like Willie D of the Geto Boys said, i'm not a muthafucking gentleman hahahahahahahahahaha. Ya'll need to listen to the Geto Boys I'm Not A Gentleman song and NWA's I Ain't The One song so ya'll can get some knowledge on to stop treating these women like their goddesses because most of them aren't. It's very hard to find a good woman and black women need to stop complaining about there aren't good black men because they are out there. They just aren't looking for them.
Well, from reading this post I think your main problem is that you have a bad pessimistic attitude. You stereotype and make sweeping generalizations by putting all women into one thirsty blood sucking category. How in the world do you expect to find a good woman when you have the mentality of a teenage boy? Coming from a woman who has spent 80% of her life as a very poor person, and about 5 years ago I starting getting major money I would have to say that your eyes are on the wrong prize. Having a lot of money does not generally mean you will live a happy life. In fact, it just means that now you have more things to worry about. So, when you say you rather keep your "money" to yourself, it makes me giggle. Go ahead and keep your chump change, because no amount of savings will ever make a woman stoop so low as to have any interest in what you have to say.

I would not consider myself a "white" woman because I do not associate with many caucasian people on a personal level. I am a european woman, from Romanian (a third world country) and I rather drop dead then have to ever be around someone as narrow minded, and self-absorbed as you portray yourself to be. You incorrectly assume that every white woman is into activities that you deem as "boring" yet you think you will find the "right woman" going to bars, and clubs? Do you know what kind of women you find there? Most of the times they are whores and hood-rats. Of course you only find women who want money and power, you are searching for them in the wrong places. I'm not saying you must go to church to find a good woman, or anything silly like that, however, looking for women in places where they are generally available only for free drinks and cock-teasing is like looking for a needle in a hay stack.

How about you do yourself a favor. Learn to be more secure with what type of man you are, and treat yourself to a life lesson. Start thinking outside of the box, and once you do that, you will be mature enough to realize that what you are saying, doing, and portraying is just a bunch of childish antics that will get you nowhere in life.

Grow up.