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Thread: This is why Islam blows

  1. #106
    Hanovallah HANZO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whitey View Post
    i dont really have a beef here like some.

    im just trying to make some points.

    did that happen, or not happen han?

    and isnt the hadith the silver medal of islamic books? because its in the hadith but not the Qu'ran its not true? whats the point of the hadith then?
    The Hadith is a recollection of the prophets life. Some muslims will follow it and learn the way the prophet lived, so they will follow in his footsteps.

    The whole marriage thing, yes he did marry her. He didnt take her as a wife, more like adopted her. you couldnt adopt back then, she was actually one of the main ppl behind the the formulation of the Hadith. most of his marriages were more like being a protectorate. Just like in history when you have a strong nation who protects a weaker one.

    If you wish to believe he was a pedo because of it, thats your opinion. Consider that the prophet only had Children with his first wife.
    Last edited by HANZO; 04-14-2009 at 08:28 PM.

  2. #107
    HANIF Urban_Journalz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whitey View Post
    you dont count the hadith as a source?
    If you'd come with the number and the exact quote, I'd consider it's validation. However, if it's in the realm of, "The weak hadiths", such as the ones that denounce music and musical instruments, when science has proven that the very nucleus' in our atoms are vibrating and in fact producing a tone, or, "singing", I'd have to count it as more bullshit.

    A lot of hadiths demonize magic and the practice thereof, when The Qur'an says, "I have subjected everything in the heavens and the earth to your use." EVERYTHING. So, in the scope of such occult practices such as The Key of Solomon (pbuh) or The Kabbalah, anyone with half a brain can see that the hadiths that dog magic are bullshit and another subliminal method of control dished out by the hypocrites who would pose as Muslims, Christians and Jews.

    I said all that to say this, it has to not only make sense, but it has to confirm itself in The Qur'an. The Qur'an is the only book that hasn't been re-written by the hands of men, as can be seen from the fact that there arent 80 different versions of the book floating around the world, as there is with The Bible.

    There is abundant truth and wisdom in Hadith, but it has it's share of bullshit, which is why most people who demonize Islam usually go to Hadith before they go to The Qur'an, because it's much easier to find something to try and start some shit about. A lot of what is in Hadith, the truth thereof can be felt by the soul, but since the souls of most people are stuck in worldly ways, all that is ever gathered from such readings is what is passed off as, "a fairy tale".

    Also, again, you and everyone else is thinking in the normal, weak, stereotypical fashion that ost people of this age think. You see, "72 virgins" and you automatically think of 72 Jenna Jamesons beckoning you with their eyelashes. For the Hell of it, let's entertain this for a moment.

    In Islam, the only way a man can have 4 wives is if he is able to support them equally. They have to have thier own everything. House. Car. Whatever. If you buy one of them a mansion, you have to buy ALL of them mansions. This isn't a try-out for your favorite porn site, as you are so fond of believing.

    So, with this in mind, it would only be logical that IF this 72 virgins thing was true, that they would all have thier own mansions in Paradise, where you could visit them when you chose.

    That's purely hypothetical though, because again, I haven't seen it anywhere.

    It's funny though, people are more stuck on what you get out of going to Paradise, instead of actually trying to get there.

    "Die before you die."-Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh)

  3. #108
    HANIF Urban_Journalz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vay727 View Post

    expects mr muhammed and sunny winters to continue using irrelevant metaphors and a self righteous/pseduo-intellectual pose as a substitute for factual arguments (see the fair-a-con thread)...the worst debaters in history

    tsa, you're crazy for this one!

    all organized religion is ridiculous and tragic
    And again, "It is better to be THOUGHT of as a fool, than to open your mouth and remove ALL doubt."
    "Die before you die."-Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh)

  4. #109


    ^^^^why don't you follow your own advice?

  5. #110
    HANIF Urban_Journalz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vay727 View Post
    ^^^^why don't you follow your own advice?
    Because it only applies to those who are dumb enough to comment on things that they know nothing about. Or don't you know THAT either? It doesn't apply to me, therefore there's no need for me to follow it.
    "Die before you die."-Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh)

  6. #111
    Irondan 2: Curly's Gold Wu-Tang Forum Internet Poster's Avatar
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    Nobody KNOWS anything about the exact reasons behind the creation of Islam or how the creators of Islam intended it to be practiced.

    All we do is interpret from vague ancient texts that may or may not have been altered by man over thousands of years.

    The same is true of Christianity, Judaism, ALL religions.

    Different people interpret the same religion differently, due to personal beliefs, regional customs, or method of instruction.

    NOBODY is RIGHT or WRONG, because nobody KNOWS the specifics of any religion. We all just try to interpret them the best we can.

    Religion can help individuals live righteous lives and provide them with comfort. It can also be used as an excuse to commit terrible acts.

    Regardless, we all doing our best to interpret it personally, so don't act like you have the "right" answer, when your guesses are no better or worse than anybody else's

    Quote Originally Posted by Tectrus Moa View Post
    I'm sorry? Negro English? I think you mean Ebonics.

  7. #112
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    ^i agree.

    i could make this same thread about any religion, and like i said in theory islam is good, but in practice, holy shit.

    There's another thing that toots my horn.

    If a nigga draws the world Allah on a piece of paper it somehow makes that paper holier. This gay hoe had a photo that said allah, and i thus couldn't 'let it touch the ground, or step on it or anything'


    does ink in that shape make it more divine? are you a pagan hoe?

    and the thinking that saudi arabia is holy.
    the fuck, no it's not, mecca is, and not even mecca, the fucking holy sites.

    most of my complaints is about arabs in general, which are a cuntly people.

  8. #113
    'The Fourhorsemen' TSA's Avatar
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    ok lol, i didn't do this on purpose but i went to check my daily nigeria news and BAM


    wtf? i would say this is ironic but it's happening world over 24/7. Now you can say im ignorant and islam is about interpretation and its ppl that do these finngs not islam but the consistancy that cuntholery and islam accompany eachother with is noteworthy and pandemic and ppl need to start asking serious questions about this religion before any progress is made.

    im not just saying it cause the nigeria thing, i dont even care about hausa ppl, they're poor, but in places like Sudan and Niger shit's attrocious.

  9. #114
    The People's Champ Visionz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    ok lol, i didn't do this on purpose but i went to check my daily nigeria news and BAM


    wtf? i would say this is ironic but it's happening world over 24/7. Now you can say im ignorant and islam is about interpretation and its ppl that do these finngs not islam but the consistancy that cuntholery and islam accompany eachother with is noteworthy and pandemic and ppl need to start asking serious questions about this religion before any progress is made.

    im not just saying it cause the nigeria thing, i dont even care about hausa ppl, they're poor, but in places like Sudan and Niger shit's attrocious.
    extremist are just that, extreme. You're trying to paint an entire Islamic world with a single brush and the logic behind the assumption is itself illogical.

    What if all anyone read of black americans was the gang violence out of los angeles? Would the assumptions the rest of the world would make in reaction to that coverage be accuarate as to what was going on in the US as a whole for black america?

    People do crazy shit because they choose to. People teach crazy shit because they choose to. If you want to make threads that argue against religion shouldn't you be arguing against the text of the Quran, Bible or whatever?

    I watched Zooruka try to do that only to see his ass continually quoting verses from something other than the Quran without even understanding that what he was quoting wasn't in the Quran in the first place.

    Only by understanding our own ignorance can we ever overcome it.

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  10. #115
    HANIF Urban_Journalz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadiesLoveCoolDan View Post
    Nobody KNOWS anything about the exact reasons behind the creation of Islam or how the creators of Islam intended it to be practiced.

    All we do is interpret from vague ancient texts that may or may not have been altered by man over thousands of years.

    The same is true of Christianity, Judaism, ALL religions.

    Different people interpret the same religion differently, due to personal beliefs, regional customs, or method of instruction.

    NOBODY is RIGHT or WRONG, because nobody KNOWS the specifics of any religion. We all just try to interpret them the best we can.

    Religion can help individuals live righteous lives and provide them with comfort. It can also be used as an excuse to commit terrible acts.

    Regardless, we all doing our best to interpret it personally, so don't act like you have the "right" answer, when your guesses are no better or worse than anybody else's
    You should go into the manure business because the amount of bullshit you peddle would keep the world's crops fresh for ages to come. Plenty of people KNOW the exact reason behind behind Islam. The reason is in the word itself, "Submission to The One God". Islam, in it's truest sense, isn't a, "creation", it's a Law. That's why there are countless verses in The Qur'an that cite the movements of the heavenly bodies, as examples of other creations following this Law. Even the most seemingly inanimate object is indeed alive and doing something. Even science testifies to this fact that all matter is indeed in some form of LIVING motion.

    There are a few verses that need interpretation, but not many. Most of them are crystal clear. This is true of The Qur'an, The Book of Proverbs, The Psalms, The 5 Books of Moses (pbuh) and The Book of Enoch (pbuh). This is only evident to those who actually take the time to READ said Scriptures, instead of just guessing at the unknown, as I see you and the dumbass that started this thread to begin with are VERY fond of doing. Even though The Bible has been tampered with over time, there is still a lot of Truth left in it, for those actually interested in finding it.

    You don't know enough about the 3 Abrahamic religions to talk about all religions, so stay in your place.

    Anyone who interprets thier religion according to outside forces is just weak in faith and probably a hypocrite. This can be seen from the fake Muslims overseas who blow people and themselves to smitherines, the Klansmen who hate on people of different colors, all the while burning crosses, meanwhile, if they were true, they would remember that all of mankind came from the same pair, recognized by The Major 3, Adam & Eve. Lastly, the Jews who, still claiming to be God's chosen people, are still savagely persecuting the inhabitants of the land, simply because they aren't Jewish. Even going so far as to take away the rights and imprison thier fellow Jews that don't agree with what their government is doing.

    Somebody is ALWAYS right or wrong. That's where a lot of people bitch up and get weak, beacause usually, it's they themselves that are wrong and they can't own up to it. There's always truth and falsehood, positive and negative. If no one was right or wrong, there wouldn't be police, trials, witnesses, victims, courts, judges and punishments.

    The entire PURPOSE of religion is to make people live better lives, but it's greater than that. It's about finding out the answers to those nagging questions, "Who am I, why am I here, where am I going..." The problem is, along with that enlightenment comes LAW. People have always wanted something for nothing, or with the least amount of effort put forward. Yet, we always want to emulate the truest and strongest among men. Ironic isn't it?

    No shit religion can be used for terrible acts. It's happening everywhere, with everyone. That's not the point, the point is you douches want to sit there and say that religion in itself, especially Islam, is the CAUSE behind said terrible acts, with no knowledge about it, and IF you have a book to enlighten you, it's not a reliable one.

    Actually, I do have the right answer, because unlike you and most other people, I actually STUDY. That's what seperates me and you and THAT'S why you can't fuck with me. YOU guess, I find the answers. Acting? lol. No son, you're the one who's acting, because in less that 2 posts, you wen't from the demonization of Islam, to a wanna-be philosophical spout about how it all depends on how you interpret things.

    Quote Originally Posted by TSA View Post
    ^i agree.

    i could make this same thread about any religion, and like i said in theory islam is good, but in practice, holy shit.

    There's another thing that toots my horn.

    If a nigga draws the world Allah on a piece of paper it somehow makes that paper holier. This gay hoe had a photo that said allah, and i thus couldn't 'let it touch the ground, or step on it or anything'


    does ink in that shape make it more divine? are you a pagan hoe?

    and the thinking that saudi arabia is holy.
    the fuck, no it's not, mecca is, and not even mecca, the fucking holy sites.

    most of my complaints is about arabs in general, which are a cuntly people.
    Of course you agree. lol. Why wouldn't you?

    You don't know anything about the practice of Islam, because you've never practiced it. All you do is watch what a fanatic does, and take it at face value. You're hilarious because you're actually PROUD of your conditioning. You wear the shit like a badge of honor.

    First of all, and I don't expect you to know this, because every time you type you further show the lengths you're willing to go to let all the world know how vacant your skull is. Allah is not a word, it's two. Al Lah. "The God". That's why you hear Arabs enphasize the, "Al". You probably didn't even know that Shaolin is two words also. Shao Lin. And yes, I did that just to further make you look stupid. That example is great too. Whoever you're talking about is showing reverence to his Creator. I have more respect for him and anyone else like him, than some rapper who's lyrics consist of everything under the sun that's negative, while all the time, they're rockin' 9 or 10 crosses. Or, in the case of DJ Khaled, a big iced-out Allah chain, while the company you keep and the shit you make and call, "art" are all reflections of everything that's wrong with the general population's way of thinking and living.

    No, it doesn't make the paper more Divine, but it does serve as a reminder. If more people realized this, thier Holy Books wouldn't be dusty with creased and torn pages. Btw, if he was a pagan, he would bow and pray to the piece of paper, ask it for blessings and protection, etc.

    That comment about Saudi Arabia made no sense. I think you're just running out of shit to say now. Btw, it's Mecca and Medina that are the holy cities of Saudi Arabia.

    If most of your complaints are about Arabs in general, then not only do you show extreme prejudice, but you would've done better to say, "This is why Arabia blows". But we all know that's bullshit, you just wanted to try and make a verbal attack on Islam and Muslims.

    Not going too well is it?
    Last edited by Urban_Journalz; 04-15-2009 at 12:05 PM.
    "Die before you die."-Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh)

  11. #116
    Wu Vatican
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    in the end some DUDE wrote the Qu'ran.

    say what you want about how its gods word, but a man had to write it.

    thats the BS about all religions. a man, or group of men, wrote it.

    and people like you die for some mans word.

    religions are just big cults. cult doesnt have to mean on some green kool aid shit, but if you look what some of these people do in the name of their religion...doesnt seem to far off sometimes.
    The earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and in triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.

    People are too stupid to effectively conspire to do anything, but not too stupid to come up with conspiracy theories.

  12. #117
    Irondan 2: Curly's Gold Wu-Tang Forum Internet Poster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Urban_Journalz View Post
    You should go into the manure business because the amount of bullshit you peddle would keep the world's crops fresh for ages to come. Plenty of people KNOW the exact reason behind behind Islam. The reason is in the word itself, "Submission to The One God". Islam, in it's truest sense, isn't a, "creation", it's a Law. That's why there are countless verses in The Qur'an that cite the movements of the heavenly bodies, as examples of other creations following this Law. Even the most seemingly inanimate object is indeed alive and doing something. Even science testifies to this fact that all matter is indeed in some form of LIVING motion.

    There are a few verses that need interpretation, but not many. Most of them are crystal clear. This is true of The Qur'an, The Book of Proverbs, The Psalms, The 5 Books of Moses (pbuh) and The Book of Enoch (pbuh). This is only evident to those who actually take the time to READ said Scriptures, instead of just guessing at the unknown, as I see you and the dumbass that started this thread to begin with are VERY fond of doing. Even though The Bible has been tampered with over time, there is still a lot of Truth left in it, for those actually interested in finding it.

    You don't know enough about the 3 Abrahamic religions to talk about all religions, so stay in your place.

    Anyone who interprets thier religion according to outside forces is just weak in faith and probably a hypocrite. This can be seen from the fake Muslims overseas who blow people and themselves to smitherines, the Klansmen who hate on people of different colors, all the while burning crosses, meanwhile, if they were true, they would remember that all of mankind came from the same pair, recognized by The Major 3, Adam & Eve. Lastly, the Jews who, still claiming to be God's chosen people, are still savagely persecuting the inhabitants of the land, simply because they aren't Jewish. Even going so far as to take away the rights and imprison thier fellow Jews that don't agree with what their government is doing.

    Somebody is ALWAYS right or wrong. That's where a lot of people bitch up and get weak, beacause usually, it's they themselves that are wrong and they can't own up to it. There's always truth and falsehood, positive and negative. If no one was right or wrong, there wouldn't be police, trials, witnesses, victims, courts, judges and punishments.

    The entire PURPOSE of religion is to make people live better lives, but it's greater than that. It's about finding out the answers to those nagging questions, "Who am I, why am I here, where am I going..." The problem is, along with that enlightenment comes LAW. People have always wanted something for nothing, or with the least amount of effort put forward. Yet, we always want to emulate the truest and strongest among men. Ironic isn't it?

    No shit religion can be used for terrible acts. It's happening everywhere, with everyone. That's not the point, the point is you douches want to sit there and say that religion in itself, especially Islam, is the CAUSE behind said terrible acts, with no knowledge about it, and IF you have a book to enlighten you, it's not a reliable one.

    Actually, I do have the right answer, because unlike you and most other people, I actually STUDY. That's what seperates me and you and THAT'S why you can't fuck with me. YOU guess, I find the answers. Acting? lol. No son, you're the one who's acting, because in less that 2 posts, you wen't from the demonization of Islam, to a wanna-be philosophical spout about how it all depends on how you interpret things.

    Of course you agree. lol. Why wouldn't you?

    You don't know anything about the practice of Islam, because you've never practiced it. All you do is watch what a fanatic does, and take it at face value. You're hilarious because you're actually PROUD of your conditioning. You wear the shit like a badge of honor.

    First of all, and I don't expect you to know this, because every time you type you further show the lengths you're willing to go to let all the world know how vacant your skull is. Allah is not a word, it's two. Al Lah. "The God". That's why you hear Arabs enphasize the, "Al". You probably didn't even know that Shaolin is two words also. Shao Lin. And yes, I did that just to further make you look stupid. That example is great too. Whoever you're talking about is showing reverence to his Creator. I have more respect for him and anyone else like him, than some rapper who's lyrics consist of everything under the sun that's negative, while all the time, they're rockin' 9 or 10 crosses. Or, in the case of DJ Khaled, a big iced-out Allah chain, while the company you keep and the shit you make and call, "art" are all reflections of everything that's wrong with the general population's way of thinking and living.

    No, it doesn't make the paper more Divine, but it does serve as a reminder. If more people realized this, thier Holy Books wouldn't be dusty with creased and torn pages. Btw, if he was a pagan, he would bow and pray to the piece of paper, ask it for blessings and protection, etc.

    That comment about Saudi Arabia made no sense. I think you're just running out of shit to say now. Btw, it's Mecca and Medina that are the holy cities of Saudi Arabia.

    If most of your complaints are about Arabs in general, then not only do you show extreme prejudice, but you would've done better to say, "This is why Arabia blows". But we all know that's bullshit, you just wanted to try and make a verbal attack on Islam and Muslims.

    Not going too well is it?

    For someone so condescending, you are stupid as fuck.

    You pulled your own card on with your essay of generic insults, ignorance, and nerdiness.

    So YOU, understand every facet of every religion without any questions?



    "you should go into the manure business..."?

    I have no problem with confused foreignn white kids, but even Sunny Winters has to recognize the humore in 17-year-old Nordic virgin, militant muslims claiming to have everything all figured out because they listened to too much Killah Priest.

    Look, kid, I have no problem with your quest for knowledge, but you have a very juvenile view of the world.

    Grow up and experience reality and kiss a girl and then reformulate your views.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tectrus Moa View Post
    I'm sorry? Negro English? I think you mean Ebonics.

  13. #118
    The Smell of The Future LORD NOSE's Avatar
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    are yall going to talk about Islam or each other

    Arab Culture is not Islam

    Its bigger than the Quaran and its bigger than Muhammad

    it doesn't start or stop with the Quaran or Muhammad

    many who call themselves muslim hold onto their understanding of Muhammad and the Quran, not Islam -

    Islam solves problems

    not compulsively follow rituals

    If you are going to discuss Islam - discuss it without calling each other names - let me know when yall want the thread unlocked
    Last edited by LORD NOSE; 04-16-2009 at 05:11 AM.

  14. #119
    The Smell of The Future LORD NOSE's Avatar
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    learn to separate belief from fact

  15. #120
    mighty healthy Kingkazim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whitey View Post
    in the end some DUDE wrote the Qu'ran.

    say what you want about how its gods word, but a man had to write it.

    thats the BS about all religions. a man, or group of men, wrote it.

    and people like you die for some mans word.

    religions are just big cults. cult doesnt have to mean on some green kool aid shit, but if you look what some of these people do in the name of their religion...doesnt seem to far off sometimes.
    The knowledge in the Qu'ran exceeds the average mind.


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