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Thread: Tyranny

  1. #1
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Default Tyranny

    I think you guys should become marxists. It's the only ideology that makes sense. Everything else is for losers lol. Or at least anarchists. The kurds are trying republican anarchy and it looks like it's working very well for them. Nigga you KNOW working is lame lol. What type of nonsense is that? Dumb. I heard corporations are hiring 'ritual consultants' so that the 'spiritual well being' of the office is 'enriching' lol. That's what you're about? Capitalism? That's literally apex-cuck. How dont you think capitalism in cuckunism?
    Last edited by TSA; 09-19-2020 at 11:03 PM.

  2. #2
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    sense a if you have to chime in keep it concise you effing goober. Jesus. Just yacking on like someone's pregnant bitch all the damn time. Aren't you ashamed?

  3. #3
    The ABBOTT
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    U.S. has never been true capitalist nation. Even though we spent 30 years and endless tax dollars to defeat communism. Now a days its everbody waitin on their next goverment check, they got all types; stimulus,welfare,disability,social security,unemployment. You are right, I am a fuckin simp for having a job and paying taxes. Lets go ahead try something else.

  4. #4


    I thought this thread title said Tranny and that TSA was back to his former self. lol

  5. #5
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    Daryl be honest...

    The TSA persona is the best thing you ever did in life, isn’t it?

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by b-dolo View Post
    U.S. has never been true capitalist nation. Even though we spent 30 years and endless tax dollars to defeat communism. Now a days its everbody waitin on their next goverment check, they got all types; stimulus,welfare,disability,social security,unemployment. You are right, I am a fuckin simp for having a job and paying taxes. Lets go ahead try something else.
    What country would you consider truly capitalist as compared to the US, taking your line of thinking into account?

    I thought about this for a minute and the first thing that came to mind was the UK under Thatcher. Would that come close to it?

  7. #7
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by b-dolo View Post
    U.S. has never been true capitalist nation. Even though we spent 30 years and endless tax dollars to defeat communism. Now a days its everbody waitin on their next goverment check, they got all types; stimulus,welfare,disability,social security,unemployment. You are right, I am a fuckin simp for having a job and paying taxes. Lets go ahead try something else.
    Nigeria is definitely pure capitalism. Hence being a hellhole, especially if you take out communal cultural facets that make it liveable. Most of the 3rd world really. That's the spirit. The most communist countries are the western ones. Having a job is for simps, but if you have to do it at least de-simp the situation. I'm definitely for getting free money from the government. I don't know why people get a hard-on thinking about other people working, or why they convinced themselves that's an 'achievement' even if it's not working towards their own ends but padding up someone else's with no equity. Peak simp.

    There's also the issue of TYRANNY which is a big topic in the US by the 'i don't know history beyond the entertaining framework that WWII was presented to me on grade school' wing of society. It's weird to be pee-noid about GOVERNMENT POWER but completely comfortable peeing in bottles and asking a guy that looks like Cilvarings for permission to go to the hospital. I'm sure it's not that bad in belgium but it's clown-town over here.
    Last edited by TSA; 09-20-2020 at 07:10 AM.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    I'm definitely for getting free money from the government.
    Any self respecting Immigrant’s/Minority’s have this mentality lol

  9. #9
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    yeah right dude they're the biggest simps of all time. Jesus.

  10. #10
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    Unless governments make it illegal to automate your workforce (which is doubtful because it goes directly against capitalism) most of us will be out of a job in 20 years anyway.

  11. #11
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Seer View Post
    You will find a rollerblading job that requires serving fish & chips. You will become peak Brit and the Harvey Milk of the UK. This is your destiny.
    What a sick burn!

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by ShaDynasty View Post
    Unless governments make it illegal to automate your workforce (which is doubtful because it goes directly against capitalism) most of us will be out of a job in 20 years anyway.
    it will definitely be interesting to see how technology influences employment. I read 5 or 6 books 2 years ago on AI and how it will affect employment. this does not make me an expert at all but you do get a feel of what jobs might become jeopardized. it's definitely not going to get any easier for people who have no specific higher education

    a lot more societal upheaval is coming our way to people becoming unemployed and feeling underused / useless. a guaranteed low basic income (but can a state budget that?) and new venues of entertainment and hobbies for the unemployed might take the unease away but there is a lot to be said for re-schooling people who are open to that option, at various ages

    there will always be people who WANT to 'opt out' of society (no job wanted). I don't have a problem with these people or their view at all but I honestly do not know whether the government should support them. they should probably be prepared to really lower their life quality in other areas if they don't want to work since you can't live on air alone. how much do you need to be happy / satisfied?

  13. #13


    btw, on those books, it is only fair to point out that some of those books I read on that topic 2 or 3 years ago, have by now been shown to include very premature predictions. other things have held up well or definitely seem to be heading in the direction pointed out by the authors. I can provide a list of books if wanted, I have them upstairs. You'd probably be better off with the most recent books on the topic though, say 2019 or 2020 publications

  14. #14
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    ^ An optimistic view is that an advanced AI could do things efficiently and make sure that everyone can live comfortably without needing to work. There's no guarantee of that though.

    It's not just low skilled workers at risk either, a lot of skilled jobs just end up being about pattern recognition and the fact that humans have hands and feet. You could basically already replace lawyers, doctors, etc with AI, it's just a matter of time when it becomes the cost effective thing to do. Once somebody invents something that is in any way close to being as physically versatile as a human, all the other jobs could go as well.

  15. #15
    Gehoxagogen ShaDynasty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hal Incandenza View Post
    btw, on those books, it is only fair to point out that some of those books I read on that topic 2 or 3 years ago, have by now been shown to include very premature predictions. other things have held up well or definitely seem to be heading in the direction pointed out by the authors. I can provide a list of books if wanted, I have them upstairs. You'd probably be better off with the most recent books on the topic though, say 2019 or 2020 publications
    We can't predict the future. Maybe a future AI could though.

    It's all just possibilities, like we couldn't predict a pandemic would hit this year but already it's changed the way people live and work, pushing parts of life, work, school online etc. Any unforeseen event could change wherever things are headed right now. I think the fallout from Covid will be huge.


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