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Thread: Pennsylvania judge throws out Trump lawsuit, clearing way for Biden win - Fox News

  1. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooch View Post
    That a low info view of it. It’s better for the election process as a whole if these lawsuits and investigations into fraud or propriety is taken seriously whether Trump lost or not.

    People getting upset because trump is lawfully challenging an election that been different, to say the least, is lazy.

    If you can’t handle it don’t follow it. But the fact is The media did call it prematurely. They shouldn’t have done that. But they don’t care.

    If they investigate and find nothing it hurts nobody.
    You don't get it. The Trump administration and the some Republicans in MI wanted to certify all the election votes except for the ones in Detroit. They were basically saying that mass voter fraud was going on in ONLY Detroit but no where else. They're plenty of poor people in other parts of MI. I voted and I did it the legal way so why should my vote not be counted?

    This was going on in cities across America. Disregard the black and Hispanic votes. It sounds like Jim Crow stuff.

    When John McCain lost to Obama (a man who you voted twice for, Dooch) lost, McCain was a complete gentlemen about it and even congratulated Obama on his victory. Trump doesn't have the same level of class and you, Rob, and Sense-A want me to love Trump?

    I am no Democrat nor I am a supporter of Biden/Harris but I will not support Trump. He has gone to a new low.
    Loyalty is Royalty. Strength and Loyalty

  2. #17
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    You’re a funny guy. I’ll just leave it at that. The way your brain just instantly does what it’s been programmed to do.

  3. #18
    The ABBOTT
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    This is Trump's base. White guys who failed at life. So to make themselves feel good they think they are superior because at least their not a minority.
    Last edited by b-dolo; 11-26-2020 at 02:54 AM.

  4. #19


    Did IronMan just try to turn election fraud into some kind of racial issue?

    AHAHHAhahha my oh my. It does kind of seem like they are just programmed to do this. Don't address the actual MERIT of the mountain of election fraud evidence, just turn it into a racial issue and squeal like a BLM activist because that's the only thing they know how to do.

    Last I checked, Joe Biden was white. And last I checked, Detroit is a demoKKKrat stronghold for over 50+ years where election fraud has been prevalent and prosecuted and convicted in the past. It's where demoKKKrats control the entire election process top to bottom and control the courts, secretary offices, distribution of ballots, receipt of ballots, counting of ballots, tabulation of ballots - all while blocking Republicans from even being allowed to observe the counting. Challenging that is completely valid. The data already proves there was election fraud in these precincts, since we have the data by precinct.

    TSA and Ironman are RACISTS if they claim this beautiful black woman, Articia Bomer, is lying. She's not even a Republican. She's just a woman who is telling the truth about what she saw. And the only reason she was in a position to see the election fraud occurring is because racist demoKKKrats profiled her and probably thought she was a demoKKKrat. If you don't believe this beautiful black woman is telling the truth, it's because you're a RRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrRACIST! See, I can cry racism too and use race to push forward arguments too. LOL

    Articia Bomer, Michigan Witness and Former US Congressional Candidate Speaks Out — Saw the Biden Ballot Dump at 4 AM and Witnessed Officials Tampering with Tabulators! (VIDEO)

    Bomer says she witnessed MASSIVE, BLATANT VOTER FRAUD.

    Bomer describes:

    • Hearing an announcement of 50 boxes at 4am: the Biden Ballot Dump!
    • Hearing that the Biden Ballot Dump was counted and processed in an impossibly short amount of time
    • Witnessing officials TAMPERING with tabulators at the TCF Center!
    • Ballot harvesting operations being done by a local Church
    • Poll workers overriding the actual votes, and changing Trump votes to BIDEN!
    • Poll workers REFUSING TO COUNT Trump votes!
    • Poll workers bringing in luggage and boxes that could have contained illegal ballots
    • Poll Workers using deceitful tactics and colluding with Democrats to try and EXPEL GOP Poll Challengers
    • GOP Poll Challengers being EJECTED from observing the vote count
    • GOP Poll Challengers were observing ILLEGAL BALLOTS and their objections were IGNORED
    • Poll workers being obvious Democrat PARTISANS
    • Suspicious meetings of the poll workers
    • Bomer describes a Detroit poll worker who used correction tape to rig the machines to generate errors that could be overridden by staff.

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by b-dolo View Post

    This is Trump's base. White guys who failed at life. So to make themselves feel good they think they are superior because at least their not a minority.
    Lol another programmed response.

  6. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Dooch View Post
    Lol another programmed response.
    For failing at life, I think I'm doing pretty good.

    I have children.

    I have multiple retirement accounts..

    I have a huge collection of Wu-Tang music superior to any kind of other music. Record collection larger than your local store.

    My home and property are nearly paid off.

    I have to choose which car i will drive each morning.

    Unlike most guys, my baby mama pays ME, not the other way around. LOL

    Haters gonna hate.

  7. #22
    The ABBOTT
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dooch View Post
    Lol another programmed response.
    Yeah I know the truth hurts, so deflecting is a easy mechanism to cope with your shortcomings.

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by b-dolo View Post
    Yeah I know the truth hurts, so deflecting is a easy mechanism to cope with your shortcomings.
    You keep goin with that see where it takes ya. Salute, cuz.

  9. #24
    The ABBOTT
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Seer View Post
    I bet Jo gives good head, but her titties point west and east. Probably has a few weird mid-west birth marks on her body.
    LOL. Yeah she was proably worst candidate they had in my voting lifetime. Maybe they were trying to reach more female voters? Hopefully Justin Amash runs next election, he would be a solid candiate.

  10. #25
    The ABBOTT
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    You see what I did there though? I wasn't afraid to criticize my voting party or canidate. Unlike the Trump cultist here who are constantly gagging on his balls everyday.

  11. #26


    Of course I can criticize Trump. But there's no void to fill. You can turn on CNN and get all the Trump hate and criticism you want. I'm not providing you anything you can't get from Jake Tapper or Chuck Todd.

    ORANGE MAN BAD! - Jake Tapper

    ORANGE MAN VERY BAD! - Chuck Todd

    Donald J. Trump will put his hand on the Bible and be sworn in on January 20, 2021. In the meanwhile, Joe Biden can pretend to put together his marxist Communist Chinese Selected Cabinet and role play with dungeons and dragons virgins.

  12. #27


    Pennsylvania Commonwealth Judge Patricia McCullough ordered the state to not take any further steps in certifying the election results.

  13. #28


    Meddling in elections?

    Zuckerberg paid Philadelphia election judges memos reveal https://justthenews.com/politics-pol...rat-stronghold

    Mark ZuckerFace and his Chi-Com wife. A Chi-Com's best friend.

    Geez, I wonder why a Philadelphia judge on Joe Biden's payroll would rule against Trump's legal team???

    Joe Biden Hires Facebook Executive for Transition Team https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2020/...ansition-team/

    Facebook Says It Helped Recruit 100,000 Poll Workers https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisond...h=35c8ddbdf0af

    1. Joe Biden colludes with Facebook, puts Facebook executive on his campaign team
    2. Facebook hires over 100,000 poll workers to "count" the ballots (cheat)
    3. Facebook buys off judges in demoKKKrat districts where ballot dumps will occur
    4. DemoKKKrats shut out Republican observers from vote counting centers where Facebook/Biden employees are cheating Court Orders Philadelphia to Give Trump Team 'Immediate Access' to Vote-Counting Center https://www.cnsnews.com/article/nati...te-access-vote

  14. #29
    The ABBOTT
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sense-A View Post
    Of course I can criticize Trump. But there's no void to fill. You can turn on CNN and get all the Trump hate and criticism you want. I'm not providing you anything you can't get from Jake Tapper or Chuck Todd.

    ORANGE MAN BAD! - Jake Tapper

    ORANGE MAN VERY BAD! - Chuck Todd

    Donald J. Trump will put his hand on the Bible and be sworn in on January 20, 2021. In the meanwhile, Joe Biden can pretend to put together his marxist Communist Chinese Selected Cabinet and role play with dungeons and dragons virgins.
    LOL, like anybody watches fuckin CNN besides boomer women who share their "enlightenment of politics" on facebook with other; current status: stay at home mom. Just a easy excuse for you to keep deep throating your cult leader. Imagine defending a failed politician endlessly on a rap group forum, maybe time to rethink your priorities in life.

  15. #30


    Trust me, I would not be throwing Trump in your face if people reacted normally.

    It's the way that people react to Trump that I find astonishing and quite entertaining.

    Let's face it. There's nothing about Trump himself, or his actual policies that people hate. It's the media PROGRAMMING that makes you and others react to Trump the way you do. The corporate conglomerate fake news media makes people believe he's Hitler incarnate. From an actual policy perspective, no one on this forum can tell me how much better Hillary would have been from a policy perspective. And when it comes to propaganda, demoKKKrats by nature are more prone and vulnerable. The kind of people who gravitate to the demoKKKrat party are emotional people. That's why corporate propaganda machines attempt to appeal to your rage and frustration and hatred. Whether it is pushing a phony race war or telling you Trump is locking kids in cages. Your Orwellian two minute hate session.

    Sure, you and I are both probably far more libertarian than Trump. And yeah, Jo Jorgenson probably better represents my actual policy positions.

    Trump stood up for the pro-life movement when no other coward politician would. Trump is the most peaceful president of my lifetime (that includes Regan, HW Bush, Clinton, W Bush, Obama). Trump doesn't advance the white guilt complex that demoKKKrats do. As Dr. Savage says, he's the best at defending our borders, language and culture when globalists intend to destroy our national identity and sovereignty.

    You see, none of us were programmed to love Donald Trump. Hell, most conservatives were weary of him when he was elected in 2016. What Donald Trump did was show us who our enemies really are. Others see the way Trump is treated by the corporate conglomerate propaganda machine and the Deep State and see the man treated the same way they get treated by the establishment. Told to shut up, put their masks on, lock down and pay their taxes. The way the corporations and deep state and globalists hate Trump, that's really how much they hate you and me too. They hate us as much as they hate Trump. To me, that was eye opening. We've been talking about the Illuminati and banking cartels in Wu Tang forums dating back to the 90's. Trump made them come out from the shadows. He shined the light on these ghouls. Now they are so bold faced that they'll commit blatant election fraud and then gaslight you with their propagandist media cartel and censor you from Twitter if you even mention election fraud. Look at the stupid messages you get on google or twitter or youtube that tries to lecture you on what is disputed or not. You don't realize that you are being treated like a communist Chinese peasant? I can't watch a youtube video without some Indian migrant google employee telling me that the AP called the election? WTF? You should be as insulted as I am. You're not insulted by the Jack Dorsey's and ZuckerFace's trying to fake fact check you like a baby?

    Now I have offered a TRUCE, a PEACE TREATY to everyone to end all this. If we reduce the power of Federal government, then we wouldn't fight over it so much. The clear cut answer is to REDUCE the power of Federal government. Then you wouldn't have jackasses like Jaime Harrison blowing over $100 million in the senate race in my state just to get creamed by Lindsay Graham by double digits. We don't have Dominion software in SC coded by Eric Coomer Antifa members. Too bad for Jaime.

    demoKKKrats not only want to centralize and INCREASE the power of Federal government, they want to STEAL ELECTIONS too!

    In a sane nation with sane citizens, the people would hang the party that attempts to steal an election. Not cover for them. It's nothing short of Treason.

    Which may explain the timing of this:

    The Trump administration is aiming to bring back firing squads and electrocutions for some federal executions

    Which one do you think Obama and Biden and Hillary will choose? The firing squad or electrocution? I think I'd like Hillary to go by firing squad, Biden by electrocution, and make Obama hang.


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